So two nights ago there was a QnA where a supposed relative of the Rothschilds answered questions. It seemed like it was fake and some role player but after doing some comparisons with other bullshit like the FBIbro threads and the actual rhetoric he described about world wars being caused by opposing families and how they've enacted influence is quite disturbing. I realized the thread hit limit and was deleted rather than archived so I went and took about 150 screenshots of the entire dialogue. But I'm at a dilemma, idk how I'd go about compressing each screenshot into a single picture and idk if anyone would even want to see it. I need advice hear guys
>do you want to see it?
>how would I go about transferring them to a single doc/PNG?
Rothschild Thread from 2 nights ago
I'll post some of the dialogue, I cut out a lot of shitposts and non replies
You don't know how to use ms paint to put pictures into one picture?
crop and paste you retard
why are burgers so stupid
The interesting thing was he asked us to not save the thread and tried deleting it. If he was a role player wouldn't he have wanted it left up?
can confirm saw this shitposter a few months back
Here, OP, I will save you some time.
Here is the entire thread. Compare for yourself.
dont do it !!! they are looking for patsies. you get a virus that make it look like your part of the money laundering scheme to throw investigators off the trail of people that are in the panama papers
emma watson should pay for her crimes and do low end pron for the tail end of her carrier broke and alone
That's the problem, I'm on a cellphone and have no access to a laptop
fucking hell, youre either very dumb or this is 8/10 bait
>Trump is a plant for hillary's win
Confirmed shitposter. If he was really a plant, none of his actions all through this election cycle would make even the slightest bit of sense.
youre killing me, stop doing that
Holy shit thanks bud
Compare it, do what I said, read the dialogue and compare it to this (1/2)
He said
>Trump is a plant for Hillary
It was just an extended CTR shill thread.
Instead of arguing if he was real or fake, why don't we take some interesting things he said and explore them.
Maybe some of his cookie trails will lead to some neat stuff!
So OP what were some of the important things, or interesting in your opinion things the mystery man said?
2/2, it really is nwo shit when you realize it
Thanks but since its archived I guess that solved it
Its just some edgy conspiratard trying to be cool.
Its bullshit, like all other conspiracies.
He also explained ww3 in 2020, Russian and Chinese against the rest of the world
I asked him questions last time and everything he predicted didn't happened...
Give it some time and look over the thread, when compared to what FBIbro said it literally fits
>how often do you count your shekels
Das me
This is obviously shitposting, the guy talks like a fucking pleb. I don't care who or how dumb you are, there's a certain air someone related to THE MOST POWERFUL FAMILY IN HISTORY would have that's just lacking here. fuck this guy and fuck OP
Read the archive this bro linkedBut he explained what the world wars really were, how Clinton is going to win, how soros and globalism is all connected. The matter that Australia has something underneath it and Antarctica is actually a military base were sketch, but when he mentioned the part about his religion blew my mind. I was in the thread, just look for the ID with my name
Nigger shut the fuck up and give the thread a good look see. Then discuss whether or not your opinion is valid
I did. He talks like a fag and his shits all retarded. This is in the same vein as that fucking stupid NatGuard happening thread. The shills are evolving.
Saw the threads, someone posted pic related and freaked illuminati user out, /his/ says it's the "croix de fur", that's as deep as I looked.
If that's the case, I fell for it. It so goddamn fucking convincing, if all else fails though he did give advice to become wealthy and how the war would start. Its really hard to tell at any point
Read this Tell me if it isn't convincing/accurate to globalist takeover theory
How was your vacation to Germany two days ago?
you're very gullible then
what am i looking at here?
Started to read the guy info and saw he is bullshit.
There are many things that show that.
I have to sleep now and wont say all, but one of the reasons he is bullshit is that he said that the elite is not pushing degeneracy to help some agenda.
And this is not true, they ARE doing this.
On a related side at the same time they say mainstream music is made influence culture and say they arent pushing degeneracy?
Calico will probably never have an IPO, such gullible people
Helping you
Same guy, conspiratard trying to meme.
nice ID, Fag.
Ty so much fag
everything he said is nothing the average Sup Forumsfag doesn't already know after watching a few youtube vids and hang out in conspiritard threads.
besides that, he's not very well spoken at all for a Rothschild.
The only reason I can come up with for him spouting off like that is to throw shade. The Rothschilds are public for a reason, and it's to take inquisitive people and prying eyes off of the real elites.
I still ain't buying it anyway. I could have answered those questions myself in a more articulate manner
You're too OCD. Theyd never post in such publicity. Additionally those wars were caused in allignment with hegelian dialiects. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis. They now have a wonderful control network in place and can direct money how they see fit.
