Not learning or teaching your sons to fight. How's that working out for you white boy?

Not learning or teaching your sons to fight. How's that working out for you white boy?

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We don't have brain damage from repeated blows to the head so it's actually working out pretty well

White boys can't fight. They're too busy sucking each other off or ogling Japanese cartoon boobies.

all is lost

Teaching to fight is different than whopping him with an extension chord and creating a kid who simply enjoys casual violence.

Trained white boys invariably rek wild niggers.

You don't teach these white boys how to fight and the black children will rage on them. Don't let this be you.

flibity bipity fpbp

I do though! I wrestle with the neighbor boys all the time.

you prefer the brain damage from the single blow to the head you defenseless girly man.

you realize you dont need to punch someone in the head to win a fight, right? Boxing is for niggers, ever heard of Brazilian Jujitsu? it's the ultimate fight finisher, literally.

Enjoy being kicked in the head while your on the ground.

We CCW nigger.

I did Taekwondo as a kid and i barely remember anything.

fucking straya, if you ever fought sober you would know you don't need to choke a guy to death to finish him in a fight, everyone thinks jiu jitsu is what they see in UFC where a guy arm locks someone until they quit or choke them until they quit, go to a Brazilian JiuJitsu school you wont regret

No thanks, I fight better drunk.

also Judo is great to learn when you're a kid, you should do Jujitsu when you're a teen cause it can hurt younger kids


i don't see any of them using Jujitsu, try again

Why would he fight people when he's sober?

He doesn't live in a nigger country like you


not going to happen with modern protective headgear and at an amateur level

stop being such a fucking pussy and learn to defend yourself

This is true, that's why a little stand up game goes a long way.

They only make up 2.4% of Australia's population and the majority of them live in the Northern Territories where Australians don't live.

You're probably more likely to get bashed by a maori or an islander than by an abo

Jujitsu was improved with street fighting making the Brazilian version of the japanese fight, back in the 80s-90s was a sport around here to go out at night beat everyone at clubs using JJ also the Grace family challenged most of other schools masters to fight off in the beach, they won pretty much 95 per cent of the fights that why it became so famous

get out of this board you don't get memes when you see them

>tfw your dad didn't teach you to fight

You're not allowed to post until you clean your river.

>modern protective headgear
It literally does nothing and I prefer fighting without it.

>Not having a father to teach you anything

Hows that working out for ya black boys?

I came out of the womb kicking and screaming.

Guns or Brain damage.

Guns..or brain damage......
Also boxing is outdated.

Its all about MMA now.

also only shit parents let their kids take guaranteed brain damage from 5-14.

All those bonks to the head aren't very healthy
Its only for those serious about a career path in fighting.

Because the Irish ARE the niggers people need to learn how defend themselves from

>at the top of the professional level where literally the best fighters in the world compete there are BJJ fighters and they don't always win

>How's that working out for you white boy?
Dont worry, I'll be teaching my son to shoot niggers like you

kicking ass does feel good though. its a street thing.

did your dad get you out your mom the same way?

>Suggesting my son or daughter won't know how to fight
Good one OP. Good one.

I don't have a son but I assure I could take you as long as your homeboys don't jump in.

Remember kids: Two on one is nigger fun.

You ignorant little shit.

First, elementary, middle, and high school students can't bring weapons into school, besides their fists.

Second, if you're sending your kids to public school, they better fucking know the basics of standing their ground, blocking, ducking, dodging, and throwing punches.

My father taught me how to make fist and throw a good punch when I was 5. It was the best thing the fucker ever did for me.
>Went to nig schools all my life.

>not fighting your sons


O I know the history. My BJJ gym still teaches street fighting methods. But, just like many martial arts, it has also developed as a sport with move progressions that are great against other bjj players, but pretty worthless in a real fight. That's why I also do a bit of kickboxing and focus pretty heavily on the standing aspects of bjj

>telling anyone to do anything

*white Americans can't fight

white Brits and Eastern Europeans are dominating boxing right now

you've heard of conor McGregor right?

McGregor's great, but not that great. He won against diaz fair and square by the rules of mma, but he would've lost had that fight been allowed to continue