The alt-right is racist. Not Bait or Shit-post hear me out

The alt-right loves to brag about how they make claims and actions based of data, science, and reasoning. The truth is they play the same dumb identity politics libtards do.

For the sake of argument lets grant everything the alt-right says. Blacks are dumber. They are more violent. Etc. Etc.

If these are arguments aren't racist they should apply to whites as well. Dumb and violent whites should be kicked out just like dumb and violent blacks.

Yet it seems to be the case that the alt-right would still take Downsy Dan with an IQ of 80 over high IQ Quan (125). If this is the case there is no other reason than racism. IF the alt-right truly isn't racist then they should be willing to take minorities that meet the requirements and kick out whites who don't.

This is not meant as bait. I legitimately want a discussion on this.

Not just race
Idiots need to go too

What exactly is your question?

Why should race matter though. If all that matters is IQ and propensity for violent should minorities that meat the criteria stay?

You've been outed.

Sup Forums needs to shut down.

What's wrong with racism?

It's why the alt-right considers race so important a factor once we control for the other stuff. They claim they want a pure white society because it would be less violent and smarter. Which is true compared to today, but why shouldn't we allow smart minorities to stay. If the answer is because they aren't white then that seems very irrational.

the alt-right is not a hivemind. the majority is not racist and is open to high IQ & positive cultures.

while i fully support #blacktoafrica nobody politically is talking deport them in america. in europe they have no claim to be in europe and are illegals that italy didnt send back because faggotry

It's stupid. Disliking a smart black just because they are black is just as dumb as when Tumblerinas and libtards hate whites for being white.

I know it's not a hivemind, but one of the main tenets of the true alt-right is its desire for the white ethno-state. Without that it's not really alt-right. It's just neoreactionism.

Sup Forums and the alt-right accept and admire many great black men like pic related, dr. ben carson and Thomas Sowell. We just accept the statistical reality, that as a general trend, blacks are cognitively inferior to whites.

Nobody has a claim to be anywhere. Should southern europeans identify anyone with northern European ancestry and kick them out.

I prefer red wine over white wine for subjective reasons. And no, the tublerinas aren't hating for an irrational reason, they're driven by ressentiment.

>We just accept the statistical reality, that as a general trend, blacks are cognitively inferior to whites.

That's fine. What i'm arguing against are the people who see race as the deciding factor and not cognitive ability.

Nice projection fag.

>the true alt-right

there is no alt right

You're making assumptions based on many lies you've heard about the "alt-right"

The majority of /pol are simply rational human beings open to anyone with high iq, as long as the culture can intermingle and avoid degenerate acts

Blacks being dumb and violent is not the underlying motivation. East Asians tend to be succesful and very peaceful, yet they're not encouraging mass Asian migration and race-mixing.

Yes, the alt-right is racist, advocating for a homeland for all peoples is racist. The alt-right uses statistics not to prove that they aren't racist, but to make the point that racism and separating races is a good thing.

>I prefer red wine over white wine for subjective reasons.

Why? Is it because of the taste. If so the color is irrelevant. If it's purely because the color that's fine but isn't a great reason.

The alt right means Milo and other faggots like him, I refuse to associate with people who suck dicks all day, every day. I'm an ultraconservative, traditionalist nationalist, I always was, and I always will be.

yes, even if whites were dumber than blacks i would still go with whites.
because i identify with whites.
only hypocrites and the mentally ill deny identity politics.
you sound like a plebbitor so sage for you, you retarded libtard.
hope a pack of niggers rapes your mom then feed her to the gators.

>The majority of /pol are simply rational human beings open to anyone with high iq, as long as the culture can intermingle and avoid degenerate acts

lol. If degenerate acts were an exclusionary offence most of Sup Forums would be kicked out of the new state.

>The alt-right uses statistics not to prove that they aren't racist, but to make the point that racism and separating races is a good thing.

What stats actually prove this.

What if I find the color aesthetically pleasing? There's no rational basis for that or taste either. People aren't robots and your insistence that every political decision be rationally justified is simply your problem.

>because i identify with whites.

I identify as blue-eyed. Does that mean in my ideal state I should kick out all non-blue-eyed people.


>People aren't robots and your insistence that every political decision be rationally justified is simply your problem.

I would prefer political decisions to be rationally based. I don't care whether ones dietary preferences are rational because those only affect the individual. Political decisions affect everyone.

Of course we're racist. We never deny it.

Are you being serious?

if 40 to 50 thousand people were actually posting here it would be a clusterfuck.

I'd wager the outspoken minority are the degenerates, I'm personally not for racism without reason, but with reason. Statistics being a viable reason here.

/pol is a christian board.

Yeah, cognitive ability comes first. If you're genuinely smart, you're welcome even if you're black or whatever.

