Absolutely based. One of the bat days since Brexit.
>SIX boys aged 15 and 16 have been questioned over the killing of a Polish man — allegedly beaten to death after a gang heard him speak a foreign language.
Arek Jozwik, 40 was attacked by a teenage mob as he chatted to Polish pals outside a pizza takeaway in Harlow, Essex.
>“He was standing eating pizza and they picked on him. He does not speak much English. He really was a family person who spent a lot of time with my kids.”
It is thought around 20 teenagers, both boys and girls, began by abusing Arek and his mates before turning violent.
Radek said: “One of the teenagers started and then seconds later there are ten or 12 people attacking him.”
>He really was a family person who spent a lot of time with my kids.” >with my kids
Adam Ross
You found your way to Britbongistan, Ahmed
Ayden Turner
why would they go to a country poorer than Poland?
Isaac Rogers
OP confirmed as faggot, we had like 3 threads bout him i 2 hours
Jose Perry
Butthurt slavshit
Blake Watson
pikey teens aren't based you dumb faggot. if it were you standing there they'd have kicked your head in instead.
Nicholas King
Ask him
Ryder Miller
They are based as fuck. They don't just talk shit on pol. They act!
Nathan Allen
0/10 m9 Should read prev threads you fucking chav
Hudson Lewis
>celebrating scum behaving like animals kys ahmed
Jaxson Nguyen
>Pakistani men forming gangs and raping defenceless girls on a near industrial scale >attack innocent polack
For fuck sake, obv poles aren't really white but they're an ally
Ryder Carter
Kayden Martinez
Stfu. Your country is cucked beyond anything.
Anthony Wilson
Fucking scum why attack a polish dude. I fucking hate today's youth they haven't a shred of innocence they're super predators
Luke Wood
Keep crying.
Hudson Thomas
They are heroes in my book. Cleaning up our country.
Caleb Evans
How do we know he was Slavic? I know some black Polish people and they're pretty chill.
Jose Garcia
20 vs 1 defenseless middle aged man Hahaha oh wow. Also >Polish Way to prioritize your "racial" hate, shitwipes. Go ahead and stomp a shitskin to.death and see what happens.
Logan Diaz
We British are such fucking disgusting disgracefull cucks! We bend over backwards for muslims and niggers that are destroying and cuckold our country, raping our women,killing our people, planning terrorist attacks and building their mosque on our lands yet we don't do anything about this because we are too scared of the word "racist" so instead we act like a bunch of immature animals and attack our own people and kill other whites like a bunch of cucks we are! This fine European good Polish man come to our land to work and integrate into our Society and be like us! Yet these disgraceful thugs attacked and killed him for what purpose exactly? Because we're cowards that's why! Chooseing dirty fucking sand niggers over good honest white people! Fucking disgrace! Anyone who think this is a attacking slavs are a good thing and Defend this horrific act is a complete cuck for sand nigger cocks that you're a degenerate that needs to be exiled from great Britannia. You're the reason why this country is going to shit! Utter fucking disgraceful cuck faggot that you are op! Shame! absolutely shameful!
Zachary Cox
you go out there and 'act' then, perhaps you'll get the same cell
Leo Garcia
>UK finally starts getting based white immigrants
Absolutely disgusting, kill yourself OP
Chase Carter
>Paki gangs are now about to purge polish migrants, the last white people in the UK britain really is lost
Michael Parker
Go fuck yourself you fucking degenerate scum!
Henry Fisher
Just shows that you don't have to be black to be a nigger.
Lincoln Turner
Is this the new Britpol? Also I don't understand why my fellow countrymen hate the slavs so much. Muslims are way worse.
Angel Jenkins
They don't have the balls to beat some pakis.
Josiah Howard
British subhumans
Grayson Rivera
They too fuckin pussy to confront a 16 y/o Paki or Syrian so the attack an innocent middle-aged white Polish man. Fucking shameful.
Aaron King
polish people are awesome! is us that are the fucking scum of this generation! op is evidence of this! Op go fucking kill yourself! You would improve this country slightly if you do.
Joseph Robinson
>Black >Slavic
Thats not how it works, annon.
Adam Davis
So a hard-working Pole comes here to work, is beaten to death on the street like an animal, and you cheer the cunts on? And then you have the fucking gall to call wanton murder 'acting'? Well, mate, I've got an act for you.
Fucking off yourself, you psycho. You're part of the problem.
Juan Turner
I'm ashamed of what has Britain and British people have become. We have lost our honour and dignity because of animals like these thugs and op! Shameful disgusting cunts! Just go to show that you can be a nigger without being black
Grayson Nelson
Go back to Poland.
