turkroaches need to be purged from existence.
thanks pham
Its sad that the government won't step in to pay these people and instead a clandestine paramilitary force is risen. Still, nice to see people finally trying to fix the unpleasant side-effects of globalism.
government is cucked hard by Merkel but our prime-minister still gave praise to those guys, kek(he got headaches for this later, but still...)
I still don't fully understand Merkel's motivations. But as a south Slave (dad is Macedonian immigrant) I appreciate you guys standing up for your country. I wish we know who or what specifically was motivating her. On the plus side I think her efforts will result in a massive backlash down the road and a rise of new nationalism. Not against Jews specifically, but against destruction of a national culture in favor of Internationalism.
Oh boy
Like the Greek part. I mean to say they grew up speaking a Slavic language in historical Macedonia. The Balkanism in the region is a whole can of worms as FYROM borders don't conform to where Macedonians actually live but its hard to get them right with so many intermixed ethnic and religious groups.
eh, not in the mood of arguing with """macedonians""", lets just shit on muslis together
You started it nigga.
Im drunk as fuck tgo, i have an excuse :-DD
Turks are not european, this is repeated again and again by "europeans" therefore they should not give a singlefuck whether europe is ruined or not. Now they cry how the non european non human turkroaches should protect their precicous europe.
To each to his own. Turkey should deport every single syrian and europe should sanction-embargo turkey to prevent it, rather than crying turkroach yesterday and demand protection later on.
No bulgarian, I mean not one single bulgarian would bother to protect turkey, it is absurd to think turks would bother to protect them.
But we dont ask you to protect anything, we just ask you to stop sending illegally cars and trucks full of refugees
>tullamore dew
Shit taste, get some aged Bushmills or entry level scotch like Glendronach 12.
Meh I actually like Tullamore Dew. I'm not drunk though.
why should we? is the question
I have nothing against bulgarians, I don't wake up and think about "what should I do to ruin these evil neighbours of mine", I doubt anyone thinks like it either. You can also say that Turkey is directly responsible for the crisis, that it literally take part in creating and prolonging the conflcit by suppoting rebels-terrorist-jihadists while Bulgaria basically has nothing to do with it. And you would be absolutely right
But problem with politics is that niceities or who is right morally does not matter. Don't expect turks who recieve "you are not european you filthturkroach" on a daily basis to give a fuck about whether europe is ruined or not. All in all do you care whether turkey is ruined or not? Its apathy rather than plain evil.
Therefore I think europeans should play hardball against turks, rather than crying "protect us protect us" they should use sanctions and ambargos "Stop the migrant flow or I will stop buying your shitty textiles" works far better than "O please non european non white sandnigger roaches please just please stop syrians from coming".
EU should play hardball rather than sugarcoating, thats all I'm saying. and that I should go sleep
dude, i understand you, i wont just shit on you like the rest of Sup Forums(despite having WAY more reasons to do it than them)
my point is, thay you HAVE to improve your border control, no one says that all the """syrians""" are your fault, but sending whole fucking buses filled with refugees is not normal
last bump
you can't bump your own threads on Sup Forums
damn, i thought that rule was for Sup Forums
thanks for the bump then, pham
That reporter seems like a liberal peace if shit.
Protect your borders Bulgarian lads.
Hes actually pretty based, he just always asks "uncomfortable" questions, regardless of who he is interviewing
Hes actually right-winged, he got fired from TV exactly for this reason and started hes own "redpilled" site
She's either suffering from syphilis or she is being forced to be that way by (((someone)))