Wouldn't it be more productive to teach niggers how to behave instead of hating them just for being animals? I mean, if you have a baby dog, you won't hate it for destroying your newspaper or for chewing your brand new shoes. You ground it, and then you teach it.
Why isn't america a little less judgemental on niggers and throw them a bone? Set up schools for niggers, pass a bill where no american can be uneducated. For example, 12 years of education before your 20th birthday, at minimum. Otherwise you go right to the army, no questions asked.
Jayden Ortiz
EL PeruAno
I cant remember the rest
Julian Martinez
>teach niggers
Dominic James
Didn't you have a dog fellow taco? Also >Teach It's "teaching" you smelly wall jumper.
Adrian Richardson
El AnoPeludo
Charles Hill
>educate niggers Even more impossible than educating peruanos.
Colton Robinson
How many years is it going to take? 50+ later and nothing has changed. Is half a fucking decade enough?
Isaac Young
Incans best civilization
Lucas Allen
t. Brayatan "que wea loco"
Angel Ward
I copy pasted your post you retarded perunigger
Carson Carter
im just messing with u hermano
i got the better digits though
Samuel Nelson
What's the "El Peruano" meme about with the picture of the guy with the greased hair and sunglasses.
Luis Butler
stfu, the education here is enforced by law, the public one is total shit, and we have white niggers. the solution, cut all welfare and let them starve
Blake Young
But you are like the second best country in Latin America. In some aspects you are even better than Chile. I mean, the total population of Ur Gay is like 26 people, but that doesn't mean it can't be applied to Burgerland.
Camden Sullivan
>White niggers Explain
Christopher Foster
We have no child left behind and all it did was hurt the kids who actually wanted to learn.
If black people want to better themselves then they'll have to fix their life at home first.
Hudson Price
The president is a nigger.
Mason Richardson
> Ur Gay
Jacob Phillips
forgot pic
Nolan Lopez
>teaching niggers to behave Been doing that for going on 200 years. Doesn't work.
>Set up schools for niggers Done. >pass a bill where no american can be uneducated "whitey tryna oppress us wit they colonialism schools nigga"
Jacob Adams
>"whitey tryna oppress us wit they colonialism schools nigga"
Since when do you care what a nigger says?
Bentley Reyes
El peruano: Durante su niñez es introducido al mundo de los negocios exitosos de sus padres, sin tener nunca la necesidad de esforzarse por vivir. Es aseado y asiste a todas sus clases, es inteligente y creativo.
La expresión "peruano" proviene del latín "Civilizadus homo sapiens sapiens sapiens" que se traduce directamente a "Persona inteligente, humana y aseada".
Usted se preguntará: ¿Cómo identificar a esta maravillosa criatura? En realidad es muy simple, aquí algunas de sus características: 1- Poseen piel clara y agradable 2- Son bien parecidos y atractivos. 3- Son la raza de mayor altura en la historia de la humanidad. 4- Gozan de estructuras óseas perfectamente simétricas, es impresionante. 5- Poseen glúteos altamente desarrollados. 6- Poseen cuellos sólidos, anchos, largos y fuertes. 7- Narices rectas y delicadas que pondrían celoso a cualquier escultor griego. 8- Sus oidos están diseñados para tener la mejor capacidad acústica. 9- Tienen ojos azules y bien formados. 10- Poseen una estética facial inmejorable, estos cara de dioses
Christian Jones
that he thinks hes white
Cameron White
I don't, the liberal majority do.
Kevin Rodriguez
Same reason for serranos in peru, they cant be bothered to be civilized some are nice people but theyre in my experience the minority. mostt are lazy gibsmedats, like the serranos and even some costenos who try to be el mas vivo and not be an honest fellow
Dominic Cooper
Eli Foster
And? Jesus christ, no wonder liberal shitcunts do whatever they want with all of you burgercucks. You actually care what they think or say. I dare to say, that you might even be scared.
Samuel Morris
We literally do all of that. General pop is not like pol. Most people feel bad for blacks. We want nothing more than for blacks to become civilized and act like whites.
Blacks actively refuse civilization. For every one Negro that is able to be polite and acceptable in white society, you have 10 or more who hate that black guy for "selling out" or "acting white". Blacks embrace anti intellectualism and view anything other than that as being racist.
Kayden Wilson
you still elected a socialist. also checkem
Angel Ward
>PPK >Socialist Sorry to dissapoint you, and nice deflecting btw.
Gavin Rivera
Zachary Bennett
I don't care what they think or say, I care what the law says and the law expressly forbids me from rebutting their arguments.
Julian Sullivan
>See asylants walking into brand clothing stores, already wearing brand clothes >read about them having cooks >See them have everything served to them in their refugee center >Witnessed nigger stabbing like five teenagers after being confronted with rape allegations >next day it's just in a small section in the news paper, named as "Fight between teenagers"
>See my grandmother live in near poverty, getting 600$ each months >Having to live on portions
I'm far past done trying to treat them or the traitors of this country as anything but shit
Isaiah Campbell
As of now i read "america"
Lol look at blm videos
Aiden Lopez
The american law forbids free speech? Weird... Where is this land of freedom that I heard about.