Austin Jenkins
>killing an innocent white man >based
Really made me think
Jonathan Murphy
Go suck some pakis cock! You're a disgrace to this country and you're part of the problem! Go fuck yourself!
Colton Edwards
There are black polish people. Also he could be a mixed race Polish-African.
Nathaniel Martin
>poles >based white immigrants
no, they are white niggers
Anthony Wood
Should have beaten some shitskins instead, poles immigrants aint that bad at all. I feel like we have a lot more in common culturally and genetically with eastern Europeans than the muslim/arab people who come here. At least they don't have the audacity to tell us how to live in our own country.
Zachary Turner
Keep crying Janusz. It's time for you to go back.
Hunter Diaz
>poles immigrants aint that bad at all. t. polish person living in the U.K
Polish immigrants are the reason that the U.K is worse than an African country when it come to crime.
Connor Russell
Born and raised in Britain unlike you
Mason Powell
Jesus OP a man was killed. Are you a fucking psychopath?
Parker Hill
Fucking idiot op...id rather live with polish workers than the dole chavvy scum.... Op is angry at system but blames people who are just working hard providing for families....OP cheers on degenerate idiot youth sucker punchers... Op is just idiot
Gabriel Peterson
Slavs are subhumans. No one fucking cares.
Sebastian Lee
Polish is not a race and neither is Slavic. I guess the amount of blacks born in Poland would be less than 100.
Jordan Russell
Poles are stealing our jobs.
Brody Cooper
How the fuck is this based??????????
>trillion of brits die every day because of shitslam >angry toothless underage shits kill a pole for no reason >meanwhile 0 poles die in poland, their streets dont even have fighter jet patrols to keep the rule of civil law
>>>time to celebrate lads, slavshit btfo i'd rather move to poland than celebrate this shit, since we cant even fight to retake our own country
Austin Phillips
So they should be sent home, not killed. Any decent Englishman cares, you fucking degenerate.
Zachary Lee
>when all my anecdotal evidence leads my opinion to hate British people in general Keep up the good work, OP. Countries that are hated by everyone eventually will collapse.
Adam Hernandez
This is one cunt on Sup Forums. How many Brits have you actually known in real life?
Jaxon Diaz
England has been hated by everyone for centuries. Success breeds jealousy.
Did they shout Britain First too?
John Jackson
Act on what? Ignorance? Fucking idiot glorifying pointless violence... >aload of spannish teenagers kill a british expat.....so based.... Cretin
Jeremiah Ortiz
>hordes of pakis and arabs invade your city >capital literally has a muslim mayor >fucking 85% muslim areas like tower hamlets >sharia schools that indoctrinate the youth to the point that it was an actual country-wide operation called trojan horse >rotherham
>It's the poles! Attack them!
I will never understand this, not in a million years
Kayden Rivera
I have never met a pole i didn't like, this behavior is not acceptable when there are people from degenerate countries flooding in
Leo Bailey
2 and heard many stories of friends that studied in England. It is not only this user on Sup Forums too(). You people are barbaric and illogical even if you pretend to be civilised. This is how I feel. Just like your people feel about the people of my country.
Anthony Richardson
Me neither. They should be angry at the politicians first, then all immigrants who don't contribute.
Grayson Powell
>Bulgaria Another subhuman slavscum country sending tons of immigrants into the UK.
Jacob Powell
And such ""success" breeds decline.
Gavin Ross
The eternal anglo cannot help itself
Jack Kelly
My girlfriend is Bulgarian. I went to Bulgaria with her this summer. Thought it was a beautiful country, if a bit poor.
David Murphy
Chavs are like niggers. They attack the weak and helpless in packs. They will attack a single middle-aged white guy, but they will never stand up to groups of Pakis and Arabs.
Julian Rogers
Britain has a huge underclass of total scum. In the past they were contained but now they get welfare handouts and cheap flights to Spain.
It's the EU's fault. :^)
Benjamin Allen
WTF.. beating up the wrong fucking type.
Thosands niggers attended notting hill carnival and with 2 stabbings + 500 arrests. While the polish families were working or drinking vodka at home.
Joshua Harris
Keep crying shitskin. No more visas for you and your shitskin friend. Stay in your 3rd world shithole no one has ever even heard about
Gabriel Ross
Fucking shitskin loving traitor stay in Bulgaria then and don't come back we don't need you.
Nicholas Jenkins
>implying bulgaria wont be a better place to live in 20 years >implying all of us wont have to be immigrants in bulgaria soon enough >implying we dont have more in common with 'slavscum' than we do with muslims
Daniel Smith
Im not a Brit and I don't like Bulgarians.
William White
So OP thinks we are subhumans and savages but at the same time glorifies a subhuman and savage behaviour. If you are better than us, why do you think unnecessary violence is ok?
