Has trump lost his mind?
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:( RIP
does trump bang ese? i guess we'll find out
If he comes back in one piece he'll be fucking bulletproof. He pulls off a good trip and he can ride this to November.
arrest him when he enters your country pablo
No, he is the God Emperor.
It's genius on his part.
He truly is the Teflon Don.
If he comes back saying "They say they want the wall too" it could be great. Even if it doesn't go that way it shows him acting presidential. Sure the media will spin it as 'mad man wanders around Mexico's but you know
Oh we are waiting alright :)
you never wanted to get in some quick, last minute threats?
Post yfw The Don cucks Mexico's president
Pussy's gonna have all sorts of protection, but people will claim he's fearless.
It's pretty funny that people unironically believe he's got a chance at winning
>your alpha leader is a cuck
>losing to Hillary
he'll probably say:
trump: look man, i know the wall thing is pretty shitty but it has to be done
peña: yeah, people here have grown tired of all the shitty things we do
trump: clam down, just give half of the money required to build the wall and we'll figure out a way so you pay the rest of the money
peña: okay, but wha about the 11 million?
trump: lmao, don't worry, i'm gonna give amnesty to at least 70% of them, not all of them are drug dealers, i just made people believe it, it was really easy as you could see. The other 30% will be coming back, though
peña: okay, i'll have the oven ready
interesting, indeed
Cap this.
He is going to get shot and dragged down the street
>[in Mexican]
>Trump visits mexico
>Angry mexicans everywhere.
>He and his campaign committee pry the north wall off of every building they can find.
>Start dragging them to the border.
>Panicked pablos everywhere.
>All the random mexican house parts assemble into the great wall of mexico
>"Told you that you would pay for it"
Im not sure the current state of the mexican federal government, but I know some of it is cucked by the cartels. If anything stronger immigration and co operation would put the cartels drug trafficking to a hault, it would also make it harder for cash and guns to go south. Really its in mexicos interests. That being said, domestic drug reform would help as well, which is really up to the states.
If you fuck with him, you'll die, Juan.
>Le meme man
>wearing a stetson hat
fucking disgraceful
As a candidate Trump has secret service out the ass. If anything happened in mexico your country would be one step closer to being a spicy africa.
This is the only thing that could happen
This isn't a bad idea. Obama would praise us for arresting a dangerous racist KKK and Hitler re-incarnation war criminal like Trump. :^)
>gets attacked by mexican savages
>everyone realizes that he was right when he says mexico is shit and we dont need them
>immigration speech says remove taco
>unanimous support
Every sicario within 1000 miles will be there to greet him
>let's to to where I'm most hated
I think I understand why all secret service agents bald so quickly now.
naaah, they're not cucked, they have been pals for a long time (if i recall correctly, a couple of photos where some politicians attended the wedding of a druglord and were having a blast where leaked some time ago). Maybe Trumpo-chan will discuss giving amnesty to some and deporting the rest.
I heard this on the secret chan, I can confirm, except on the secret chan they said a ghost by the name of Elliot Rodgers will also be aboard.
Don't think of it as a mind. Think of it as battling evil. In a world, we mere mortals can only imagine.
This is a gutsy ass move. Hopefully if someone tries to assassinate him again it can be traced back to Soros or Clinton.
and i wish the oven thing really happen.. i wish it with all of my being, goddamn it
Do actual Mexicans hate Trump?
I feel like the actual citizens would have some kind of distaste towards the immigrants for abandoning their country.
Holy fucking presidential, hatman.
> mfw Trump and Nieto force LeWeedMan into a North American Union.
> mfw Fistful of Ameros.
He will be our martyr and our movement will unstoppable
Trump will have protection with him sponsered by Vince.
Trump is going to become a fucking legend tomorrow.
>trump will cuck mexico in their own country
>comes back to america a few hours later telling the US that mexico has agreed to pay for the wall
Alpha as fuck
>Trump going to Mexico
Is he gonna negotiate the financing of The Great Southern Wall?
He's probably going to cuck on his immigration policy.
>North American Union
Stop trying to make that happen.
It is not going to happen.
In history there was one Caesar, One Augustus and i'm certain that in 2000 years they will talk about the one Trump
Problem is "if"
The "immigrants" as you refer to them are the Mexican people's relatives and they are sending them money. Why would they dislike them?
Going to mexico to tell them about how tall the wall will be?
Caesar didn't have access to nukes. the fine 'ol solution
So some sicario movie shit is gonna happen?
no, not all of us do.
Some don't give a flying fuck about whether or not he actually builds a wall along the burger southern border (we've had to cope with worst shit than a wall preventing brayan, kevin and tizoc from crossing illegally, like cartels and politicians fucking stealing tax money non stop). The problem is the media and the hyper ultra leftist. Personally, i neither like him nor hate him, he's just trolling everyone mercilessly which is funny considring all PC goig on up there. Don't listen to what most chicanos say, they're just butthurt.
