>but muh anthem
But muh anthem
How much do you get paid? I want to shill too. Is it remunerative? I hate Trump #ImWithHer
>Gives solutions and adresses actual problems.
yea, that's all he said
"america isn't great"
"da mufuggin white man be raciss and pressin us"
damn i think im going to vote for hilldog now
>gives solutions
RIP sides
>America's not great. But I'm going to fix it.
>America's not great.
>Trump: "Let's make America great again".
>NFL fag: "America is ooppressive and evil someone else do something".
Just correcting the record
DAM, guess I'm #FallinforColin now
I love this newfound patriotism that the left has magically found.
Remember this monologue from Strawman: The Series really got everyone's synapses firing?
Oh look, a shill beating a dead horse.
This is incorrect.
Trump - "Let's make America great again"
The implication is that America is currently not great, but was once great.
Black guy - "America isn't great"
This is a simple statement asserting America is not great and never was.
They are massively different statements.
Trumps offers hope, a hand to hold to lead Americans back on the right path.
Black guy is saying Americans were always on the wrong path, so fuck them.
It's about context.
>one guy admits but wants to change
>other guy does the same but is to lazy to come up with an idea to help the situation
This is a real American hero and everything that is American
I especially love how triggered conservatives are over someone not standng up for a song.
Talk about precious
>not even remotely close to what the actual issue is
Save your government first Giuseppe
>top: those evil bastards out there are holding you back, but we can fix it!
>bottom: you are all evil bastards
Gee, I wonder why the reception was different.
>America's not great. Let's make it great together.
>America's not great, fuck America and white people.
Blacks want to live in a country without whites, and whites want to live in a country without blacks.
Liberals force us to live amongst each other for their perverted and naive ideals of humanity.
Trips of truth
>trump kills the cuckservatives
>trump has turned the left to patriots
Is there anything he cannot do
>muh falce equivalence
He has every right to not stand for our glorious anthem. We have every right to call him a God damned pseudo-commie. Not that I would expect a shill proxyfagging as a Shtipostralian to admit the nuance there in, fuckwad.
I am now a #NinersFan
Fuck I cringed typing that
>Be living in 2016
>President is black
>Government is racist somehow
>Cop shoots armed criminal in commission of violent crime
>"Stop killing us"
>Bix nood
How much money is in political cartooning? The vast majority I see are fucking retarded.
This really gets my noggin a'joggin.
>for reference
hopefully not much
holy fuck this guy can't draw for shit, look at all these squiggles. do they let anyone do political cartoons now?
That's not even the best part. After that, he goes into exactly when America used to be great. I've shut so many libs up when they've been all "Hurr durr what does he mean by great again? Slavery?" Then I direct them to a scene they posted on their own wall.
>America's not great, and we're going to fix it!
>America's not great, and I'm going to sit here making millions of dollars a year because of it!
really activated my almonds
Now #ImWithHer
Fucking shills.
>I love America, but it's not so great at the moment, let's make it great again
>I fucking hate america, it's not great, it sucks ass
Niggers like to complain over nothing.
Wow. It's amazing how fast (((they))) made a cartoon for this. The tweet that basically said the same thing, with an additional obligatory Shaun King "That's white privilege" retweet, was posted not even 48 hours ago.
>Make 19 million year
>Playing in NFL instead of Kony's child army
>Living in a sweet house instead of a mudhut
>Subsidized Healthcare instead of dying of malaria
>Losing attention and influence because I'm a shitty QB and may have to play backup
>Could lose muh endorsements
>Say black people are oppressed and sit during national anthem even though
>SJW's don't notice that I'm the product of a middle class white family and clearly a direct benefit of white privelege
>They just see my skin color; no irony there
>Media swallows my story and my cock
The tl;dr is that he is the same as any 15 year old white girl; both feel oppressed (aren't) and want attention.
Let me explain this to you so that you have a better understanding of what is really happening.
Colin Kaepernick is a loser.
Why you ask?
He is a mediocre quarterback at best. He is about to be cut from the 49ers, and lose his multi million dollar contact.
Once Kaepernick is cut from the team, watch him pull the race card.
CNN and MSLSD will jump on board.
>Gives solutions
>what's a context?
Fixed it.
How stupid are you not to know the difference between "fuck America" and "lets fix America"
>Gives solutions
Tiptop turbokek famalam
>America is no longer great so I am running for president to fix it
>Ayo I throw da ball around now fix dis country fo me
The other three didn't due the full outstretched arm salute before bringing their hands to their foreheads and then to their hearts. Do they seriously hate this fucking country?! OH. MY. GOD. GUYS.
