What's wrong with liberalism? Why should we reject progress for your racist, sexist views?
What's wrong with liberalism? Why should we reject progress for your racist, sexist views?
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> your racist, sexist views
have some self awareness.
Do you really want men to have the right to hit women back?
Of course you would, you woman-beating liberal
"progress" is a meme. it's social decay masked by technological advancement.
Progress towards what exactly?
You'll be complaining and grudgingly admitting we are right on about 25 years when your eggs have dried up and your only friends are cats.
>Why should we reject progress for your racist, sexist views?
Nobody is asking you to, and dont associate me with that. All that is being asked is to look ahead. Are you sure where you are 'progressing' to is a better place?
>1 post by this ID
Can you elaborate? How am I lacking self-awareness? I regularly attend NAACP meetings and BLM protests, and am an avid supporter of feminism
To make it brief. You remain blind to the actual problems in the world. Instead of realizing what should be blatant lunacy, you shout "RAYCIS, SEXCIYS, OPRESSOR".
Stay blind sweet sweet leaf
>blm =hate group how is base in lies.
NAACP =we dont need to segregate.we have equal rights
>listen to the other side. you dont need to agree just listen.
>but of course trying to put racional and fact base arguments against a feminist is like talking to the wall, the only diference is that the wall does not get trigger.
but pointing out that someone is a racist/sexist is a completely valid argument because it notes that they have a history of bias behind them, and thus, may make their point invalid. prove me wrong, oh wait, your dumb, neo-nazi mind cant.
There is no evidence - nor even reason to think - that non-Westerners can lead and advance Western culture. Your idea of "progress" involves turning the world upside down, and believe you me, you'll get it.
That's enough for today, Trucuck.
eat shit it's not marion
For all the talk of progress, it never seems to go anywhere and it progresses to collapse any semblance of social order.
Your ironic post won't get me you leaf!
im not being ironic dumbass, you literally have ZERO valid arguments against social progressiveness. you couldnt even refute my point, thats why neo-nazism will always forever stay out of mainstream beliefs.
>Baiting this hard.
If is serious, we really should start the red-pilling process guys.
Ha you are the one who is making an accusation.
you have to prove that he is racist.
not backwards,morron
your post is, how your racist neo-nazi hero stefan molyneux would say, not an argument
Yeah this is bait. No one would be so dense.
Progress for its own sake is not progress, but heedlessness. For it to be progress you have to have an actual goal for society that is further ahead of where it is now. So much of "progressivism" these days is change for no other reason than change. It's not really about progress, it's about restructuring society. No actual progress is made, in fact you could call it regressive because it sacrifices the egalitarianism and liberty that led to the society becoming great in the first place all so you can reshuffle the social order.
you guys really do suck at making decent counter-arguments dont you? here, ill throw you guys a bone and make it easier. convince me WHY blacks are "animals" and "violent" when truth is, whites are worse than blacks when you look at history.
Because it's not progress, it actively fights against the grain of nature and it reduces people to infants being denying that they are sovereign beings responsible for their own behavior. Pretending not to see noticeable patterns in groups of people for the sake of 'tolerance' is incredibly patronizing and destructive to a society in the long term. Traditonal roles and social mores exist for a reason, and it's not to 'oppress' people, it's to prevent either absolute chaos or actual fucking tyranny and the loss of centuries worth of actual progress for the sake of a naïve unsustainable fantasy that only somebody who's lived a relatively comfortable life could truly believe is a good idea.
>your racist sexist views
Coming from the dickhead that hates white males.
Fuck. Off.
asking a sjw to use there brain.
what was I thinking XDXD
>What's wrong with liberalism?
I can't speak for Canadian Liberalism, but if it's like American liberalism than it doesn't really solve problems, but instead puts a pretty mask on it and says "Problem Solved".
>Why should we reject progress for your racist, sexist views?
Well, you shouldn't reject any idea. If you try and find out why someone is racist or sexist than you can better get to the root of that problem - just because you ignore it, won't make it go away. What is this progress you speak of, this progress could be going in any direction - what direction do you want the most?
>According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher.
Progress isn't an objectively definable term, it's a completely subjective concept that every single individual has a different definition of. What you view as rejecting progress is what others view as progress and vice versa. Maybe you'll understand this better after you graduate high school.
fock off
>but pointing out that someone is a racist/sexist is a completely valid argument
No it's an ad homimen, it's a logically fallacious argument. Maybe you should treat someones argument with a little more suspicion if you know this about them sure, but it doesn't automatically make it wrong. If a racist says the sky is blue does that make the sky red?
you really do suck at making decent counter-arguments dont you? here, ill throw you a bone and make it easier. convince me why blacks are NOT animals and NOT violent when truth is, blacks are worse than whites when you look at history.
dont try to red pil, this moron.
is a waste of time.
