>3% unemployment
Jesus Christ. How do they do it?
>3% unemployment
Jesus Christ. How do they do it?
tfw no niggers and culture of social obligation
At least i fuck real womens
What the fuck. So why are NEETs and hikikomori a problem again?
Public shaming
>How do they do it?
Gundam manufacture is labor intensive.
New Hampshire's unemployment rate is 2.6%
I'm all good here.
because everyone one there was born in the 19th century dumbfag. there all retired.
NEET need jobs to pay for all their weeb trash
No niggers duuh.
>You will never have a qt asian technician as an honorable wife
I should just reach for the gun
>very few niggers
>very few non-chinks
>immigration policy: no immigration
> almost perfect employment
> economy is "stagnant"
>homogeneous honor based society
>low unemployment
really makes your neurons fire
unemployment =/= not being employed. If you are unemployed you are searching for work. Hikikomoris are not in the labor force at all
More jobs then people. The really need to start fucking before the get culturally enriched.
If they dont want to fuck their women I will for them. I dont even like chink eye women but god dammit I'd do it to save a nation.
That stat must be fake; they have govt stats that have a larger percentage of the population refusing to leave their house / room.
Featherbedding and technicalities.
Most of Japanese business is still paper intensive; this could be made digital, but those that are older running businesses tend to prefer paper and this creates jobs and is thus allowed to stay. Likewise, tons of unnecessary positions that are considered status posts remain that don't in other countries such as secretaries.
Due to Japan's aging population, more and more of the population is shifting from being fully employed to retired opening up new positions for those who are younger. Likewise, people that intentionally do not work are left out of statistics for unemployment.
They're not.
It's a hyperminority that's greatly exaggerated for media attention. It's one of the things that came up during the low birth rate debate and lots of people latched onto the concept.
No matter how many bastardized mobile suits the Feds churn out, Zeon will not give in.
So the whole NEET thing is just a meme?
Tell that to leaf the who likes to post obamas statistics.
by not importing the third world to fill the nonexistent jobs that the local population apparently won't do.
That, and a declining population
Every man is pressured to apply to a company the second they are out of school, where they stay for their entire lives. It's soul crushing and the Japanese salaryman is perhaps the most pitiable man in the world.
>How they do it
Unemployed japs kill themselves,
Maybe they use the Obama method;
Simply stop counting unemployed people and count household chores as "employed".
Or maybe they use the Australian method;
Which is...I dunno. But our unemployment usually hovers around 5% despite entire racial demographics like Aboriginals never even contemplating the concept of getting a job, and most Australians generally being lazy fucks who hate the idea of working, with a generous welfare system.
We have shit to export I guess. Raw materials.
The U.S. has a big export market, but it seems to be for intellectual property, which isn't exactly great unless it's rich people hiring gardeners and all that.
Shouldn't your fracking/oil boom be solving a bunch of these problems?
This is terrible!
Japan needs more diversity
>anything good at all is shown with statistics in Japan
I don't understand. Is it just because some people on here like anime that you're this vindictive?
1. Because there economy has never (and might not ever) recovered from the bust of the 90's, and because the traditional social structures have been eradicated.
They have low unemployment because they have strict migration controls which means even a deadshit drop kick retard can get a job working at a 7-11 or doing landscaping or construction.
The type of guy that people here assume would be a hikki, aren't. Welfare is not enough for $120BDs with only two episodes on it.
They just aren't working at a law firm, broker, or hospital. They staff net cafes and shit.
Most wells got shuttered in this price cutting war. Part of why Venezuela imploded.
You really want to be an "elevator operator" or hand out wank tissues for a living, OP?
They re-classify what counts as 'employment'.
A neet who hasn't been in school in years, hasn't had a job in his life, and is taking 80K in benefits is 'employed' because he makes video games in his spare time.
>I know that feel bro
Japan has government employment programs based upon maximizing employment. However, many jobs are outdated in terms of technology, and most goods are expensive as fuck because of it.
