So what's the real reason that californians are moving to based Texas...

So what's the real reason that californians are moving to based Texas? I've heard that the jobs are in Texas but I don't believe that, I feel like there's more job opportunities in Cali. Are they moving here simply because the cost of living is cheap here?

From what I gathered its due to taxes and the very socialistic laws being passed by california.
Then they move to texas and vote for the same thing and ruin another state and never learn

It's a myth. An urban legend

t. Unemployed for two years

>t. Neckbeard inhabiting moms basement

Then perhaps they don't see a problem with the laws and taxes in California?

>Perhaps it is you that isn't learning?

yes jobs

most are being relocated from their existing employer. Then they see that for $1 million you can either live in a trap house in compton, see attachment..


no, they like the laws and policies, they just don't want to pay form them, because they are liberal retards they cannot grasp that their feel good laws end up hurting themselves and the area at large; it quite literally goes over their heads.

Commiefornia is a sinking ship, I give it 5 years before it becomes a complete economic wasteland if nothing happens; but more likely the Fed will crash the fake economy when Trump gets in office, and Commiefornia will be the first to devole into eating people, silicon valley or no.

Even those dumb commies can recognize our greatness (even if they don't recognize why it is like that, and it never crosses their minds that maybe the lack of communism has something to do with that)

Housing prices are lower in Texas, and with the wider Panama Canal, Houston will probably become a pretty big port for imports.

Wait a minute...

This is like asking why cancer spreads to healthy cells....

Californians are jew spawn

t. former Seattle-ite

>cheap living
Austin property taxes are at the top of the most expensive in America.

Up until oil prices dropped there was tons of work here in Texas, the Californians started moving here (I asked many of them why btw) according to the ones i talked to, our state is much cleaner than theirs (pollution-wise) and everything in their state is too expensive.

They're doing the same shit to our state now though.

Don't let the Californistans into your state, don't make the mistake we did, there's still hope for you.

stop it senpai
>tfw living in rural West Virginia with your triple k mafia buddies
>tfw i don't ktfw



Commiefornians want to live their liberal dream world, but dont want to pay for it. Texas is a pretty cheap place to live. For now.......

Thinking that Austin = Texas

Fuck you guys. You Texans think you are the only ones getting the commies?
Fuck off Colorado is full.

You know it to be true.

Yup. Dirt cheap. Live like kings amongst the yokels.


Californians don't move to Texas because they want to, they move because they're broke.


This is also accurate. Anyone else from Houston?


At least we're mostly habitable you stipend-loving snow-nigger

I'm from Houston and that is literally 100% accurate, every last bit of it.

I like WV, but white mountain people are dumb as shit.

nevada is better.

Tell me about the "Fake Amusement Park"

>Cost of living

I guess if your bar is California then yeah, cheaper, but coming from Iowa it's hellishly worse. At least I don't have to deal with snow and faggots.


Fort Worthfag reporting in, saw three Californian license plates while getting lunch and my boss just hired a secretary fron California, when will this invasion end?

We don't like people who move here from their commie shitholes like Californian New York and the U.K. And then complain about the laws here

Pro tip, you vote with your feet

Go away Tiki

When you make it stop

>tfw Alaska thinks it's better than Texas because it's larger

Press "2" for English, Juan.

Just realized

>Claims Casino-Nigger state is superior

>Rolls fucking Triple 7's

Kekening confirmed

as everyone has pointed out californians move here and look down on the people living here and vote left

also i live in houston and the economy is not that great with low oil prices. its not horrible because of some diversification like in the medical field. but its not great

also houston is mostly gay. i'm not sure whether its oil pollution or its environment or what, but literally 30-40% of the city is gay. there's an area called montrose that is full of homegrown hipsters and fags - like 95% gay.

i expected to run into gun loving rednecks moving here, which would be fine, instead its a big pile of fags

>mexicants moving to texas to "work"

It's too fucking real.

Astro World? Shit doesn't exist anymore.

you're not fooling anyone, budget texas. good try though


Austin is some wanna-be San Francisco poser city. Rest of our state > Austin.

Press "3" For Tuk Tuk Blubber

Press "4" for "Oh fuck there's nothing around, I can't see anything but white, oh fuck is that a bear?"

Should I move to Tejas?

Just kidding; I wouldn't move from one spic-infested shithole to another.

They are moving to Texas to spread the love of communism. Likes roaches spreading out devour resources and spread disease.

I'm in California thousands of company's are leaving this state most are going to Texas or Nevada.

>Mexicans who love trains
What did he mean by this?

>That's a commercial.

God bless Texas.

California is full of retards

not bad

i live in douchebag central

>more job opportunities in Cali
Doesn't California have one of the highest unemployment rates out of all the states?

Everything is Whiter in Texas.

Arizona is better

The fake amusement park is the Kemah Boardwalk, there's like 4 rides there, there have always been 4 rides, and there will always be 4 rides, and i might be over-estimating it.

There's also a mini sort of wanna-be aquarium where you can pet and feed stingrays but the dindu fucks keep hitting them so they occasionally have to close that.

There's also a joe's crabshack and the food in the entire place is shit-tier expensive.

Immediately surrounding this area is a marina, and a bunch of rich people houses immediately bordered by dindustan, you don't want to be in the surrounding area after dark.

It's all almost completely erased every 20 years like clockwork every time we get a hurricane, they pretty much had to rebuild most of everything around there when Ike hit.

probably. nevada is picking back up fortunately.

off by one, nevada still kicks your ass

we need to kick RI out of new england. they're making us look bad

>A map of racial/ethnic distribution in the City of Houston and Greater Houston, 2010 U.S. Census - Each dot represents 25 people. Red dots represent White people, orange dots represent Hispanic people, blue dots represent Black people, green dots represent Asian people, and gray dots represent other people.

