Investigative Journalist Here

Hey Sup Forums,
I'm an investigative journalism and looking for a story to look into. I looked through the content of this board and aside from a few hate filled and stupid posts some actually have good sources and reasoning. Can you help me out by pointing me in the right direction for a good story. Thanks.

Other urls found in this thread:



Do a piece on george soros and his foundations.

No you aren't faggot

The only thing you investigate is maple syrup in someones anus

I originally wanted to do it on whether the holocaust is real or not but that seems to trivial and has been done before.

Prime example of some of the retarded posters on this board.

I'll have to read about it but I'll take a look.

Fine lets pretend for a minute there is this miniature chance you are one.

>soros and funding of borderline foundations all over the world & their common attributes
>clinton foundation and connection with changes in political directions
>clinton body count
>clinton health
>erdogan's real aim in 'war with ISIS'

etc etc

Thanks more what I was looking for.

I mean this is 99.999% fake but fuck it
nothing better to do at 2am


Look for the /cfg/ threads, use the research that has already been done there as a starting point and dig deeper. Wikileaks has a reward out for info on the murder of Seth Rich, dig here. Reseach the tactics used by Soros who makes vast amounts of money from human misery, dig into the revolutions he has funded, dig into what organizations he is funding now.

If you got the balls.

I'm sorry but I'm not really sure what the size of my balls would have to do with writing a story on any of these stories.

I mean I'd suggest avoiding Clinton if I were you, people tend to have accidents around her a lot
for example falling and shooting themselves twice in the back of the head

Soros seems to care less about people looking into what he's doing

Do you guys have any ideas on who I should contact for best coverage?

Contact Breitbart or Infowars

both fairly large platforms, breitbart is probably better but infowars has a higher chance of getting you on

however its less likely to reach a large audience

other than that I'm not sure, any right leaning news agencies?

Over the past year, Canadians have developed a rather shitty reputation here. His defensiveness is nothing personal. He's angry at the larger trend. As a Canadian posting here, frankly the chances of you being an investigative journalist are much smaller than you being an ass syrup inspector. I hope it's the former.


No large media company sponsors would support any of the views or stories presented here. So it would have to be local news or as you said infowars and breitbart.

>Soros is actively trying to censor the internet
This is a big one
>"Leaked Soros Document Calls For Regulating Internet To Favor ‘Open Society’ Supporters
>An internal proposed strategy from George Soros’s Open Society Justice Initiative calls for international regulation of private actors’ decisions on “what information is taken off the Internet and what may remain.” Those regulations, the document notes, should favor “those most supportive of open society.”
>The Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI) is part of the Open Society Foundations, Soros’s secretive network of political organizations. According to the organization’s website, “The Open Society Justice Initiative uses law to protect and empower people around the world, supporting the values and work of the Open Society Foundations.
>The call for international control of the internet is part of a 34-page document titled “2014 Proposed strategy” that lays out OSJI’s goals for between 2014 and 2017…
The rest is in the archived link.

oh other than Soros a good angle to hit would be TTP and TTIP, their effect for the US and the EU, etc

You must be new to this. People die near the Clintons.

Lots of accidents happen around them
there's at least one more to be added since this was made

I am fully aware of the Clinton body count I just don't see a reason not to write.


Watch this, Bill was selling alot of bonds back then. Dig dig dig


Can I work for you? I'm a high quality writer being paid to write/shill is my dream pls hire me, will investigate for shekels

also look into 9/11, military-grade explosives were found at the scene and yet people barely know about it

How about an expose about tim hortons being a false canadian idol? Ever since they sold out to burger king they got rid of the canadian suppliers and switched over to american. This affected a lot of canadian buisnesses but no one gives a fuck. This coupled with the complete downgrade of food quality in their restaurants, its no wonder why top executives resigned in mass over this.

Ya sure how would you like to communicate.

I am looking for a more international story.


Won't pay for writing though it can be a collaboration.

Such an intelligent post. Thank you america for your great contribution.

I'll mention the help of Sup Forums in my piece so look out for it.

The unprecedented boldness of foreign powers

Certain foreign powers have been very bold lately with territorial claims and military movements. What has changed? Why now?
Do these powers believe they have some intel or information that provides them with leverage?

What makes them think they can get away with standing up to the entire UN and it's decisions?

we don't want to be mentioned. we just want people to know the truth.

Write this:

>transgendered faggots are mentally ill like the leftist trash.

I don't mind being informant-tier. Some ideas are worth fighting and dying for, shekels are nothing. Do you know any email service that doesnt require me giving my phone number away like a good cuck?

Check this doc out

>I'm an investigative journalism
>English majors

I got trips kek wills it

try to find a correlation between being Canadian ad being a dog fucker

use kik

write about Pennis and also dicke and balls

I made a kik for those who want to contribute or help out. Kik me at:


[email protected]

send me an email and lets talk get to know each other

Ok will do

I sent an email

Did you get a reply yet?


email me [email protected]

fuck off moosenigger


Sup Forums is the Zeitgeist of the masses.

Sup Forums was right about Brexit and Sup Forums will be right about Trump

would you like to know how much a Qatari slave camp sells for ?

what has he done that's actually illegal?

INVESTIGATE GEORGE SOROS.....then go hide in the Amazon jungle.

Just sent an email, apologizes for the delay

Yes the odds of you being a canadian ass syrup slurper are much higher than you being a journalist on THIS board.

write about why alt righters masturbate to anime