Decades long decline in birth rates created a labor shortage.
Only Obama-Stats work like that.
The rest of the world is a little more stringent with how they count the unemployed. If you fall into the employable range, and you're unemployed, you're "unemployed".
Not "You haven't collected welfare or applied for a job in a month, therefore you're Not Our Problem".
>Before they get culturally enriched
Except because of their cruel-by-western-standards disregard for the elderly, there isn't an expectation that the government will care for them, so they don't need to constantly inflate their tax base. They can expand and contract as they see fit.
Their diminishing population just means more jobs and better pay.
Fuck Japan.That one time they pissed us off we had to vaporize so many gooks.
Why the fuck would I want to be a nip?
Ethnic homogeneity and the ability to feel shame.
Hory shits, those manlets make those 24 inch blades look massive
>Jesus Christ. How do they do it?
homogeneous, Anti-multi-cultural, society.
>the traditional social structures have been eradicated
Higher birthrate than white Germans, one of the lowest divorce rates in the civilized world, and women there marry earlier than most white countries too.
you mean the ones used since the 1970's?
>tfw he probably gets paid more than a college graduate in the U.S.
Just imagine if these racist devils embraced diversity - An itinerant, illiterate South East Asian Muslim could be doing that job for a tenth of the price, while helping boost the population via rape in his off hours.
Still fucked,too many old people. Shrinking workforce, consumer market
>>tfw he probably gets paid more than a college graduate in the U.S.
Lol, no. These people sleep at internet cafes every night.
>Still fucked,too many old people. Shrinking workforce
This meme ended around 2014-2015. The birthrate has spiked and the old fucks are dying right on time.
Fake the numbers? And do you really think that girl works there?
Say...your voice sounds funny today Australia
I wish weebs would do the same...
>>How do they do it?
They don't import foreign labor forces to steal jobs from there natives.
Oy vey the entire country will die out if they don't import rapists- I mean rocket scientists from africa
bo-katanas are massive regardless.
but so are great swords
Remove all the niggers and muslims from any white country and you would get similar unemployment ratings.
>needed to go the bureau of employment after i finished school with them wanting to know if i need help looking for a job
>entire place was filled with shitskins begging for benefits
Pride for their country, and themselves. Not too much degeneracy. They have values.
It's the fake unemployment, the one that doesn't count people who "aren't looking for work".
Because Japan has a very strong (and successful) culture of shame, by making it look like neets are a serious epidemic and by reporting on them as social parasites it indirectly encourages those with jobs to work that much harder because
1) they don't want to end up like those neets they hear so much about
2) they feel like they have to make up for those without jobs in order to do their country and their family proud.
Despite there being very little unemployment in Japan, there is also very little verticality, meaning that you're basically stuck in the same job for life.
Because Japan is the only truly western nation left.
The "West" has fallen, and Japan is the only nation that truly westernized without compromising its values; hence it is still westernized today.
Praise Musuhito.
I mean the ones used by Obama to reclassify employment.
Not counting Unemployed Cause I Stopped Looking has been there since the 1920's.
>slave away your entire life from birth to death
>work overtime for free including weekends to show "loyalty" to your employer
>ridiculous fucking costs of living, rent, and food
>men and women hate each other, and don't fuck or marry
>become alienated in the workplace and feel like a cog with no individuality or character
>one of the highest suicide rates in the world
really makes you think...
Yeah, and traditional German social structures are not only obliterated, but ground up into dust and spread into the ocean.
serious answer
1. most women aren't in the workforce and don't NEED to be
2. family formation is still high. by reducing consumption and sunk costs such as white flighta nd education inflation, raising a family is actually cheaper in japan, so fewer people need work, and a lower overall level of income is needed (their incomes are actually lower than ours.)
4. extremely good work ethic, which incentivizes investment in training programs. training programs were ended in america because it'sa LOT of overhead, and niggers and mexicans always fail them.
it's not a miracle. EVERY SINGLE east asian country has a similar unemployment figure. EVERY SINGLE one.
the reality of the matter is that none of this is rocket surgery. we know EXACTLY how these things work and bureaucrats like to keep it broken because it secures their jobs.
