Sup Forums has absolutely dreadful taste. Far worse than the other art form boards (/lit/, Sup Forums, etc)
Sup Forums has absolutely dreadful taste. Far worse than the other art form boards (/lit/, Sup Forums, etc)
Other urls found in this thread:
>art form
KEK go get me a coffee barista
it's all the same all the time
GoT, capeshit, sw or aliens/terminator debates going on. of course cia/bane lurkking from time to time and pretty much thats all Sup Forums
you just don't get us.
You forgot Sup Forums ;^)
It was different when Chuck was in charge.
>endless Pet Sounds, Loveless, Sunbather, and Coltrane shitposts equal good taste
>worse than Sup Forums
I actually think the essential Sup Forumscore movies are pretty good with the exception of TDKR.
>you just don't get us, do you?
>Sup Forums
You self-deluded faggots don't even know who Prince is.
>harry potter series is most talked about
>implying you can have worse taste than this
>American Psycho
>Fight Club
Nice to see they condescended Shakespeare a spot
>implying Sup Forums isn't the worst
They literally judge a band/artists worth on how obscure they are. Top Pleb
/lit/ is full of retarded frog threads and Sup Forums listens to non-orchestral pop music garbage. Both are hardly better than Sup Forums.
>BvS is the most expensive arthouse film!
>GoT thread spam
>Endless Sup Forums shit
>Capeshit forever
>Star Wars forever
>RLM threads forever
where is all the marx books?
Honestly, the best discussions about art forms on this site happen on boards that aren't dedicated to the interest. For example, a lot of good music discussion happens on boards that aren't Sup Forums, a lot of good television and movie discussion happens on boards that aren't Sup Forums, etc. People who are REALLY into their hobby take shit too seriously.
Those are infinitely better than capeshit. By comparison, Sup Forums spends all day talking about the top 40 country and rap songs.
>no Star Trek/Riker a fat threads
Hello newfriend
No, Sup Forums is definitely worse
you forgot the JUST threads
It doesn't get worse than Sup Forums.
That's cool and all baby, but thats nothing..
in the last few years I'd agree to an extent. Poptimism sure ruined that place but let's not pretend Sup Forums isn't shit with all the capeshit discussion
I think its because movies and tv take much more money to produce than a book or an album so theres a limited supply of good stuff which is why we mostly shit on everything
Not me, I have taste. Now post your top 10 directors, frogpostering retard.
>Implying there's a problem with Star Trek/fat Riker threads
Maybe you need to leave before I get violent
Why don't you make me fat boy?
Things were better when this was a Televuck & Fuck board.
>i have taste
>posts Goddard
user I...
>Sup Forums has good taste
It's go time Mr. Potatohead
Just like this place you sometimes find a good threads on Sup Forums but mostly its K-pop, Grimes and pop/rap album of the month discussions.
it really did went to shit
>By comparison, Sup Forums spends all day talking about the top 40 country and rap songs.
Yeah, at least other boards discuss classics, Sup Forums can't even do that
Problem, pleb? I would strike you down on the spot were we face to face!
>meme metal in between all of these oft-discussed but still quite good things
kind of depressing t b h
we larping now?
you can't mentioned Goddard and god taste in the same sentence but I suppose it's easier to go along with your delusion.
Don't worry user you'll acquire taste one day at least, the same can't be said for most of these people.
>not preferring eggshell with romalian type
That's because Sup Forums is actually /celebrity/ or Sup Forums or basically fucking anything tangential to tv and film but not actually tv and film
Those are literally the capeshit of the music genre
But I have been in many a "classic film" threads over the years on Sup Forums. There even used to be Tarkovsky threads that hit bump limit. When Edward Yang's A Brighter Summer Day was released by Criterion, there were a couple threads about it, and I'd consider Yang less than mainstream.
Sup Forums is a piece of shit
they only talk about shit on the radio or something like hipster pusy rock, yuck
The paradoxical fact of Sup Forums is that activity has always inversely related with quality. The more users a board has the less able it is to intelligently discuss its subject matter. An unending deluge of worthless shitposts creates a constant downward pressure on everything that doesn't receive sustain attention and thus the board fractures and users end up congregating into a few reoccurring threads that they relate to which inevitably devolve into repetitive circlejerks and stale rehashed discussions. The rest of the board is occupied by blogs, baits, recycled content, and flavor of the month memes that fade into obscurity as soon as the next bit of novel flair comes along.
what they said
Sup Forums is a hivemind of contrarian one uppers
You've still yet to explain the problem with Godard, who is easily one of the most influential and significant French filmakers, an auteur who's career spans decades, who's still making film to this day. Elaborate on your claim, or shut up and stop shitposting - everything you've said is baseless.
No, they absolutely are not. Coltrane is the only somewhat decent one in that list.
The problem with Sup Forums is that music is amongst the lowest form of art, right alongside the likes of video games. Anyone who engages music as an art form over, say, film or literature, must therefore be a spewing pleb. Music is strictly complimentary, at best.
