Does this count towards their ratings? And how the fuck is this shit so god damn funny? I don't usually like comedy or laugh at comedians but this shit is just hilarious.
Its because he is dropping hidden red pills. He keeps getting away with it.
Ryan Roberts
William Sanders
I watched this the other day. Sorry, but its not funny, like, at all. The whole Sam Hyde meme is funny, but this show is shit. Its worse than Tim and Eric. The only funny part was Sam saying nigga. Sam Hyde isn't THAT funny to begin with.
The video "Moms" is funny, but thats about it. His TED talk wasn't funny. This show isn't funny.
If that one anti-liberal post by him was really him, then he's based, but he's just not that funny.
Matthew Davis
Tv shows now a days not only count viewers, but likes on fb, how much their content is shared and yes streaming numbers.
Ryder Ortiz
He best stuff is when he goes out does presentations in front of Anime Conventions or Schools IMO. His stand up leaves alot to be desired.
Wyatt Butler
good episode.
my concern is that this distracts me from my shitposting.
Luis Wright
>His TED talk wasn't funny. his "talks" are supposed to be lampooning the audience, more often than not. its not supposed to be like a mom joke or something.