An example of this is how they fcuked up the housing market so millenials can't afford houses. Influxes of foreigners will eventually buy these homes and the wealth of our nation will successfully be redistributed to the sand nigs and other immigrants who are given cushy tax write offs to live here and vote for the candidates with moar free stuffff. This was preventable but dumbasses like you Sup Forumslacks and storm fags are too dumb to understand that minimum wage (low wages in general) need to be higher so that CONSUMERS in the CONSUMER based economy can CONSUME. The millenials have no money because of dickheads like you who oppose APPROPRIATE wage hikes, and as such, they actually aren't in a position to contribute economically, leaving the housing market open and in need of eventual stimulus. Congrats, you fucking dumbasses. All you had to do was allow all wages, $25 and under to be raised by $5, and many AMERICANS could have better lives. But your greed and pompous attitudes have opened you up to what the Rothschilds want. Fuck you Sup Forums.
It was an interesting thread.
He said the language his family speaks and uses to communicate deviated from Hebrew 2,000 years ago. Said it was similar to Aramaic. This is the trail we must follow. Where it will lead depends on the depth of our understanding of ancient text and languages. Ive started the search but the stacks information is daunting. Wish me well. God bless and God speed.
The fact that he mentioned that "Satan" is real and the size of a city got me a lil bit spooked
Nah man, have no fear. Satan maybe given dominion over this earthly world, but light will always conquer darkness, always.
What did FBIbro say?
Take a look at threads I shared in these posts. The QnA with FBIbro led to everything /cfg/ has found, which is pedophile rings, money extortion, and overall world govt corruption
just had the exact same mental journey user, hold me
>implying its not the same person.
>Absolutely implying that its not just jon miller in disguise
This was the worst LARP yet and you /x/tier retards just lap it up. Worse than psychic friends level bullshit
>implying I'm not you
>implying you aren't me
>implying we are nothing but all is we
This is a discussion thread, "not a state your opinion without reason" thread
wtf is that?
This directly contradicts with the Trump being a time traveller thread.
Horse hoof without the nail.
What is it? Staring at it for ages and still don't know.
Horse leg cut off with a pipe cutter? I have no fucking clue.
Its from a veterinary morgue, they find dead horses and preserve them to teach veterinarian students
Didn't answer any questions, or prove a damn thing, didn't know history, but knew the origins of his family's thousands of year old language. A whole lot of of other shit that doesn't stand up to the tiniest bit of scrutiny or rational thought. Like real time communication with a being literally thousands of light years away, dating back long enough for this thousands of years old being to have aided them in subversion for millennia. And this highly educated, wealthy beyond reason, possessor of advanced technology, polyglot has a vernacular EXACTLY like one of us.
Can supposedly predict future events that they're planning, but does know that Calico (llc not inc) is owned by Alphabet (google) and won't have an IPO, ever. But that's because he doesn't deal in money, you say, but then he later says there will be an IPO.
Ah forget it you're all to fucking stupid to waste any more time on.
You sound like a nigger
I have to zoom in to read this shit. Fuck that.
You're a pretty shit spy then
He admitted himself that he was illiterate. I lurked in the thread. He said he was 21, felt like a loser since he was too much 'a commoner' for the rest of his family, but still a Rothschild relative, so he couldn't befriend us common mortals. At first I thought it was bullshit, but the fag sounded so genuine when he talked about his own depression.
He also said Lucifer is a biological creature the size of a city. Just like the guy in this thread :
That he was pretty* illiterate. He could read, but he was not well-versed in many subjects.
I was drunk while I was talking to him, the way he responded felt genuine to a degree, especially when he told me how if he were in my shoes he would see globalism differently
I felt sorry for him, to be honest. But damn, I want to know more of what he knows.
Yeah man, I tried to ask something at the end, but he didn't answer it. I know he didn't want the thread to get archived but hell if I won't make more threads now to discuss this topic, this guys a legend
Weaving spiders come not here
Did anyone ask him about CERN?
Nope, people asked him a shit ton about his religion and aliens. The one thing that annoyed me was how a group of guys started to ask him about cicada, which he stated had nothing to do with him. If your curious about them I suggest you look up the "cicada so far" on YouTube and the read the FBIbro threads, he explains how they're simply a Pentagon recruiting tool
>CTR shill denying Rothschild conspiracy
Fuck off niggershill, I'll answer someones question if I want
the whole thread is right here
fbibro, rothschild, and the warburg fag from last night are all the same person