This movie comes out in 3 months, but there is only one short trailer, even Rogue One had stronger marketing
This movie comes out in 3 months, but there is only one short trailer, even Rogue One had stronger marketing
I still haven't seen rogue one
Please. The minute the next trailer drops you're going to be assaulted by nonstop commercials and TV spots and you're going to wish you weren't.
I feel like they don't have faith with this one
I think it's going to a flop from reshoots. And it's gunna be a problem since Boyega bleached his skin for an albino part, he misread the products instructions
It's Star Wars Episode VIII
They could literally completely stop advertising and it would still gross over a billion
>Star Wars movie
Yo guys, you really need to stop opening the marketing campaign with "YO WHERE DA MARKETING CAMPAIGN BE AT??"
its fucking embarrassingly blatant at this point.
The fact folks are looking for a trailer is indication enough there's buzz around this film. Gonna be a cool billion, boys
>knows when its coming out
>still needs a trailer
Who here /Snoke/?
>you bet
it's the only thing they have done right
they know people will see it on the name alone
They don't need to market it. You think people are just going to forget a new Star Wars movie is coming out?
wait 'till October, that's when the shill threads will start to appear
I unironically think a decadent Harkonnen-style Force user feels like a fresh direction for Star Wars.
people are sick of the sjw bullshit (((hollywood))) keeps forcing on them, it's really backfired on them
It's not worth wathing outside of the last act, the movie had half of it re-shot and it really feels like it (doesn't even have the Star Wars title scroll at the beginning).
It's gonna gross over a billion anyway. People love contrived shit tier movies full of convenience writing where fancy CGI gloss over the complete lack of a compelling story. Look at the quality of GoT in relation to its viewership.
If the success of dreck like SW, Avatar and basically every DC and Marvel movie show us anything it's that you need to write a story and dialogue suitable for retarded children and throw millions in Effects/CGI budgets at it and it's gonna be a massive success. They also show us why you shouldn't let genetic garbage multiply.
I bet you have tons of friends.
They don't even like it, they're caught up in the hype bandwagon and can't resist. They're insecure and think they need to watch this shit because veryone's talking about it.
Why waste money on marketing when they know everybody will watch it
Yeah because that's usually how the world works, everyone you don't like for whatever reason is unanimously rejected by all of society.
I agree that peer and media pressure play a big part. But we're all exposed to that to a more or less similar extent and there are still plenty of people who despise this type of dreck.
i hope everyone on earth doesnt go to see it and then pirates it when it gets released
spotted the daisy cuck
Star wars will be soon just like the Pirates of the Carribean franchise, dead in the water after doing the same old shit with the same washed out actors
>tfw big Star Wars and POTC fan
>have seen either Rogue One nor POTC5
Rogue One was a spin off, as long a "Episode" isn't in the title, it's not guaranteed that the movie is highly successful.
But you can even make one little teaser for Episode 8 before the news at 8 pm and you can be sure that everyone will go to the cinema and it has it's budget back in the very first public screening.
Remember how the entire board cried as Rogue One got reshoots? Turned out Disney thought the movie was too similar to the half cartoony Episode VII and they made it even more depressing and darker. The nihilistic ending where everyone dies and Vader berserk his way through the Rebels in a Scene you would see normally in a Horror movie? All reshoots.
Perhaps some major shit will go down and posting a trailer will just spoil it
>Sup Forums for most movies
"Ugh, they showed the whole thing. Don't even need to see it now."
>Sup Forums for this
Which is it?
>The Empire are white supremacists
fucking why
this makes it so much more boring and one dimensional
they dont even to advertize it
>Sup Forums is only one person
>Sup Forums has only one opinion
pretty funny how he was the worst character in TFA and none of his merch sold
how can you even make up such nonense?
Maybe it's because despite grossing 2 billions people didn't like Force Awakens and Disney knows it?
>you don't see a black person in lord of the rings
>the shire was a literal paradise
>the movie had half of it re-shot
What happened?
They thought the original was too bleak and upsetting even though it was a dark war movie
Fucking knew it he's another mouthpiece for their advocacy.
IIRC the big push for TFA started in early September 2015. So expect for it to start within the week
suits got scared of originality, supposedly it was darker and different from other SW movies
Nah I don't buy this for a second. They did reshoots to add the shitty quips
No, Rogue One had darker ending with Vader cutting down main heroes and not some unkown rebels
gotta wait for the kiddies to get back into their ((scewols)) to help spread the mind virus.
>They thought the original was too bleak
And yet they still killed them all in the end? Are those guys stupid or what?
It's foolish to start the hype campaign prematurely. You'd risk people losing interest by the time it's in theaters.
*citation needed*
Literally every interview about the subject says otherwise. According to Gareth Edwards, Jyn and Cassian lived in the first cut of the movie. Edwards and the writers wanted the entire crew to die, but thought Disney wouldn't let them do it. When reshoots were being planned, Edwards spoke to Kathleen Kennedy and she agreed that it'd be a stronger movie if the heroes all died in the end so they changed the entirety of the third act.
Why Disney dont make a Darth Bane Trilogy movie?
Are they retarded?
>the Empire is a white supremacist (human) organization
Just call it a human supremacist organization then. Are they trying to say that being white is the same as being a human being?
>gee why isn't our target demo interested in Star Wars anymore?
I guess they thought white men like being talked down to. These women might want to get out of LA sometime and meet some real men.
You're not missing much.
But then again, faggot middle aged white men like the RLM slobs will see it multiple times in theater.
TFA had the same deal going on until around October when the marketing reached absurd levels. Disney has other movies to highlight until then.
I like her as an actor. Please actually give her character meaning this time
I've seen only the toys for the movie in threads around Sup Forums.
The new characters look ridiculous.
The movie is going to be a trainwreck, it will probably break a billion but I would be surprised if they make money from merchandise sales.
When do they release the toys in stores? I hate going to Target and seeing bland Rogue One stormtroopers and nothing else
they made her into a badass chick and then also made her betray the entire organization
unintentional redpill?