In 20-30 years time, a good portion of American food will be made of bugs

>in 20-30 years time, a good portion of American food will be made of bugs.

How will you cope, /pol?

Other urls found in this thread:

>everyone will call us buggers instead of burgers

By telling you to fuck off to another board

I live on a 100% soylent and protein shake diet so I won't be affected

> tfw when they will deprive you for most of the bug meat anyways and make pink slime of it.

Implying you wouldn't eat that, and snort the little worms that fell out.

I'll just ask for my burger to come with cheese instead of mealworms

>did someone say soylent green

Feel like the 3rd world will be the major bug waters when they run out of food. 1st world will be eating artificial meat and clone meat.

I've actually eaten fried worms, because of the book. They're not bad, like really thin pork rinds.

We're talking the meat. Cows are horribly expensive to maintain, breed, feed, and keep safe. Bugs are not.

Become an insect rights activist.

so basically i get dirt cheap protein?
I'm okay with this
Fuck dedicating 20% of my budget to food

Eat up, brother

>Feel like the 3rd world will be the major bug waters when they run out of food

They're already eating bugs, they're just not processed by mega corps like they'll be here.

if its done across the US then it wont be considered weird because everyone is already doing it.

Yet, we've been able to afford it no problem for the last 100 years and ate it regularly for 1000s before that. Weird....

Oh please, you know they'll mark it up as much as they can. It might not be as expensive as beef is now, but it'll rival turkey or maybe even pork.

in 20-30 years white people will be a minority

so the brown people can have fun eating it

It's great though, well replace eating dozens of 'animals' a year with millions, this will trigger vegan fags to no end.

There's literally nothing wrong with eating insects.

Looks nice. Time to get the ketchup

Soros literally rubbing his hands thinking about how he can force the goyim to eat bugs like the animals they are.

We'd come up with synthetic protein before resorting to eating bugs.

Doesn't matter, honestly. If they can find a cheaper way to make shit that idiots will eat, they will.

Look at "veggie burgers" that assholes supposedly think are healthier than ground beef. If it tastes good and people will eat it, then why not? It all comes down to marketing.

Got the entire pic?

We didn't have industrial-level cow processing like we do now.

Remember that only the elites used to eat meat regularly before. Who the fuck doesn't eat meat today?

I'll tell them to not put bugs on my food.

Your food IS the bugs.

Also, fun fact: Fig Newtons have wasps in them.

So we'll be eating Turks?

Good to know.

>not eating food high in protein

ayy lmao

How do you know they don't include bugs in the processed meat already?

>Mosquito burgers, made in Africa


By not being an American having to eat American food.


There's probably trace amounts of them in every food, especially vegetables. Hell, you can still get corn that has caterpillars in them if you buy at a local produce stand.

i'm completely okay with that, bugs are dope. they're healthy and high in protein and PETA fags won't really have shit to complain about, because who gives a shit about bugs? also, obesity would plummet.

Lots of food already contains ground meal worms. Burger King for instance.

Silkworm fried is delicious.

>they were all there possessed by neural parasites who wanted to establish their world order onto the federation

Also I once ate grasshoppers in Mexico, it wasn't bad at all.

At least we'll still have Thanksgiving Turkey

Enjoy your various gastrointestinal problems.

I'll buy what ever isn't made of bugs. Or start eating people.

If you think PETA wont complain about the mass farming of bugs, you underestimate them

Ground up, mix with breadcrumbs, make into a patty and you got yourself a bugburger.

If it tastes good and isn't too bad for me, or is good enough for me while still being tolerably palatable, I'll eat anything.

We eat processed foods as it is. If they made it look good and taste good I don't think anyone would care.

Protein from it unless filler would be through the roof in each serving and if your going fit you actually won't really get a better source than edible bugs.

There's a certain stigma to it but I don't think it's all bad, it's either that or most likely famine.

Holy shit i want to eat that!

Meat doesn't cause obesity. Vegan sugar and vegan oils and vegan salts do.

I love how the enlightened leftists are urging us to eat sustainable food like bugs, but are ferociously against sustainable game taken while hunting.

I always thought it was funny how Picard and Riker (?) killed those people instantly, as soon as they were able to, and showed no remorse. There had never been any information that the parasites were un-removable, and they didn't even try to stun the human hosts, even though they were Federation officers and, in the one case, a very good friend of Picard's. It was not in keeping with what one would have expected from these characters.

>vegan salt
I can't tell if you're serious or just memeing. On the one hand it sounds stupid enough to be real. On the other I'm almost 100% positive that salt is a mineral and not a byproduct of anything therefore does not need to be labeled vegan.

>it's the first day of school in 2050
>we pledge allegiance to a rainbow flag
>sit in class
>teacher has problem glasses
>"everyone in this class who doesn't have blue eyes and blonde hair stand up"
>the majority of the class stands
>"you would have been kicked out of the trump rallies"
>Kid says "my grandfather voted for trump"
>teacher sends him to the school principal, Pumpkin Spice
>"she" says in a deep voice
>"we don't take kiiindly to biiigotry, do youu under stannd"
>"yooou can come in noow"
>CPS grabs kid by both arms and legs
>principal pumpkin spice gets into kid's face and says
>"seeeee, this is whaat happens to bigots like your self you little bluue eyed wooorm"
>"take himm awaay"
>they exit the door and and dildo nightsticks bang against the door
>kid looks out towards the playground
>the playground lady is smoking weed and the janitor is fucking the maintenance man in the ass near the kids pickup basket ball game
>the androgynous kids are throwing the nerf ball into a ridiculously large hoop
>they take the kid to a tolerance camp while they tell the parents if they don't go to tolerance night classes for 6 months then the kid would be the state's property and the kid will be sterilized for "the greater good"

Wouldn't it be cheaper just to use plants instead?
Raising insects would inevitably use the same quantity of resources as traditional meat sources and you still need plants to feed them.

