We want to prevent a racewar but if one broke out

...on who's side would the hispanics be on?

>Spics tend to hate nogs more than whites hate nogs. Spics be racis as fuck. Spics integrate, assimilate and even identify as white.

>we want to prevent a race war

Stopped reading there

The whitish looking middle class ones would mostly fight for, and be accepted on the white side. The majority near the border would try to form their own nation or try to acceed back to Mexico

With the increasing hispanic population in the U.S. it's only a matter of time before blacks label hispanics as oppressors and ascribe "hispanic privilege" to them. It's in their best interest to keep the nog scourge in check.

Hispanics would side with whites. If whites were killed off, who would pay for welfare, and maintain a high tech infrastructure? Certainly not the niggers. And Hispanics really hate niggers. They are competing for the same pool of white tax dollars.

>We want to prevent a racewar
>Spics tend to hate nogs
>Spics be racis
>Spics integrate
>R A C E W A R


Isn't Rubio like 100% Spanish ancestry?

>We want to prevent a racewar

Yes we want to prevent one. Do we really want to have a "The Great Negro Purge of 2017" in our history? Do we really want to be known as that kind of nation?


>Spics integrate, assimilate and even identify as white.
>Implying a subset of criollos is representative of squat indios.

>Do we really want to have a "The Great Negro Purge of 2017" in our history?

I fail to see a downside

There is no such thing as "Hispanic"

We'll probably get rid of the word and split the Spanish looking hispanics as "White" and the Indio looking hispanics as natives

Get cucked by Spanish rapebabies faggot

Marco Rubio wants to blow you

>not wanting a three way war

If you win it won't be remembered as a purge, but as "liberation" or something like that. History is written by the winners

You'll get cucked by your own race and lose sorta like now.

They'd be on their own side you colossal mongoloid

And why would we want to prevent a race war? Would be a good excuse to balkanize

Black people already assume a lot of hispanics are white.

Most will get lumped in with whites so the non-whitepassing ones will join the white side as well.

Black people might think there will be a hispanic/black alliance, but they're kidding themselves.

This. Three way is best way.

>We want to prevent a racewar but if one broke out...
>Spics tend to hate nogs more than whites hate nogs. Spics be racis as fuck. Spics integrate, assimilate and even identify as white.
t. worried chicano.

Hispanics are mostly European. The Spanish raped the shit out of South Central and Mexico America. Remember the liberals just want to divide us.

No, that will be a footnote to gassing EVERY kike

Caszitos and Spanairds hispanics yes

Mestizos, I don't know about that

Spics don't identify as white. Liberal media classifies them as white. Spics threaten to kick your ass if you remind them that they're part white, because it reminds them that they're rape babies.

Spics hate blacks. They have gang wars all the time.

Underrated post

kek I fucking love this place

We be on the sidelines with the Asians, laughing while you shitheads blow each other to smithereens.

Asians hate nogs more than anyone. Plus, where are these so called "sidelines" where you can sit this one out? Armed negro will shoot at anything that's not black. Everyone's getting dragged into it.

You tell me, user.

Hispanics mix with nogs so no.