>Go to poland on holiday >Everyones white as fuck >Go to warsaw >Every girl is an 8/10 and takes care of themselves >Guys are ugly af >Everything is super clean
why arent slavs white again? im going back there to find a qt3.14 christian waifu. Fuck the UK
Jayden Rogers
They are white. Some old natsoc rednecks like to claim otherwise, and a meme begins. All people of European descent are white (Turks obviously not included).
Jose Harris
Aaron Perry
looks better than your country
Eli Lee
Eli James
>They are white. Some old natsoc rednecks like to claim otherwise, and a meme begins. All people of European descent are white Kek, jews are white now
Hunter Baker
This is russia tho
Ryan Young
top lel portugal
Ryder Brooks
>slav thread >why aren't slavs white >because they're white niggers
Jaxson Fisher
Jews don't count. They allow conversion intentionally to blend them into the local populace. It's successful, because we're having this discussion now.
European Jews (white converts) may be Jews by religion, but are white by blood. The true Jew, the Semites have completely different genes.