I'm going to post this on /r/Sup Forums

Reply to this post if you want to be included in the screencap

>He doesn't get his seasoning salt from the reduced sweat of lab monkeys.

>tfw people over here are eating burgers made with stray cat meat

And gyno

il gladly cannibalise all the ethnic children

Even saying this as a joke makes you a faggot

I think what they're going to do is to start by releasing new versions of food that's fortified with pulverized insect parts.

For example, imagine hamburger meat with insect protein added, but added in such a way that it won't have much affect on the taste or texture or smell.

Or imagine pringle's potato chips where the potato flour is fortified with pulverized insect dust.

That kind of thing.

The pulverization will be important to prevent you from actually seeing anything that looks disgusting, like bug eyeballs, or whatever.

We don't have to worry about a "Snowpiercer" type of situation. The insects will all be used in tasty, normal-appearing food.

Include me in the screencap

>implying it's not already

Nobody is redpilled on McMealworm?


If I was relegated to eating bugs. I would make a point to hunt a wolf once every 6 months so I was still metaphysically on top of the food chain

It would be cheaper to derive the protein from plants or something like algae. Grows quicker, cheaper, requires less maintenance, less chance of disease, etc.
You can take any protein source and convert it into what is essentially "meat protein" using a variety of methods.

It's almost like there's too many people and we need to genocide 6/7ths of them to keep the ecosystem good

>implying I won't pay a premium to eat meat instead of wageslave bug slurry
I'd rather die of mercury poisoning than give in to the retard agenda.

Say you have one acre.

You can sustain maybe 3 cows a day on that.

That same acre, you can have billions of bugs that are almost pure protein, very little fat, and with very little work, can reproduce in about 2 weeks. Cows have much longer gestation periods, create absurd amounts of methane, need a lot more food to sustain and breed a lot slower.

Plants also don't have all the proteins and compounds a human body needs. Soy has protein, but it's not complete protein.

post pic or GTFO

Start raising chickens
Its not even hard

what, of my body?

You might be right that plant protein could be cheaper.

I'll let the biotech guys and the marketplace sort all that out.

All I know is that a vast majority of people would not buy insect-based food it if it didn't taste like normal food. So nobody needs to worry about that situation.

Include me, familia

Bullshit, my great grandparents ate meat every day.
You'll still be paying the same amount, goy.
Can't wait desu pham

Plants have everything you need to live except vitamin B12, which you can get from some fungi, like mushrooms.
It's possible to have a perfectly balanced vegetarian diet assuming you eat the right things. Milk is also another source of vitamin B12. Nuts have plenty of protein in them as well.

But it's possible to synthesize longer chain proteins from shorter proteins, it's already been done. There was that company in China that made hamburgers synthesized from loose amino acids found in sewage water.

>pledging allegiance

Too masculine

I don't know man look at it like this

Say you have 2,000,000 joules of energy in your field from plant sources

The 3 cows convert that to protein
The billions of bugs to protein

It's probably~ the same amount of protein


I always thought the creator of soylent looked like someone who browses Sup Forums.



Of course, but this isn't about passing the savings on to the consumer.

Yes, but isn't it more efficient to have an acre of billions of bugs that reproduce rapidly than an acre of plants that take longer to grow?

I think the bugs are supposed to convert it at a more efficient rate


This is why if you aren't saving to buy land at this point in your life, you're literally asking to be genocided when they cut the resources to cities to cull the yuge yuman problem

Also how do you harvest bugs without harvesting their waste?

And what, we use worms? We can't use flying bugs right?

It would have to be farmed in huge cages too so birds don't get them

I don't know, if you don't want you and your kids to be eating bugs in 30 years, you better be saving for land

dont let ching chongs take over you greatest ally!

Bugs are easy carriers of diseases and viruses so I don't think it'd be easy to beat plants with them.
Plants are are pretty easy to automate care of them as well.

But insects still need a food source so you are reducing efficiency by growing the plants then having insects feed on them. Why not just go straight for the source? Even if you didn't want to just force people to adjust diets and instead resorted to synthesizing protein from plant amino acids you could still work toward making that process more efficient. Insects are a dead end when it comes to efficiency since you have to let them fly around, breed, eat, etc. and it's a waste of energy.

Be muslim, eat halal meat


Lol m8. By the time it comes to people eating bugs, you piece of paper that says that you spent 15 years of your life paying off a piece of land will mean nothing. They're already getting laws ready to seize farms in goymany.

I consume massive amounts of soy anyways so w/e.

I drink almost a gallon of soy milk a day, along with a plate of soybeans.

>Cows are horribly expensive to maintain, breed, feed, and keep safe
not really.. raising beef is profitable.

Don't forget underdeveloped jawline, fucked up facial bone structure and weak facial muscles.

Literally eating all the meat I can now for gains.
I see where the tides are going with the muh poor cows muh poor chickens shit.

that's why I buy 4 calves every spring for $400-450 each, let them graze for a year and sell them for $3400-$3800 each. During the winter I do have to spend about $800 to feed them.

So what? Humans are omnivores. Meat is meat. Don't be a soft cunt.

At least I go down defending my life rather than slowly being a coward

Cockroach milk is healthy for you goy! We wouldn't want to harm another sentient animal like a cow now would we? That's humanist!