>Still fucked
>Third largest economy in the world
>Took a hit large enough to sink most nations, still motoring along just fine.
>remove shitskins
>companies stop throwing people out every 4 months and replacing them because there are less people ''looking'' for work
>need to give them more secure jobs
>wages get raised
>people start buying more
>companies make more money with people buying more
But no. We NEED mudslimes who don't even want to work and just show up once at work so they can claim in the office that they TRIED looking for a job.
That's great from an economic standpoint.
But last I checked officials were freaking out over the herbivore men and women shit that's resulting in the population's youth to not bother with dating. Did this change or not?
>They went from backwater savages to modern industrialized westernized nation in less than a generation
>Germany is doing the opposite, but even faster
Germany efficiency can't be beaten.
You need to stop believing everything you read on the internet. Paying per hour to sleep at a cafe every night is more expensive than renting a closet sized apartment.
The US has a better labor participation rate btw:
Japan has less fucked birthratings than white people have.
The island is also overpopulated. After the old boomers died out things will normalize again there.
Meanwhile we are fucked and stuck with thirdworlders.
I would like the see numbers on labor force.
I feel as if that would show a more indicative number than unemployment
Well, they're on the same level as the U.K. and the U.S. - and that's WITHOUT them having an equivalent to Hispanics and Pakistani's inflating the numbers.
i feel like Japan is one of those places that, to the outside observer, seems like a really pleasant and efficient place to live, but if you're born into it the underlying societal mechanisms of shame and stress (which make it so efficient in the first place) make you wanna kill yourself
japan is not western and never will be. their mindset is genetically different for almost certainly genetic reasons.
when the west is gone, no asian nation will preserve its legacy. the most "western" asian nation is singapore, and LKY stated that its extreme success came from the english analytic tradition, and they still have public canings and execution for violent crime, and punish anti-government speech with torture.
the west is gone when white people are gone. period.
>Germany efficiency can't be beaten.
I guess looking at the 15-64 yo age group is a better statistics. Japan is doing better than the US there. South Korea is surprisingly low.
>Labor participation rate
> If you perform a minimum of one hour of work in a week and are paid at least $20
These are called "Household Chores" and "Pocket Money" in the rest of the world - Not "Labour Participation".
Weebs, technology, and most of their women are in the porn industry, leaving no room for female error in the workplace
The island isn't overpopulated, the cities are. They have a lot of country land with almost no one on it.
Hopefully they actually build it out after the next boom/bust population cycle.
Everyone forgets that AI is about to replace almost every driving related job in developed countries. They're fine.
By letting their population fluctuate naturally instead of importing lazy third worlders. Notice how our unemployment keeps increasing despite importing millions "that we need"?
Japan does what's best for their people, we do what's best for international corporations.
I just want a secure job which allows me to settle down somewhere and create a family.
Can't have that anymore with the economy demanding to be globalized and mobile because Mamoud, Yusuf or Jamal will take my job for a week and quit after that if i am not willing to do it.
Most of the country land in Japan is mountains. The cities are overpopulated for a reason. Anywhere else you can't build shit.
america reformed them...they are a colonial success story
it was in the 1800s i think?
just fine is an exaggeration.
japan is essentially a communist country in terms of financial markets. capitalism only applies to their consumer markets.
like any centrally allocated country, it could march along indefnitely, the same way feudalism could march along indefinitely. the problem arises in maintaining price competetiveness and innovation under central allocation. this, they can OLNLY do because the west is disintegrating.
further, the stresses on their financial system more or less cause them to ry to patch the titanic with duct tape. they're overcorrected their economy so many times that they fight as much against hteir own interventions as against the fundamental market forces.
it's a clusterfuck. make no mistake
>economy is stagnant
>also known as stable
>while almost all other first world countries' economy is in decline
how can you possibly insult this?