>How am I lacking self-awareness?
Because you do this
>I regularly attend NAACP meetings and BLM protests, and am an avid supporter of feminism
No one does this IRL
you seem biased, therefore your point is invalid.
liberalism does not equate marxist revolution and flooding the country with immigrants
well, obviously this is because white cops are so scared of black people that they have to plant evidence against them to get them in prison. it's called SYSTEMATIC RACISM, DUMBASS
guys stop playing around in CTR threads
cmon hide and move on
I need proof for such a bold claim
Anything else is unfounded dogma
>reject "progress"
Mfw someone begs the question this hard
Except it does, If everyone is equal then there's no problem importing refugees from africa.
the proof is the outrageous amount of black people put into prison for NO reason at all. go outside, go hang out with some black people. then you will see that they are NOT murderers, theyre NOT rapists. throw your television in the DUSTBIN.
90% of prisoners in the us are men that means that the system is sexist against men?
this is progress?
this can't be real
Yeah its looking more and more like bait.
The only person who ever assaulted me was black, only robbery near me was black, most blacks I see are dumb hip hop thugs
I see statistics as well as personal experience
This is you:
You actually believe the cops planted the weed when the bigger says they did, even after it was all on camera
Nothing wrong with Canadian Liberals.
Liberal Democrats from the United States are fucking cancer foaming at the mouth retards. Typical Amerifat.
Taking the bait, what do Liberals think they are even progressing towards and how are they able to measure it?
Because it seems they've only made things worse.
What wrong with racism and sexism?
But if you kill your enemy he wins
>begging question
There's that word again. I don't think you understand what it means.
Here are things that are progress:
>Inventing a fusion reactor.
>Discovering the cure for cancer.
>Finding a way to grow corn in freezing temperatures.
>Developing a material that can be used to build a space elevator.
>Creating the world's first fully functional bionic limb.
Here is a list of things called progress but are actually regressive:
>Letting women murder their unborn children on taxpayer money.
>Encouraging people to party and fuck their way to an early grave.
>Destroying the fabric of society in order to empower those who did not build it.
>a fucking leaf
Big surprise.
because that isn't progress you dumb nigger, history shows us that you can be a strong country that fucks everyone for your own benefit, or a weak country full of people hoping to roll over and assimilate some of your culture while you get fucked. Spread of a countries culture is what outlives race, and liberalism is all about letting someone else's culture have rights over your own and maybe getting some of your own in there now and then. If we listened to the liberals then our grandchildren will be alien to the highest ideals of western civilization, we will be the giants of culture that the future leading generations of the world will stand on. Republicanism is the only ideology fit to transcend generations among the current generation, the road to liberal social agendas at the benefit of the populous at large is what breaks empires, it happened to Rome and it will happen to us if the Left ever succeeds.
>Why should we reject progress
See there it is.. Right there..
You said it..
I feel so bad for you, my friend. You're probably anti-capitalist; ironically, it's the capitalist system that has turned you into this.
If one child who has nothing and wears only rags can be happy with scraps, then progress means nothing.
Because you live, and are a product of, a capitalist system, you're used to the materialistic driven anxiety. We naturally want to conform; we want to keep up with the jones's, and to do that, we need to make money; but there's an ongoing pressure to produce more and more, and that pressure is caused by the interest that someone else benefits from your labor. You want money, and you want to keep making money, even when you have all of life's necessities, and you risk everything for phones, game consoles, computers; it's because you're driven by the anxiety to conform; and to get these things, you have to work harder and harder until progress becomes your only moral.
The reason I know I'm a humane and moral person is because I live by what I preach.
You can say im from the stone age, or you can call me a racist. It doesn't matter to me, because you're not part of society; you're part of a Demos of people who believe in money.
Research feudalism. It'll all make sense.
ok and if the only person who attacked you was a white person, would you be a black supremacist?
Screenshotted, I hate typing this kind of thing over and over
you are fucking retarded
you throw statements with out prove and you want it to be treated like evidence.
fucking retard
Time stamp tits, then maybe that will validate everyone feeding your dumb dumb id.
Depends, If I see that most blacks are smarter around me and statistics line up with what I see them sure.
T. A legal Mexican who appreciates whites for everything they made
I have no problem with your choice of -ism.
Problems happen when your actions affect me and mine.
>Why is Sup Forums so fucking stupid for falling in to another low quality leaf shitposting *and another one*
I fucking miss aussies so much their shitposting really was top notch and didn't rely on liberal trudeau shilling leaf.
Living in a country that doesn't look like Haiti is more important than people's feelings.
If black supremacists had invented almost everything ever then sure
where is your evidence that whites invented everything ever? last i recall, whites stole a lot of technology from the egyptians and colonized african/american tribes. look at the airplane, they stole the idea from the incans
This, real progress is that of scientific innovation, exploration, or discovery.