The only thing is that European cultural identity has to be strong. It's that cultural ideology of Europe which has given it the power to do what it does. That's not simply genetic, it is also a product of holding true to the race itself and holding true to national ideas. It's a rough idea. The point is, letting in 50% East Asians to the UK just because they're better on IQ tests is not a good idea. UK is what it is because of its racial identity, and that isn't just to do with intelligence.

The UK is fine how it is when it is white, and turning it into Asia is simply genocide under a different title. Few here advocate genocide, almost none. We don't want to "Destroy" African countries. Many of us advocate African Nationalism based on race, as we think that would strengthen Africa. Most of us want Africa to be strong and happy!

The point is that European identity is part of what makes Europe what it is, and IQ really isn't everything. This post isn't that great, just trying to explain why white nationalism remains relevant.

>The alt-right is racist
Why would this be a problem for Sup Forums? this isn't /politically correct/.

I am racist, you would be an idiot not be

You sound like a normie who had their bubble burst

Welcome to reality kiddo

yes, i am for ethnically cleansing the united states of america and europe of non whites whom which i consider subhuman and unfit to live among the white race.

because race is nation. i couldn't give a shit about iq. i just want a homeland for my people to have a future.

It wouldn't matter what I say, since you can just call anyone you want "alt-right".
But the ones who are mostly accepted as part of the alt-right, such as Richard Spencer and the TRS people, don't call to kick out the "bad niggers" and keep the "good ones". Their objective is explicitly to secure countries solely for white people. This excludes all non-whites, including the well-behaving, they have to go back.

What new state? Europe, and the Anglosphere should all be white ethno-states now. Just as Africa can be a black ethno-state etc. Why should anyone be allowed to migrate to any country they please?

>I would prefer political decisions to be rationally based

Why should people be rational?

I agree everyone with IQ under 100 (maybe 105) should be disallowed to breed.

What makes you think that after establishing a homogeneous society wouldn't be implemented?

You can if you want, but we aren't talking about you, and what your ideal state would be.

Look up the le regression to the mean meme. I'm too lazy to try and spout it for properly you but if these pollards where red pilling effectively they would inform you that when an exceptional nigger has a kid his kid is more likely to be average than exceptional.

>implying pol wouldn't support eugenics to cull the dumb whites off.

This is a straw man

Just accept the fact that niggers are dumb, and that white culture and white genes are better

>If these are arguments aren't racist they should apply to whites as well. Dumb and violent whites should be kicked out just like dumb and violent blacks.

I agree comprehensively. A true Alternative Right must be neo-eugenic.

The thing is, dumb whites aren't nearly as violent as niggers.
Regardless, tribalism is the most honest, natural, and efficient system there is. Every single other society outside the west is still adhering to it. Only dumb liberal cucks think they've left it behind, and they are losing everything because of it.

I don't know when the "alt-right" apparently changed its meaning. I think it was the influx of pissed classical liberals who suddenly realised the ideological ground they could argue on agains the increasingly statist, totalitarian means taken by their ideological opponents.

But I was describing myself as alt-right back when the alt-right was literally the preserve of the ACTUAL right wing away from GOPpers and other classical liberal, laissez-faire free market capitalists.
I was calling myself alt-right when its main tenets were fascism, ethnic nationalism, traditionalism, cultural, racial and environmental preservationism, healthy but not hawkish or imperialistic militarism, so on and so forth.

But no. I can't call myself right-wing without capitalist shabbat goyim following me around ALL THE FUCKING TIME.



Pretty much this, when whites stopped being tribalist they wrote their own downfall.

facts are not racist. it is not racist that everything the left stands for can be BTFO with facts

>implying politics exists in a vacuum
>implying self preservation isn't a higher principle than logic in a vacuum
>implying self preservation wasn't something obvious to the founding fathers that has been relentlessly conditioned out of us

Logic is subjective. For me, it's logical for me to live over another, for that other, it's logical for them to live.

You can't logically reason why you deserve to live, objectively, because logic can't exist in a vacuum

doesn't matter if it is racist. it's a meme word.

obtaining such mush in terms of an opinion that you think anyone will answer you seriously. Sup Forums is not a fucking organism. YOU are the one blind with YOUR inept ability to see individual expressions of politics as just that INDIVIDUAL STATEMENTS. The fucking level of idiocy that people who think they are ''becoming red pilled" share with SJW is a more pressing and measurable parallel.

Your argument skips an important piece.

Yes blacks are on average not as smart as whites. That has nothing to do with why they shouldn't be in the West.

The reason the alt-right wants them out is that they share no western values. They have a different culture that will clash with white western culture.