>Only 3%
Ahahahahaha losers
If only Japan could import millions upon millions of unvetted, uneducated, uncultured, unemployable, uncivilised and extremely violent child raping jihadis from the Middle East, they could turn that meagre 3% into a solid respectable European 30% in no time.
The rapid destruction of an ancient national culture and identity, a (literal) explosion of violence, drugs, organised crime and petty theft, an overwhelming feeling of dread and suspicion every time you set foot outside your front door, an extreme strain on an already dangerously overloaded social welfare system and the subjugation of an entire people to a backwards desert cult is little price to pay for the wonders of high unemployment.
The Weimar Republic could only dream of these levels of high unemployment, and that resulted in the Marshall Plan - come on Japan, it's basically free money!
There are farming towns that are dying off because everyone would rather work in the city. I seriously wonder what will happen when the current generation of farmers die. Maybe they'll give young people free land and training.
>slave away your entire life from birth to death
As opposed to paying most of your income to taxes so chugs can get their welfare cheques to blow on Listerine, millions of shitskins can get imported, and doctors can cut of children's dicks.
>work overtime for free including weekends to show "loyalty" to your employer
Yeah, you're right about this.
>ridiculous fucking costs of living, rent, and food
Nope. Food is a bit more expensive, but rent is much, much lower than in Canada. Housing is cheap there, even in Tokyo. I'd never, never be able to afford a house here, but in Japan I could.
>men and women hate each other, and don't fuck or marry
This applies more to Canada.
>become alienated in the workplace and feel like a cog with no individuality or character
That's Asians for you.
>one of the highest suicide rates in the world
So it doesn't count when it's the whole culture is committing suicide instead of just individuals?
>If only Japan could import millions upon millions of unvetted, uneducated, uncultured, unemployable, uncivilised and extremely violent child raping jihadis from the Middle East, they could turn that meagre 3% into a solid respectable European 30% in no time.
haha, funny joke, man!
But seriously, it's the 21st century and xenophobia is a thing of the past. How will Japan compete against the rest of the world when it won't keep birth rates as high as India or Africa?
Japan has to diversify if it wants to compete! What other solution do we have? Try and decrease the population growth of poor countries!? That's basically a genocide. You don't support genocide do you?
It does include part and full time. Japan is notorious for shitty part time jobs though. You either get a full time job for your entire career, or you don't and get stuck in shitty part time jobs forever. There doesn't seem to be something in-between. I don't think it would help them here.
>why does a country which invests heavily in public education, universal healthcare, and scientific research have such low unemployment!!!
>why does a country that invests in research and development instead of useless wars have such booming technological based economies
>it make no sense!!! im gunna blame black ppl!!!
But didn't you hear you fucking white male? Our (((politicians))) and (((economists))) have said we need to imports millions of melanin enriched gentlemen in order to save our economies and fix our unemployment rates!
So progressive, so tolerant!
got your back senpai
Small country, homogenous population, good work ethic. EZPZ
Well, if it's any consolation for the Japs - Korea and China have overtaken them in the suicide stakes.
China especially is booming when it comes to self destruction.
And they haven't even really started the official roll out for the "Social Credit" scheme - which they claim will be finalized by 2020.
If you're not familiar with it - Imagine hot or not based on morality, using peer review, type of employment, type of leisure activities undertaken, types of books and movies consumed etc to judge how "worthy" a citizen you are, which will determine your ability to get loans, be employed, buy a house and even, apparently, be open to prospective romantic partners.
One guy happily described it's usefulness;
>If you buy a lot of video games, you are clearly a pathetic loner and do not contribute to society, but if you buy a lot of nappies and baby formula, you clearly care about contributing to the country and repopulating - Which makes it easy to judge your character.
How do you think surfing Sup Forums would affect your credit rating?
People moving out of the land happens everywhere because farming gets more and more centralized and the cities so stop depending on those land farmers.
No future for the land economy = No more people on the land.