>don't watch tv or listen to music anymore and still browse those boards daily
music video for this feel?
low effort bait
geez user I see you really are taken with him.
anyway when you decide to actually check out and get familiar with actual french filmmakers and not a pseudo manlet hipster who made his films for the critics and filmed the same "cool" film twenty times I'd suggest watching Malle, Bresson, Renoir, Resnais and hell maybe even some Becker for something a little more light handed.
But I can see you're only starting your journey into film so I can't really blame you for being so mesmerized by him. I do like alphaville and week end.
Mr Popper's Penguins > The entire history of classical music
That picture makes me want to die even though I know it's bait.
>(/lit/, Sup Forums,
Pynchon and Kanye, truly the epitome of taste/
>in video games
My post isn't bait, albeit the image may be (I agree with it though, just not strictly).
this confirms that /lit/ doesn't even read
what the fuck
>and filmed the same "cool" film twenty times
Literally disregarded your entire post upon reading this. This is the low-effort spew you read in Malick threads. Thanks for wasting my time with this banal discourse.
>100 books
>don't read
That's more than the average millennial will read in their lifetime.
Are you kidding me? Sup Forums has the most split up opinions of any of these boards. I've seen the most shit opinions posted on there also.
I guarantee you less than 5 people on /lit/ have made a serious attempt to read Ulysses, much less finished it.
Thanks for proving my point. Your affection is clearly making you blind to the obvious.
also a Malick thread on Sup Forums? Not likely.
You're already wasting your time with Goddard so it's nothing new for you I imagine but best of luck on your journey to discovering cinema though.
>people take the word "art" too seriously like it means anything
Anything can be art to anyone
I actually read somewhere millennials are reading more than previous generations. Also believe it or not user more people are reading books today than they were in 1955.
It's required reading in college. Everyone getting a English or Philosophy degree has read it
>the great gatsby and catcher in the rye next to each other
>the two books that were mandatory to read in high school
Really makes me think about how old the userbase is
Sup Forums has pretty terrible taste
>this isn't fact, it's bastardization of it
>bad taste
I mean it's a given is it not?
Doubtful, DQ being that high is another tell that the kids over there don't actually read the books they're claiming they have.
>all that top 30 pynchon
kek its a meme kid, don't take it so seriously.
Fuck, I'm gonna stop reading now.
>Implying video games aren'tthe highet form of art
Pet Sounds is good. The other two aren't really
If you really think that, you probably haven't spent much time there yet
Fuck off, cinema can never match the grandeur of music. This is because music stimulates the creative parts of the mind, aiding the listener in creating worlds vaster than any camera could ever encapsulate. Cinema will always be a limited medium, since the worlds it presents are by necessity streamlined, as opposed to the free-flowing worlds of music, and as such, no movie will ever be as evocative and apocalyptic as ITCOTCK.
This is also why cinema is a lesser art form than music.
Thats what happens when you let Sup Forums and Sup Forums parasites feel welcome
>Harry Potter series
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
The REAL thing about Sup Forums that discredits the whole board's taste is the fact that we have a big brother general.
Lmao how you faggots pretend like your not all from the same board, fuckin autism fudgin chips man
>Putting Minecraft and The Last of Us in the same league as Dwarf Fortress
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>threads about a shitty show on Sup Forums that's currently on tv
>this board sucks
>as opposed to the free-flowing worlds of music
Imagine being so wrong, pic related.
Anything music offers cinema can offer better, because cinema integrates music in its very core and is everything music is plus more. And even without music, film can invoke the melody of music in the subconscious mind, while music without sound is nothing at all. Film is whole, with or without music as a complementary, while music itself is an insignificant smear stuck to the bottom of the boot of art and its mediums.
Deny it all you want, but you know in your bones that I'm correct. This is why your mom would chase you outside when you watched too much TV, but she would never throw you out for listening to too much Bach. Humans have an instinctive understanding of the healthiness of music. This is also why all cultures in history have music, while only decadent and decaying cultures have cinema.
>A medium that is dominated by capeshit and worn-out franchises as an excuse to make a quick buck with minimal effort is better than an established art form that requires actual work and effort.
Really gets my noggin' joggin'.
What it that anime above Ghost in the Shell? Don't seem to recognize it.
For you
Kit is actually pretty good and knows there shit. Honestly far better than tv. Sad to say.
>Sup Forums
this is just the best place on the site to casually shoot the shit, the pretense of devotion to tv and film is just an icebreaker
Scaruffi alone has better taste than this shitty board
rateyourmusic users also have decent taste as well
both aren't great but there's at least appreciation of non-entry level shit
Sup Forums is bad with the poptimism already, but I very rarely see discussion of actual good films on Sup Forums. I hate to say it, but Sup Forums really needs some avant-teens to balance out the cape shit and shitty netflix shows.
Are you retarded? Scaruffi drones practically dominate Sup Forums, wake up
What is the capeshit of Sup Forums?
>everyone pretends to be a patrician
>board is full with capeshit, got, walking dead and other garbage
it may not be great, but if Sup Forums were anything like Sup Forums, the AOTY discussion would be whether we thought the new Drake or Coldplay albums were better. Sup Forums is so bad it could use some Scaruffi drones itself