>Go to Mexico to deliberately get attacked by some Mexican
>Use it as fuel for your campaign
maybem he's been flip flopping lately...everything is possible at this point
>Trump is considering not going through with his immigration policies because he's losing so badly
>Mexicans are already in the US
>Mexicans are stealing jobs
>Mexicans are stealing white women
>The White men try to fight back by dating Mexican women, and boasting about their conquering genes
>White intellectuals
>The white non-hispanic population is decreasing every year
comes back,says hes made a deal then says hes going to make north America great again.
wont disclose deal unless elected
Mexican president then claims trump is a great man and loves the Mexican people.
2017: president trump implements the north American union.first order of business would be heavy tariffs on china from all north America
and Mexico building a wall between them and Guatemala.
>gets attacked by Mexican savages
>left says "he deserved it for being so racist"
>media shitstorm
>loss of face and media frenzy covering hillary allows her to scrape a victory
If a violent thug attacks him, he will not be portrayed as the victim.
Mexican here. All my friends back on Mexico hate Trump. They hate him even after I redpill them everything with the stuff I see on Sup Forums, they are brainwashed by the media and facebook.
>mexicans are stealing white women
really? i mean, i thought it was just jamal, or a meme
you ain't going to do shit you cactusnigger
chinga tu madre, cabron
its nationalism (only Mexicans can talk shit about Mexico)
>everything trump does is bad
ebin meme my friend
They will be negotiating the construction of the wall.
It's just a meme. Interracial couples are still quite uncommon. Sup Forums is just obsessed with cuckold porn focusing on Jamal.
>North american union
you know that'll spell open borders right?
Trump has already decided he has won.
fucking kek
So did the pope
>says the wetback offspring
seriously though, this might be interesting
Of course they'll say its a meme, user. Hell, they still try to say Tyrone fucking white women is a meme.
Its mostly about culture, but most of my white exes used to fantasize about having mixed kids. This wasn't just something I assumed because they were dating me, they specifically brought up the topic of mixed kids. They think they're cuter.
Now hes really gone MADMAN status. Donald pls stay safe.
either lying or kikes are incredibly good at brainwashing white people as these folks have said before...interesting site indeed
Nope. Same thing. They like mixed babies. Brainwashing mate.
Nothing is going to happen you dumb niggers, If anything all Mexican police will be watching his ass very careful so noone fucks with him.
eerrr..mmm..err.. not always user it depends on the person, if you criticize some obvious flaws the culture has, you might get beaten up really hard...
In all honesty and memes aside
What's this all about?
doesn't your entire police force and government consist of drug cartel members lol
He's a fucking dumbass as usual. The cartels might attack him. Remember that he will build a wall which means he will hinder the flow of drugs into the United States.
>they specifically brought up the topic of mixed kids. They think they're cuter.
Right, niggers are the worst looking people along with abos and streetshitters.
>Dangerous racist KKK and Hitler 're-incarnation war criminal
Mexican intellectual
probably this: or:
trump comes closer to peña
trump: things are going exactly as planned
peña: i know, both sides think you're gonna build wall lmao
trump I KNOW!!!! ayyy lmao
that's a pretty interesting publicity stunt
EPN is gonna clown on him, right? Like it's the only thing that can save his numbers with the people?
I'm really scared.
Some of it, but noone needs that kind of attemp, not to a presidential candidate of a friendly superpower, not even narcs are that fucking retarded, leave that shit to niggers.
rip in pesto
dey gone kill the donald ;_;
I actually wish for a NAFTA customs union for
full free trade.Then said union would put tariffs on china making companies move factories from china to Mexico.
KEK will protect!
maybe he'll go meet the chinese president just to show others how bold he is, shitting on them and then going to their turf
>they're not cucked
Sure thing, Manny
Niggers are mostly pretty ugly, mixed niggers aren't as bad, but I'm not a nigger.
Should have clarified, but when they brought them up they specifically meant white-mexican mixes.
>The Left implies that Mexicans are violent and will kill Trump
Yet they call Trump the racist.
Remember that America can wipe out the cartels in one day.
The reason cartels still exist is because we haven't used Drone Strikes on them yet when they fucking make it so obvious where they live and their family members always brag about their mansions and cars on social media.
>wetback offspring
German and Polack heritage, pendejo. We get a lot of illegals up here in Wisconsin because of all the farming. It's fun to overcharge them on stuff because they can't be bothered to learn the language, and all their income is tax-free anyways.
what are you waiting for? DO IT, we're tired of it... use your drones, tanks or whatever to kill'em and make colombia your new provider of drugs, like in the good old days
i live in the southern mountains of Mexico and see some guys that come back from the north bringing white wives and kids, some are cute but nothing really special, we have some white people here that get married to some ugly locals too, my ex gf has blue eyes and is of french ancestry.
also i didn´t imply you where a nigger, sorry.
I don't think he's going for the amnesty angle since he knows he'll lose more support than what he'll gain, especially with the media reporting about it 24/7
Plus, I don't think he's ever been for it since the same thing happened last year with mexican """"intellectuals""""" saying he was gonna talk about amnesty after a meeting with them
But desu I don't know what he wins from doing this
But we'll see
Do it nigger and drop some in the senate and the presidential home, and then i would gladly promote and build the wall myself.