>post yfw when Sup Forums was so btfo they justified trigger warnings amongst themselves for the sake of their hugbox
Post yfw when Sup Forums was so btfo they justified trigger warnings amongst themselves for the sake of their hugbox
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Politics has no place in football. NFL set the precedent themselves by being douchebags
i don't even need to google etzler to know its a jewish name
patriotism has nothing to do with race
>your dumb ass is still posting here
makes you think...
>It's white privilege
Okay then
>fucking scrub who got benchedfor a shitty white QB bitches on the bench for publicity, knowing his career is dead
>a guy who wants to tackles the problems he sees
wonder what he says/does once he's out of the league?
>say America is not great because of fictional reasons
>say America is not great because of awful race relations, shit job market and terrible government relations
I'll let you guess which one is correct and why it's okay to mock the nigger.
Oops, I gave it away.
One has a plan for the country.
The other is a pussy whipped bench warming cuck who sucked off a tranny porn star.
>Both says America isn't Great
>One just sits on his ass
>The other is actively trying to fix that
I may be totally wrong but wasn't Colin the guy who didn't stand up for the anthem? How does this relate to saying America is not currently great?
Yes. He says America isn't great because niggers are being shot and killed by cops and muh racism and is protesting that by sitting down
Nice get
>when kaepernick talks about awful race relations it's fictional
>when trump does it it's a valid complaint
the doublethink on this board is fucking unreal
>America isn't great but we are going to make it great again. I'm self funding a campaign and am going to change america myself.
>America isn't great but I'm just gonna play football with my job I got thanks to my white parents and collect money from my endorsements and not donate any of it to movements who support my ideology
I wonder why people weren't receptive.
Do you also think he wants to MAGA? What's wrong with that?
He can think what he wants but sitting on he isn't sitting on his ass and doing nothing to change the problems he sees because of white priveledge
>Colin Kaepernick says America is not great.
He's saying that because he remains focused on past atrocities as opposed to actually doing something to change it for a better future.
>Donald Trump says America has lost its way and isn't as great as it used to be.
He's running for President to actually make a change as opposed to making millions for throwing a fucking ball to please the peons.
Not to mention it's a false equivalence argument lined with claims of racism solely because Trump is white.
Kaepernick is making up race relations between criminal niggers and police.
Trump is talking the divide between whites and blacks as a result of Obama cheering on criminal niggers.
The retardation amongst liberals on this board shocks me.
Wot? Link?
>race relations were fine before obama
you really do just live in your own little fanfic don't you
>awful race relations it's fictional
Because blacks get affirmative action, welfare, no mistreatment by anyone else and are shot even less by cops than white people but it's clearly our fault and the police's fault. I wonder which neighborhoods the police get shot at in more.... hmm..
Learn to read dipshit. He said Obama made it worse not created it. When you invite BLM to the White House and give their shit terroristic movement validity then yes you are worsening race relations. Obama has done nothing but throw gas on the fire when it was going out on its own.
He wasn't talking about awful race relations. He was saying blacks are oppressed and whites are evil oppressors and the cops kill blacks who dindu nuffin.
Trump says this country has been raped by special interests who enslave us and woo us with welfare and the promises of globalism.
Kek holy shit.
"Being ignored" is not the same as "getting better"
Validating a movement centered around violent uprising isn't "making things better"
>may become president
Opinion discarded