>We should stop catering to black criminals and entitled illegal immigrants because liberals make them out to be some sort of animal that needs constant protecting from real life and personal responsibility
A throat that doesn't want to sing the anthem of the country that feeds it might very well get cut open.
US is for americans only.
Mudslimes have their own agenda.
Plus they hate civilization. And freedom.
Just can't wait for the day of the rope.
>What is equivocation?
Yet another leftist political cartoon missing the point on purpose.
Trump is a future president.
Kaepernick is a future ISIS member.
my sides
Go on his website CTR faggots.
Sounds like mommy forgot to rock you to sleep
>the solutions are mean so we shouldn't do them, even if it will save us from certain death
Why are you autists so butt hurt?
Are you suggesting Hillary Clinton would be a better candidate?
>Lol we're gonna lower taxes, spend $400 billion deporting illegals, and somehow pay down a $20 trillion deficit
That's like saying pigs can fly. It's impossible.
wtf i hate nigs now
you tried
trump will win
Do you not get the "freedom" part of America? It's a country so free that you can burn a flag, not stand for the anthem, and goose step down the street and scream heil Hitler.
>Democrats claim to be peaceful
>Democrats claim to be compassionate
>Democrats claim to be against war
>Democrats claim to support Islam
And yet the person they support is a psychopathic maniac killer
>Hillary Clinton The Racist
Hillary Clinton calls blacks "super predators" and says they "must be brought to heel."
Hillary Clinton praises Robert Byrd, former recruiter for the KKK.
Hillary Clinton praises Margaret Sanger, a woman who said minorities must be exterminated like weeds.
Hillary Clinton praises Margaret Sanger, a woman who led a quiet campaign of genocide against minorities using abortion.
>$400 billion deporting illegals
so fucking close to a legendary get
i wonder who got it
So do you admit that Trump promises to remove our debt completely (which is basically impossible) in one presidency?
I did not address the debt. National debt is a myth, like the federal reserve. Trump can literally become president and say we don't owe anyone anything and nobody can do anything about it because literally the entire globe relies on the US.
Holy fuck. I'm going to start employing your argument sir.
> "the united states is an important country, therefore debt means nothing to the countries it owes money to"
Its time to get off
>It's about context.
As a liberal I must inform you that all things are always the same always and forever everywhere
We won't have justice for anyone until we have justice for everyone
(statement that liberals unironically actually make)
What a fucking evil bitch. How the hell can anyone support someone like this?
I swear people on the left are some of the most intolerant, hateful vindictive fuckers out there.
>Trump can literally become president and say we don't owe anyone anything
nice way to start WWIII
Really makes you dank?
TECHNICALLY, yes, if you don't mind a global economic crash followed by a war.
National debt matters to the US like lunch money taken from nerds does to a lineman on the school football team.
>we open our borders
>expand welfare state
>desegregate schools
And then suddenly, the US began dropping like a rock. But, clearly, it's all those racist white people who are the problem. When we fully embrace diversity, and white people being a small minority, then we'll be great again. I'm sure niggers and spics all share the same European values. Just look at their countries, nothing but peaceful and prosperous utopia.
>trump wants to fix it
>nigger wants to whine 'muh dik'
Nobody says hilldog here faggot
>im going to do nothing "until serious change"
The second caption exemplifies why Trump might think that way...
>gives solutions
he hints that solutions might exist, and that we're going to figure it out. he's never once actually said exactly how anything is supposed to be done
The guy is an idiot because trump offers hope and the other is just saying America is shit and racist. Anyway, political cartoonists need to stand out so they have different methods of drawing to make them stand out, a signature style.
smoke less crack
and its too bad canada wont invite the 20M illegals in
Youre right we should just shoot them all so we dont have to transport them
>what is the wall
Holy shit, I didn't know Cruz was so based. Copying Caeser in the same way Napoleon did
You know, I used to be annoyed by these 'one post by this ID' threads.
But what I've come to realize is when they come here from normie land and drop off this contrived garbage that entirely misses the point, this runny dog shit that passes as intellectual recourse in the normie-sphere, when it's brought to Sup Forums you end up with hundreds of people tearing it to shreds and fueling the intellectual rebuttal against it that some of us take back to the normie-sphere and cram into everyone's fat dumb faces.
Good job shills, you're inadvertently fueling your own demise.