Birth Rate "Crisis"

So Im sitting at Tokyo Narita Airport right now waiting to depart to Thailand, and my experience here has left me staunchly aware of how much of an overpopulated hellhole America has become.

At a major intetnational airport in Tokyo, one of the most important major urban centers of the world, it took me literally less than 20 minutes to check in at the entrance of the terminal, go through security (no X-Ray machines btw), go through Immigration and arrive at my gate, with 2 and a half hours to spare. Literally a walk through the park. Just chillin now watching the terebi and drinking my Pocari Sweat sports drink.

Could you imagine the same at any one of the main airports in the US? Navigating through the overcrowded hoardes of all these newly imported spics, niggers and Muslims who cant behave properly, and waiting in line for hours thanks to all these fucking leeches going back to visit their homelands, while getting molested by nigger and Mexican ex-convict TSA agents because we let terrorists from countries that hate us walk freely amongst us. I get to the bigger airports usually 3 hours early and am lucky if I make it to my gate with a half hour to spare.

Man, I always knew the birth rate "crisis" lie was a crock of shit, but holy fuck, after experiencing first-hand how easy going things are in a country with low birth-rates and no immigrants, I am fucking livid. We were sold a false bill of goods and our quality of life is rapidly going down the drain. This is such fucking bullshit.

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i want to hear more about this

as well as the experience of others

is this because they live in a homogenous society?

Yes, obviously.

Bumping because wtf.

>Thailand is baby booming right now


Landed at DFW, one of Americas biggest airports. No one around, everyone simply faded away after exiting the plane. Only one other person at the baggage return, my bag is the first to pop up. It was a complete breeze.

Leaving was a different story however.

Good airport

I know. Its just that (((they))) want to get more democrat voters in the U.S.

hey efran is that you? how is your trip going?

You're lucky, there's not a lot of Chinese obviously. More than 5-10 and the fuckers do what they want.

And Japan has the easiest customs of any country I've ever been to. Even better if your a foreign resident, just breeze through your line when you come back.

But you get fingerprinted and your picture taken, stored in a database for an indefinite amount of time. They literally track you for the duration of your stay.

Richard Spencer, is that you?

Retina scans too.

"Oh no, a country is taking steps to protect itself and it's people from potentially harmful outsiders and bar people from coming back if they commit crimes! Whadda shoah, oh veeeey!"

have a b.ump OP

there is no going back at this point I'm very afraid. I really just don't see it happening, the US will turn into a mongrel country like something in South America. We will slowly turn brown and no one will even care.

Who cares.

Why arent we doing the same thing to all these shitskins flooding into the US? Thats the question you should be asking.

OP you neglected to mention why you're going to Thailand. Therefore it's assumed by default you're going there to fuck ladyboys.

Cheap real estate. Im looking to gtfo of the US and the West altogether.

Yes, but you fail to mention that the vast majority Japanese terrorism is committed by Japanese themselves. What's more, Japanese citizens are exempt from this. I'm up for it as long as you guys get the equivalent gaijin treatment.

I was photographed last time I went through the States. Fingerprinted too, IIRC.

Japan may be going through a birth decline crisis right now, but down the road they will be a better place because of it.

>Overcrowded cities eliminated.
>More jobs than people
>Some land restored back to parks and forests.
>Self-sufficient in food
>Lower energy costs

Less people - Better life for them.

>the vast majority Japanese terrorism

Unless you're going to count random stabbings or the Potato Massacre last month, Japan hasn't had a terror attack since the sarin gas attacks. And before that, it was the Japan Red Army. Japanese people are photographed/tracked for their licenses, etc. as well, you can't really do that if foreign visitors, so you get their at the point of entry.

cool blog

I guess that is fair enough, though I hope these 'enhanced security procedures' will die down soon. The western world (and far eastern) needs to attack at the source instead of applying temporary bandages to flawed systems.

Globalisation is killing the infrastructure of this earth at an unprecedented rate.

>Mohammed Fujita

The lower 48 US is almost the size of china and has 4.5 times less the population, and is larger than India which has 3.5 times the population.
The problem with the US is urbanization and infrastructure, fewer and fewer decent jobs exist in rural areas, new cities aren't being built and we still have tons of rural area sitting empty and the only immigrants who take even a passing interest in rural areas are latinos.
City Life USA and rural or suburban life are night and day differences

I honestly recommend against carrying checked baggage for domestic flights, that said I always found coming back to the USA from a foreign country easy peasy

The lower 48 is the same size as Australia and has 15x the population. Sounds full

>though I hope these 'enhanced security procedures' will die down soon.

That will never happen, it's part of acclimating and making the population accept being tracked constantly.

Japan is way more densely populated than the US. The problem with US airports is the TSA and sheer incompetence.

Why are you drinking Pocari Sweat? Shit is overpriced garbage.

Not him, but it's hot and humid as fuck. Gotta stay hydrated or you get heat stroke.

>TSA and sheer incompetence.

TSA is almost always niggers and white trash

Not really. Most of America's landmass is still untapped wilderness.

How cheap is "cheap"?

It's not birth rate. You could have that anywhere in America if you got rid of certain populations noted for urban residency, poor impulse control and reflexive opposition to efficiency.

>reflexive opposition to efficiency


thats a logistics complaint if anything

>because they live in a homogenous society?
It's because they live in a high IQ society.
Intelligent people create things. Wild savages break things.

This is why I moved here permanently

Good to know that.
Yet another country I will never visit.
I don't like being presumed a criminal.

To be honest, I assume you steal because of your flag, gypsy.

>(no X-Ray machines btw)

Bull shit. I was at Narita last month and there were x-rays. Security was fast as fuck though.

I think he means none of the X-ray tubes they make you go through in the States?

Oh yeah, there weren't any of those. I've been to a few different countries and all of them just had the standard metal detectors and bag x-rays, and they were all way faster.

Went through them the first time last winter, damn thing didn't work, than a guy had to pat me down.

What the fuck would I bomb in New Jersey?

And yes, way faster elsewhere, bur\t London was pretty bad too.