Fucking leafs don't even try. Sad!
100% bait
to fucking stereotypical to be true, gr8 b8 m8
>every single strata of society, except the very top, are continually becoming less happy and less wealthy
>an avid supporter of feminism
>I regularly attend NAACP meetings and BLM protests
Way to prove his point.
Volataire said "Do not let the Great be the enemy of the Good."
This is the fundamental failure of liberalism - idealism that casts out the good of society by expecting it to meet unrealistic standards. Liberalism then begins to see our humanity as a pathology, it is a road block to the utopian ideal of liberalism and must be defeated - but people cannot defeat their humanity so quickly. We need time to evolve. Our society and technology has evolved faster than we have.
This denial of reality creeps out in the name of the liberal ideal. Suddenly the egalitarian ideal of equality begins to mean that people must inherently be equals despite real world evidence. There is no room for pragmatism, for compromise, for looking at hard truths and weighing real cost/benefit - for true consequentialism. There is only an insistence that reality conform to the ideal, and it cannot.
Egyptians weren't blacks. Blacks were their slaves check their hieroglyphics. colonizing someone means you conquered them, which means you are superior. Incas did not invent planes dumbass, stop making shit up, we know exactly what things Incas made, impressive stone architecture.
Not all races are dumb but whites are certainly the most productive. Whites made the car, plane, jet, rocket, train, electricity, sword, etc.
Blacks are definitely the dumbest race, they have made nothing while getting ass pounded by literally every other race.
>egyptians werent black
Spoilers: Nubians are not Egyptians.
Posted two images debunking that claim, all blacks can do is try to steal other race's history. Fuck black history
your picture literally proves my point that the egyptians were black. yes, even though the egyptians were black, there was still systematic racism back then, among the lighter-skinned blacks and the darker blacks like there is today.
Those aren't blacks, Egyptian is a race
They are brown like Arabs not black, learn about race more
because it is a
Liberal progress as you call it is built on the back of conservative pragmatism.
It seems to be a cycle with people of European decent, the conservatives build up the nation by taking a hard pragmatic approach to solving problems and liberals tear it down with their views on what is progressive and acceptable.
Im am not sure Europeans will survive the next brake down of their societies though. Very sad
Its like Ying and Yang ya dig?
The Jedi need the sith to keep the balance..
egypians are arabs and inca weren't black dumbass
Conservatives are finished thanks to Trump, we won't have to worry about their kind for the remainder of American history.
someone post zimbabwe going to shit after kicking out whites.
Modern day Egyptians are Arabs not ancient Egyptians, in fact the majority of North Africa is Arabic now.
You wanna take a guess how it became that way? You got it, slavery and genocide. Arabs are scum and Africans hate them.
Because it is ultimately unsustainable in the long term. A denial of race, gender and morality, and a complete focus on the materialistic desires of a person, will lead to cultural destabilization and rock bottom fertility rates. Once a civilization Liberalizes, it's fate has been sealed.
Even worse is that the peoples in a Liberal Democrat state will beg the state to expand their welfare programs to keep trying to correct their failing utopia until it becomes completely in deficit.
Also, technological/scientific progress is true progress, not your egalitarian wishes
shut up bitch
liberalism is anti white male
now fuck off
HAHAHA, He was not even black. Most likely a mixture of Phoenician and Berber people.
Another two groups of peoples that the Arabs mostly wiped out. Still Berber around though.
I can see why you would be defending racism, as your grandparents were adamant racists and wanted to keep blacks on a leash. Too bad south africa is now returned back to its rightful owners and you whites are left with barely anything.
yes, hannibal barca WAS black, and so was the entirety of the carthage empire, which is why the romans were so adamant on destroying them and waged so many wars against them. the WHITE romans were SCARED of a possibility of a powerful, strong, BLACK empire and needed to have it destroyed.
well the bright side of that is if clinton is in power, or history will end
Barely anything? lol
Keep dreaming darkie, whites still hold a huge portion of wealth and still create most of the new wealth in this country. Even when it does go to shit whites will take the wealth they created and fuck off outta here leaving it to be another Zimbabwe.
You can only milk the cow for so long until the cow runs outta milk and blacks dont seem to understand this.
Must feel shit to be a darkie, knowing that white people pay the taxes keeping you alive and at the same time all their black leaders are bleeding the country dry.
Here is the deal. I don't think blacks are inherently worse than white people. What I do believe is that it is a self inflicted cultural problem. The black man will grow up in a community that shuns those who want to be a productive member of society, they, at a young age, realize that they are black and tell themselves that this is the way they SHOULD behave and cling onto it. And then any hardship they face they can blame on white people. Their culture does it to themselves.