Chris Brown about to get kek'd

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he bout to throw some hands agian.

with all the money he makes? He could kill 5 people and get away with it, money=power, skin color is irrelevant when it comes to the legal system, your social class is whats really important. Look at OJ Simpson.

Why does his finger look like a glazed pretzel?

Sad but true hell get a wrist slap at most

>armed black thug
>with a warrant on him
>in standoff with police
>ranting on social media
he'll be fine

send in the robot bomb

Inb4 this idiot gets himself killed and then we have more nigger riots

calluses from brachiation

No source, no believe.

Nah, not after he BTFO'd Rihanna.
The notorious white knights in blue are obviously gonna take the side of the pussy with this one (as all the other ones...) and he's gonna get several new holes.

>Chris Brown
I think you mean Bobby Brown

Goddamn Japan. Solid banter. Kek/10


Lol okay

Are they going to smoke him out?

You could try googling "chris brown".

Please be real

Oh man if they kill him the Chimp out would be world class. Praise KEK.

There's a difference?

Way I see it, they're both brown, anyway. Cops gotta cop.

Why do Amerisharts live in houses designed by children?

Do they have a designated sharting room with multiple occupancy aisles?

this has been over for a while now...

Chris brown is a famous alchemist

OP could've posted the source. That's his responsibility.

the more important question is, why are they cultivating grass on desert and then whine world wide about not enough water in california

Where did this meme come from?

Please kill him this time LAPD

not when moneys involved

when it gets down to it the only color that matters is green


How you enjoying your first day here?

Comment for Chris Brown kekemememagic ROLL. Ends with x =

1 stray bullet
2 beat up
3 face smashed into ground
4 spends night in jail with Latino migrants
5 gets raped in jail by BBC
6 catches aids in jail
7 shot in the head
8 resist arrest shot multiple times
9 makes a run for it, gets helicopter sniped

He will call in Rihanna and she will protect him under her umbrella brella brella

Ro l I ng for kek

Any of these are fine

Roll. Praise kek for good happenings.

"blacklivesmatter nigga,fuck the police"

it is really hard not to hate niggers.

> on desert

Nigbot rolling out

yo has this nigger literally been holed up in the house for like TWELVE HOURS now? Why hasn't he been gassed out

cuckifornians are subhuman

Stupid nigger thinks he's too important to be shot, please fucking shoot him.

does the nigger know we're watching him water bushes

police brutality blah blah blah good boi who dindu nuffin blah blah blah church and college an sheeit blah blah blah

>Europe's look at the mansion our nigger celebrity lives in and can't shut the fuck up about it

Come on people.

Fuck this fucking gay fucking earth. Why is everyone talking about "the incident" of some jewelry or some bullshit,

Why aren't they mentioning the 50 fucking law enforcement standing around his home for 12 hours with their dick in their hands? At a certain point he needs to be fucking shot

I came here from a YouTube live stream of the incident, get fucked.

He's looks high as fuck in those videos of the stand off, he's on dat Caine'

>woman compliments another woman on her jewelery
>she gets upset at this
>nigger brown pulls gun out and points it at people
>police showed up at his door
>he slams it shut
>hides in his house...calls on his internett hate mob with "muhfuggin bix nood black lives matter muhfugguh"

So this has been going on since 3am this morning PST. All this over """"FALSE"""" allegations. Yet, Chris Brown won't give himself up to police so he can be questions, investigated and possible closed within the day if it was in fact """"FALSE""""?

Doesn't he understand that the longer he goes without co-operating with police, the guiltier he looks.

How about that duffle bag, anything released about that yet?

Admit it, you've never even been in a house that size.

He is wasting tens if not hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars right now. There are literally like 50 human beings delicately monitoring his home because "God forbid something bad happens to a black lives matter celebrity"

I've got news for you. If you're worth less than $10 million and the cops knock on your door, under threats of a felon waving s gun around, you'd better fucking let them in or they will be busting in and beating the ever loving fuck out of you.

r'ling for dead-nigger storage

Most people who live in California are retarded.

I would have paid anything to watch the cops burst into Chris Browns house and beat the shit out of him.

hello colonial

And rightfully so.

Justice shouldn't be held on double standards. BLM or not, if he was accused of this and innocent, he would give himself up. At least that is what rational people thing.

So at what point do these people that side with Chris Brown sit back and think, jeez this is getting ridiculous.

press F to say fuck that nigger

>Wasted quads

I'm a burger living on a sailboat.

Quads prove he'll get shot

Would you give up the election for that? Because there's no way any minorities would vote red with how much spin Hillary would do with that.

OJs case wasn't as open and shut as if this nigger brown just shoots someone in the open though.

>wading in a boat powered by the wind
>posting on Sup Forums
Fuck, man


Let's do this.

Yeah, yeah, you shitmonkey, we know. Famous niggers are protected under kike law.

what the fuck is going there i mean this shit is going on four hours but they don't even want to shoot him or or whatever they would have checked his house because thats the standart program and since he is not a trap house nigga nothing would have happened..
they can't just drive away because he don't want to open the door so this is just stupid.

and also...they say they need a search warrant whatever BUT in germany we have something "verdunkelungsgefahr" which pretty much means IF they think you got weapons or drugs which you could..throw in the toilet for example..they don't need no search warrant to go in because we are all old and smart enough why people won't open their door if someone said he has drugs and weapons..i know so wtf is going on there

Japanese banter is some of the most refined you will find on this site.

Very well played sir, 10/10

>ook at OJ Simpson.
You do know he's serving a 33-year sentence, right?

I'm at port, but last year I shitposted all the way around the horn of Africa to the S. Pac.

This is nigger privilege in America.

Any other country would have sent troops by now.

So when black people say BLM do they mean that they should not have to abide by the law like everyone else?

>Fuck the police
>Black lives matter

I want the right to break the law is what they are saying. Just my opinion, hope he gets sniped.

Why is this news again?

Lel i made this badly crude photoshop and its still being used haha magic

That's ALL they mean.

Niggers in America are the dumbest people in the fucking world and only the poor bastards who didn't grow up around them think they'll ever be good for anything except death.

Haha nice fellow 4chanitor please take my upboat and 4chanit gold

Most of the state isn't a desert, you retarded polack.



Fucking kek. How's the satellite internet holding up?

Not for the double murder of two people

Cheers French bro i just had a quick google reverse search on it and its pretty popular also its been water marked by some websites i should have put my own watermark on it beforehand but i guess you live and learn.

Did LAPD charge the nigger with anything yet?


yeah it was just cochran made it about racism

Cheers le bestie english man !



This user's argument boils down to something like 'if you have enough status, you're above the law'. If that were the case, why is OJ in jail at all?

>he dies
>LA burns

My dick

RIP in peace R2-Dindu.

yeah but ...i mean...if that would happen here they ask me two times if i want to open my door with a "please" and then the next thing i would hear from them would be the sound from when my door breaks out of the frame and into my direction and while my white ass was laying on the ground they would shoot my dog even if he did not try to attack them because they can and then search my appartment while i lay on the ground with handcuffs..and nothibg would happen to them because "i could have had the stuff and tried to get it away"

>Chris brown in a jail cell right now
>Cop walks up to the bars
>Starts singing this song

because oj had status in the 80s and already used his free to go card

You're forgetting about roof Koreans. They will save LA

man she is ugly, nice tiddies though.

>bolt-ons of course

I can't tell, I'll need to squeeze to confirm

This is still going? That chopper has been over his house for like 8 hours. His poor neighbors.

Nigger privilege is a powerful thing.

Is he still in his house or did you see him get put in a police car?

1. he's famous
2. we hope he gets shot