Christian Martin
>Live in Harlow >Didn't expect it to make big news
God damn, I haven't heard about it fully.
Brayden Scott
You're repulsive OP. This was just some innocent bloke minding his own business. The animal scum who killed him would just as soon kill you or your family for the hell of it. Fuck you.
Asher Gray
I don't need you either. I'll go wherever the fuck I want.
Nolan James
>attacking hard working Christian polish people You Britshits are a joke and a disgrace. Britain really is lost.
Ethan Flores
>tfw based slavs start hating you because of the filthy jews and their muslim pets
Nathaniel Martin
OP is a faggot cunt. Poles are absolutely based. They come to the UK to work and better themselves but inbred chavs still attack them.
Te best thing to happen to the UK would be to flood them with based Poles. But no, the Britshits want blacks and mudslimes instead
Dominic Roberts
>They come to the UK to work Do you what it means if the money you have is freshly printed from an envelope?
That isn't money from "hard work".
Liam White
Muslims and niggers are much better than slavshit. Believe me.
Adam Anderson
They really do and they blame the EU even when they did not accept refugees from the quota system. All those pakis, Indians and what not imported in because of their patriotic and British colonial policies.
Jackson Scott
>OP is a faggot cunt. Poles are absolutely based. They come to the UK to work and better themselves but inbred chavs still attack them. This attack is bullshit, but them coming over here to work is a bad thing. We have really high unemployment.
Daniel Robinson
>culling the herd >bad
Kevin James
Shut the fuck up. Poles are shit on for doing nothing but stealing jobs which isn't a crime. They come to the UK to work. They have strong family values. They are white. They are Christian.
Focus on the real enemy.
Brayden Ortiz
>says the filthy mudslime Get the fuck out of the UK, Mohammad
Blake Peterson
>They come to the UK to work. They are fed that UK is the land of the entitled and those with benefits and luxury. A true man with actual values would stay with his country no matter how bad things get.
Not to count the amount of boose they buy and drink.
Aaron Jenkins
So GCHQ asks us to believe that, in England's mean, high streets, stinking heathen swarthy Pakis who rape children are tolerated by British proles, but a Pole who is pretty much the same thing is murdered on hearing. As an actual Polack I just have a lot of trouble with this taffy logic, especially considering the longer history of attacking a political cause you cannot argue against by defaming its adherents as repulsive criminals.
Nathaniel Bailey
Divide and conquer.
Ignore the shill threads. Use common sense
Hudson Reyes
Is this a fucking joke? They'll be fucking paki's and all sorts, the Poles are alright immigrants.
Levi Brown
Everyone across the world is forced to learn it as a second (or third language), while smug Anglos learn it solely. And naturally, Anglos have the potential to excel further in the English language than any other ethnic group.
For this reason, non-Anglos are jealous that English is Earth's prime Lingua Franca.
Once Globalism runs its course, Esperanto will not be the global language -- English will be. A plural human race will be speaking English as it colonizes the planets of distant stars, eternally cementing Anglos (of Britain [primarily], America, Australia, Canada, and NZ) as humanity's greatest contributors.
The English language is Britain's greatest gift to the world, so naturally the foreigners will (try to) disrespect it.
Speak English in England, or die trying otherwise.
Camden Carter
Bulgarians are no better than the pakis and indian, lets be honest.
Least the Poles try somewhat.
Daniel Phillips
Luke Gray
>Both of his parents were of entirely English ancestry, and most of his ancestors had been in New England since the colonial period; his great-grandfather Joseph Lovecraft Jr. emigrated to Rochester, NY, from Devon, England, in 1831.
“I am naturally a Nordic — a chalk-white, bulky Teuton of the Scandinavian or North-German forests — a Viking berserk killer — a predatory rover of Hengist and Horsa — a conqueror of Celts and mongrels and founders of Empires — a son of the thunders and the arctic winds, and brother to the frosts and the auroras — a drinker of foemen's blood from new picked skulls — a friend of the mountain buzzards and feeder of seacoast vultures — a blond beast of eternal snows and frozen oceans — a prayer to Odin and Thor and Woden and Alfadur, the raucous shouter of Niffelheim — a comrade of the wolves, and rider of nightmares”
Christian Flores
plot twist; the boys were pakistani
Levi Phillips
Sounds cowardly if anything else. The Polish man working there and not leeching off welfare. The gang could've picked on unemployed pakis or some people.
I don't like Estonians undercutting Finns in the job market, but I much rather have 30k of them than 30k "refugees" who won't put in a single real workday in their lives while they live here. It all goes around, Finns work in Sweden/Norway/US a lot too.
Evan Russell