On top of that multicultural societies have more laws to keep cultures from clashing, and also pit these cultures against one another and the government becomes a tool of oppression for one out the other culture to use against the rest. This multiculturalism also leads to general cultural collapse in these nations.

That said it's is to do with cultural differences, not because of race.

Hello, yes - I am the "Alt-Right" you've heard so much about lately, AMA

Of course we're fucking racist. We're as racist as BLM or La Raza or the SPLC.

Whites are becoming a minority and if we don't fight for minority rights and status we will be run over.

We simply ask for the rights and privileges other minority groups enjoy.

Yet another poster who hasn't read the board for long and thinks he knows what he's talking about.

We don't deny half the shit you guys call "racist." We don't think it's racist to want to preserve your own heritage, culture etc. We don't think it's racist to value our own people above foreigners with incompatible ideologies and temperaments. We don't think it's racist to want to live in a neighborhood without disruptive elements. We don't think it's a moral obligation to exterminate ourselves.

What's more, most of us are probably less "racist" than leftists, since we don't want to force all the cultures of the world to intermix, obliterating the uniqueness of each group. We don't support foreign occupations or entanglements in other nations' affairs.

>logic is subjective

kill yourself

The problem with identity politics is that you reduce yourself to nothing more than your race. It's a hive mind mentality. Nothing really wrong with it but I can't grasp the idea of my whiteness being the only thing that makes me who I am, rather than my personal interests, hobbies, work etc. Its like a gay defining his entire existence solely through his sexuality and nothing else whatsoever.

Premises are subjective. In any logical interchange with anyone else, you have to establish common premises, or logic doesn't do anything.

You're just discounting all logic to justify your own lazy thinking.

>The reason the alt-right wants them out is that they share no western values.

Alt-right confirmed for civic nationalist cucks then?

No wonder they're trying so hard to push that label.

If we don't play the game and band together we'll be picked apart. There has to be a unified "white vote." Look how hard they talked about the "black vote" this year and niggers don't even fucking vote.

We have to pull into a group and define a white identity in order to protect ourselves and our interests. We are no longer the minority. We have to stop living in denial.

no the reason we want them out is to secure the future of our race. on a conscious or subconscious level this is the real reason for all our views. all the other stuff is just a bonus and to have tools to argue with. it is all about race.

As long as shitskins and other mutants have the right to vote in Western nations, he is correct - logic is subjective. Francis Bacon proved that ages ago. Aristotle was wrong. People are free to ignore the law of identity, they do all of the time, and there's no way to make them listen, either.

>>This is not meant as bait.
>this is bait

>The problem with identity politics is that you reduce yourself to nothing more than your race. It's a hive mind mentality
i see no problem with this. it's perfectly normal.

>Nothing really wrong with it but I can't grasp the idea of my whiteness being the only thing that makes me who I am, rather than my personal interests, hobbies, work etc.
you get bonus points from the white community for being a special snowflake

>Its like a gay defining his entire existence solely through his sexuality and nothing else whatsoever.

it's like you're trying to be a little troll, no?

We can't kick out native people from Europe, but we should kick out immigrants

The alt right is also led by Milo "big nigger dick in my ass" Yiannopoulos. I don't think they're racist for the sake of being racist, but I don't affiliate myself with them.

I agree that nigger-tier white trash should be exterminated as well. Thanks for agreeing, bro.

So if I'm an atheist Mexican living in America why do I agree with Sup Forums most of the time?
Granted, I disagree a lot concerning religion but I feel like only the idiots comment on those threads. Theists and atheists alike.

> us vs. them

I'm white as a damn sheet, but I have more in common with my black lawyer buddy than I have with you racist shitfucks.

You just don't have any "us" other than an arbitrary group defined by the color of your skin. It's because you're worthless, and nobody likes you or cares about you.

Alt-right has some stupid vision of white people rising up, waving the Confederate flag around, and fixing everything by kicking everyone else out. But in reality, everyone else is actively working on fixing their own lives (in tandem with whatever people of whatever races that are in their own personal in-group), and you're not doing any of that. You're just shitposting on a shitty board.

In conclusion, kill yourself.

They are open to high IQ because they are aware that it is completely absent from this board and desperately need it in their lives.

he's right. unless you believe humans are gods capable of reaching an objective truth. kek, our "logic" is just our impressions of reality same as an monkey or dog has.

Sorry I was venting about the state of the alt-right right now. You raised good points and I will echo the rest of the thread when I say this,

Eugenics matters.
I believe that the same principles I think would be good for the white race, would be good for any other race who would adopt them.
I have respect for non-whites who have some pride in their people and their race and enough care and sense of responsibility and stewardship to want to play an active role in improving their communities.

Why is race important?
Even if we were to all allow miscegenation to happen and turn us all into a homogeneous coffee-coloured species, you cannot simply ignore why races formed in the first place.
Society is a racial construct as much as race is a social construct.