You're not trying hard enough

Never heard of it

So much truth in one post.

Stay woke friend

Can also confirm.

Austin is a liberal cesspit

It's some shitty generic boardwalk that markets itself like a mixture of an aquarium and Six Flags but doesn't have a fraction of either.

Texas is/has

1.) Cheaper to live in
2.) Cheaper to buy a home
3.) Less population density
4.) More jobs
5.) Actual education w/out revisionism
6.) A top notch public school system
7.) Only growing in value
8.) Plenty of land for sale @ decent price
9.) No state income tax
10.) Growing and doing quite well

We have opportunity and money
Commifornia is dead or very near dead. Their biggest export nowadays is fags and uppity illegals

Because Texas has water and isn't trying to kill people with earthquakes

I can't wait for California to float off into the ocean, movie production will move to a new part of America if its even relevant anymore and the faggots who live there will either cease to exist or move to shitholes like Portland or Dallas

>Ohio full of pooinloos

Ha! ~13 Years ago I went to Ohio with a friend to visit his family. He mentioned that there were tons of indian people there for some reason. Always thought it was some sort of running joke.

Nope, Pujeets in da streets.

Lol this, had to move from Colorado to Texas because it was getting so crowded and expensive. It just blew the fuck up in a span of 6 years. The traffic in and around Denver is now Dallas-tier when it was never that bad my entire life growing up?

90% of cali's pop. lives within 10mi of the ocean. go where you will with that red pill

Texas: 12% Black
California: 6% Black

>wanting the degeneracy to spread out of the containment state

I just came from California and now live in Arizona. I'm not a liberal at all, I more just came here to live easier.

>job transfer
>less ghetto bullshit
>less libtards and sjw's
>easier cost of living while gf goes to school

Basically, I'm just living here to save money while we put our lives together and start careers. Probably gonna buy a house or 2 out here and then settle in Oregon or Utah or some shit.


Kekekekek, OK Joseph Smith.

t. Basement dweller who never puts an effort.

Get a fucking job you degenerate leech

Admittedly, Utah is definitely not my first decision. But she has family there. I'd rather live in rural California, the Midwest, or Oregon. But who knows. That's the fun part though, we can basically go wherever the fuck we want if we work hard enough for it.

Oregon here. People actually put "NO Californians" stickers on real estate signs and some have proposed building a wall to keep them out. Problems in paradise folks


That picture is pretty accurate.

I work remote for a Cali company.

Since Texas is not known for tech jobs there are actually a bunch of tech vacancies and projects, sadly those are mostly taken by H1B poo-in-the-loos. Texas is also cheap compared the other states with big cities. I live in Houston and a ton of yuppies and professionals are not from Texas.

They're fleeing the shit hole they created only to vote it in in a new place, like central and south Americans fleeing their socialist shit holes and wanting to vote democrat in America.

Also it's fun to pretend you're some humanitarian who loves paying high taxes and hates guns, right up until you can't pay for a place in a safe part of town because most of your paycheck is going to pay for spic freeloaders and illegal immigrants.

Spic freeloaders? Most of them work where I come from. The real freeloaders are the disgusting fucking niggers who collect gibsmedats and refuse to work.

How the fuck do all those mexicans even manage to live in commiefornia?

When THE FUCK did this start happening???!!!! GTFO
We don't want you here.

>aggies (avoid)

Ut is basically impossible to not fet a software job in Dallas.

DFW has grown at an alarming rate.

I started working from home because traffic wastes 3 hours a day

austin has (one of) the most over inflated housing prices in the country.

californians don't know how to assimilate, even a tiny bit. they change everything around them to fit themselves. i grew up in seattle in the 90s and they did the same thing there as they do here in texas now.

There are a ton of job opportunities in California, but they generally come with a prohibitive cost of living.

So if you're an engineer at a certain point in your life... you've got a wife, kid's on the way, you want a house and you want to start socking away money for retirement and your kid's college, you start picking up the phone when recruiters call.

Now ideally you'd be getting called about a 300k/year position in San Jose doing whatever it is you do, but... it's actually a 200k/yr Austin.

You're an engineer, so you can check cost of living sites and that shit, and you think "well, Texas is a shithole, but Austin's not so bad and holy crap is it cheap to get a house within a drivable distance to work"

I've known Californians in Texas. They're often slightly dead in their eyes, as if they know they've taken a step down in location, but it's a sacrifice they make.

If San Francisco ever sorts out its housing problems, if Seattle ever sorts out public transportation...and if Texas doesn't take a swing back to blue from the deep red it's been for a few decades, then I could see Austin's growth being outpaces by SF and SEA

>High property taxes

Doesn't matter. ALL of Texas has high property taxes because it has literally zero income tax.

Living is MUCH cheaper in Austin suburbs than anywhere around SF

Honeslty would love to move to a small town like texas and live the king of the hill life, but as a asian american I don't think I can handle both the casual and hostile racism I would have to put up with every day...

You must be an ABC, Asians are far more racist than anything in the US.

Jesus fuck you retard Montrose has been Little Gaytown since before you escaped your mother's uterus.

It kills the shitkickers that there have been libs breeding in the cesspools that are Texas cities for decades on decades.

Anne Richards, bitches

Are you a fuck head or an upstanding citizen?
If the latter you would have 0 problems in small town Texas.
t. born here Texan living in towns of >500 since birth.