>tfw racism is so embedded into society that even the food starts to reflect it
How do Americans dare to call themselves a civilized people? Everyday, young African Americans are shot in the streets by WHITE cops. Everyday, African Americans are discriminated against by WHITE pedestrians. And everyday, African Americans are turned down from jobs by the WHITE elite. This is literal proof that the United States is the most racist country in the world - this is why EVERY OTHER COUNTRY laughs at us. And now Donald Trump, who has done nothing but spout intolerance and hatred is the republican nominee? This country is doomed
The US is the most racist, bigoted, and intolerant country in the world
Other urls found in this thread:
There is nothing wrong with clinging to one's own culture - but whites have NO culture. Almost everything bad in history can be attributed to whites and religion
How's that liberal arts degree coming along.
don't reply to a bait thread or at least sage while doing so, senpai
It would have been better if Angel Cake was on the left.
>implying bait threads don't get (you)s
I've never really liked making dedicated bait threads
the (you)s don't feel genuine when they don't come from an actual discussion
to each his own hobbies, I guess
I'll gladly trade nigger murdered by cop stats with Whites murdered by nigger stats any day.
nice post faggot
check em
such a bad post i'm surprised that i didn't see a leaf
>from a fucking leaf
Your prime minister is a true leader
only rolling for russell
Fap material I suppose my bros
I am rolling digits
That is literally NOTHING compared to the stats of black people
Roll em
rolling the spam meme
Lets see what happens
Catherine go
I'm gonna get Juliana one of these times
also, re-roll
>whites and religion
pick one
Re rolling for jesus
Roll for Patricia
het 'em w/ the sneak diss
whites have no culture?
Rome, Florence, Athens, London, Berlin
suddenly greeks and italians are white when the aglosphere is trying to scramble for cultural contributions
my grandmother could make better cakes than yours bitch.
roll for Mastermind
check em
This one must be for the gays
They did not have culture - they just CONQUERED and PILLAGED
>They see me rolling, they hating
lets do this
OP you're total retard whites get shot more all the time you degenerete
>but whites have NO culture
Fucking kill yourself we're the most fucking cultured civilization in history but no, having a bone in your nose THAT is culture because you love having nigger dick in your throat it makes you so in and trendy
You're fucking crazy
suck a dick faggot, we created all culture
all of the planets culture came from whites
all niggers got are bees, birds and piles of shit
in africa
Checkmate KFC
Didn du nuffin
>his grams made cake from a box
what was it like to grow up in a trailer park?
Mmmm, that delicious racism... omg...
plz renee