Before the Earth was as densely populated as it is now, it never made as much sense for groups of people at odds with one another to war with each other. If all it took to alleviate scarcity of resources, if all it took to alleviate tribal tension, was for one group to migrate away to another location, then that is better than blood being shed.
But tribes and communities wouldn't have split randomly, they would have split along lines of whom individuals felt they had the most common ground with - they would flock with those with whom they agreed upon the method of gathering and distributing resources, with whom they agreed upon the way in which the community raised their children, with whom they agreed upon the deities they worshipped and the higher societal values they shared in common.

And I honestly believe that as people divided along those lines and inmarried with those they shared a common culture, common values, common beliefs and common temperament with, those became to a degree as innately wired in the makeup of a person as the colour of your skin, hair and eyes are.

And that's why I'm a racial separatist, because I feel it lends itself best to social cohesion.

No they are nationalist who are opposing globalism and the Marxism pushed by the left.

Those without western values also tend to push globalism and Marxism. Therefore they are a threat to western society.

No cuckery in opposing one world Marxist government.

>how to say nothing whilst thinking you've said something: the post.

100 iq retard detected.

>We can't kick out native people from Europe,
sure you can, if you come to the conclusion that democracy is a scam.


This. Multiculturalism is a fucking disaster. There's not nearly enough gibs to hand out for us all to get along. You can only tend to your own.

Actually, degenerate dumb whites are just as a problem to society.
So i agree with you.

Obvious brainwashing. You pleasure center lit up as you wrote that, "I am such a valuable member of my social group!"

>civic nationalist cucks?
>continues to brabble about culture as if that's the deciding factor why having foreign ethnicties in your country is bad

Yeah, pretty much confirmed.

I feel at odds with the predominant Semitic, Abrahamic culture. It feels unnatural to me to my very core.

I feel the indomitable spirit of Europa coursing through my veins.

I see and have experienced traditional (and white) communities where they still exist here, I have seen how the community spirit has naturally led such places to openness and trust between strangers, to the point where doors needn't even be locked.

But I am aware that to preserve such soft, civilized societies, you must have a hard exterior, a sense of differential in/out group ethics, and this has always been Europe's downfall - our obsession with universal ethics, in mistaking others as being as reasonable or as civilized as ourselves, when they are not.

We went out into the world and tried to impose our values, our civilization, on those we deemed uncivilized, and guess what - they didn't change.

So what are we doing now? Opening our doors to them, letting them come here, thinking we can steep them in the values of our society and that they will naturalize to our way of life, and guess what - they don't change.

> Hurt feels detected, deploying unicycle gary

You don't seem to understand user, anyone with a sub 100 IQ should be removed from the gene-pool (through sterilization not execution), this isn't exclusively non-white but it does include most non-whites.
Those that are left must either abandon their religion or convert to Christianity from there humanity can continue its technological advancement.

I can understand wanting to have your own identity, but your heritage is the root that it grows from. Without it, you're just another no account drifter in a low social trust society, a nobody of no inherent value to anyone. A man without a country.

>falling for race bait
>muh alt-right

reddit incarnate.

And why is or isn't it bad to have foreign ethnicities in your country?

What does it matter if they are the same culture as you and share your same values?

oh you're so mean

More special than you apparently, because I actually have skill sets.

Not trolling at all, people like you are sad to watch because you have nothing meaningful in your lives, so you cling to an accident of birth. The only thing you are good for is making a baby. You don't have the capacity to advance the white race, because you don't have any sort of potential.

>muh technological advancement.
literally irrelevant.

>should minorities that meat the criteria stay
Jesus Christ...

There's trends of IQ between the races, and it's dysgenic to race mix. Now stop posting and lurk moar until you've learned.

The notion that some are different is a slippery slope. It's easier to assume they aren't and accept the false negatives.

>that backtracking from "no I'm not a civic nationalist cuck" to "what's wrong with being a civic nationalist cuck, huh?"

Read some Putnam, senpai.

Nigger what do you know about the "potential" of people on this board?

No shit

go prep your bull buddy, no one cares that you're a nigger lover.

i may have a slim change of advancing the white race.
you on the other hand have zero chances of advancing it.
on the contrary. you work against it, taking refuge with non whites throwing stones at white people.
once there will be no more white people left the stones will be thrown at you.

ps: only snowflake stupid people think highly of themselves.

The alt right is not racist, thats just liberal propaganda trying to link trump to racism, yet again.

If trump was not running, the media would never have cared

Putnam makes the case that multiculturalism doesn't fucking work... That's what his whole fucking study showed.

What the fuck does being a white western nationalist have to do with being a cuck?