if you got em post em
Retail/job Horror Stories
I used to work at pet smart , it was my first job.
There was a guy who did demo for one of the dog food companies so basically he just had a little table with dog food bags and he'd talk to people about the food.
Long story short the guy would shit himself and just stand in it while talking to himself. Supposedly he was the top salesman in the region.
>be working in retail
>fat American tourist waddles in
>mumbles in his strange language "m-muh freedums..."
>I can smell shit
>he pulls out an AR-15 and starts shooting the place up
>luckily free healthcare in glorious Britain means I am back on my feet in no time
I used to work at a Big5, and I actually heard autistic little faggots talking about /k/ as they were buying shitty mosin nagants, and thinking it was a deal.
I found a Finn in our inventory, and kept that shit for myself at a discount.
Im going to get the ball rolling by stealing from some website
>I was fired a week before because I told a very elderly lady she shouldn’t come in on Black Friday. She said she was afraid of getting hurt, and I agreed and let her know that we would have other great sales during the rest of the holidays. Little did I know my HR rep was listening in around the corner. She said that I wasn’t driving sales and she’d have to report the situation to the manager.
anyone know why people act like savages on black friday
Mosin prices are only gonna go up, so in a way, it was a deal.
>Poo in loo parks in front of my store on a red fire lane instead of the open parking spot 20 feet away
>ask him politely to park legally
>spends 20 minutes yelling at me
>almost get fired because he told my boss i was racist the next day
If I wasn't racist before I am now
>not calling the cops as soon as he parks there after taking a picture
Yeah that would be cool but I'd definitely get fired
indians, blacks, and middle aged women are the undisputed trio of terrible customers
Btw I work in a paint store which is one of the few segments of retail that involves a certain level of price negotiation.
American customer service standards and sand nigger bargain jewing does not mix.
>selling TVs
>working half day on Saturday
>couple walks in wanting to look at big screens
>hour before closing
>wants demo
>wants me to put on the football game
>wants chairs so it will feel like they are home
>they sat and watched the game for three hours
why did you let some couple cuck your time user?
>he thinks retail is hard
newsflash. I work at a gas station, before that I was a baker, and before that I was another baker for mcdonalds.
dealing with customers is 200,000,000x more easy then dealing with the most autistic cunty managers.
I worked at GAP in California... Which means shit tons of Mexicans, Vietnamese and poo in loo came to the store. Just generally smelled bad, and their kids were out of control 90% of the time, knocking stuff over, ripping our window banners and the parents just ignored it.
>Sup Forumsirgin comes in
>has Xbox under his arm
>wants to look at 27" TVs
>pass it to my boss cause of lunch
>she lets him demo
>hooks up Xbox
>plays xbox for two hours
i'll just leave this here
i didn't say it was hard im just implying it's mind crushingly boring and menial, which it is. Plus the customers can make it worse
>used to work for comcast tech support
>servicing fucking chicago
>phone rings
>jesus pls
>im jewish
>im german
>guy buys 36" tv
>calls a week later
>channels go fuzzy everyday at 5 o'clock
>pick up tv
>nothing wrong
>tell him to call the cable company
>repeat this process 2 times
>fourth time boss decides to give him loaner so we could keep it longer
>calls the same day
>loaner went out at 5 o'clock
>bring tv back tell him to call the cable company
>he bitches that out brand sucks
>week later he calls back
>the cable company found where a squirrel was coming everyday at 5 o'clock to eat the cable line.
One time I found a cockroach crawling on the buns at the McDonald's I work at
But gas station issues, Let's go.
>selling cigarettes and lottery requires ID if you look below 25
>people bitching about pulling out a fucking card in their wallet they are legally required to have on them anyway
>"I come here everyday!!!"
>people keep thinking it's OK to grab the cigarettes before I ring them up
>People think I'm the unreasonable one when they hand me their handful of pocket change and expect me to count every nickle dime and quarter within half a second of being handed their crack change
>we have a sign that says pump 1-4 are pre-pay express pumps
>nobody remembers to pre pay
>get 50 people every day asking "Why isn't pump 1-4 working!?"
>see a line up of 7 people paying for gas
>the first person is usually the guy that goes
>"hey can you check these 8 lottery numbers (through my slow ass lottery machine)
>"I don't care people are in the middle of lunch and need to go to work, I want to make 20,000 dollars"
>doing some work in a catering house
>go down by basement stairs.
>stairs are capped with one of those slanted steel double door covers.
>hot summer day. this side of building is in the sun.
>bottom of stairs in this hotbox are five case of chicken breasts
>inform owner about his situation
>says they were delivered two days ago.
>chicken reeks and has flies all over it
>owner takes all of it and boils it in large pots.
>serves it to the party
I worked as a janitor at a big box mart during the summer between 10th and 11th grade. I had to clean up incidents very similar to pic related all the time. There are some foul and sadistic weirdos out there. None exhibited the engineering prowess to accomplish pic related, but they'd make a little nest for themselves on the toilet. Disgusting human beings. I left that job psychologically broken at the age of 16.
>normal looking guy comes in to buy a $25 lottery ticket
>he's friendly enough
>comes back 5 minutes later and asks for another
>comes back in 2 minutes pale as a fucking ghost and asks for another
>repeats this 4 more times
>he looks more dishevelled each time he comes back
>He's gone when he has his hair all tussled and claw marks on his forearms like he's been scratching himself
>anyone know why people act like savages on black friday
The clue is in the name, lol
>anyone know why people act like savages on black friday
Hint: "black" friday.
you got nothing else my man
let me share one
>im working at a 7 eleven, cashier, its been an alright day
>Suddenly this lady comes in, there's been stories about this lady amongst coworkers.
>dressed like a teenager, louis vuitton bag, shows her stomach even though her skin sags like rotten fruit
>She's got this infamous legacy, notorious cunt
>She comes in, goes to the cashier demands we make food i've already made and put on display, claims it's old shit and rots her stomache, insults everything made
>meanwhile i'm about like 15 minutes away from my shift ending
>She gets 3 snapples, some other shit 1 order of chicken dippers and 1 malboro lights
>okay i rung all this shit up
>she uses a damn EBT card to pay for everything
>everything but the chicken dippers and the cigarettes don't go through
>she's like "here we go again, this fucking store!"
>im like "miss you can't pay for tobacco or cooked food with EBT, you got another method of payment?
>she's like "no, i do this all the time, why isn't this going through?"
>starts picking a fight with me and doing all this unnecessary bullshit
>the manager comes in, sorts that shit out just to make sure she doesn't take her business elsewhere
i really don't like people who use EBT, they're always ghetto trash
>work in college bookstore
>stupid faggots literally shove their phones in my face and say "where my books at?"
>niggers steal textbooks and try to return them
>chimp out when they can't since no receipt
>faggot kids buy one scantron at a time five minutes before their exam
>blame us for them being late
>blame us when there aren't used copies
>profs blame us when those dumb cucks change their syllabus the day school starts
>administration blames us for drop out numbers (dem books too much yo)
>work at Krispy kreme
>night shift, very busy
>managers always praise me on "excellent customer service skills"
>being friendly and personable is apparently a skill
>line out the door, getting people their donuts
>2 children cut the lime and ask for samples
>tell them I'll happily give it to them when it is their turn
>mother appears a minute later
>textbook definition of middle aged soccer mom
>demands samples for her children
>tell her what I told the kids and explain that it would be unfair for her to get samples when everyone else must wait
>disappears in a huff
>husband appears
>literally the dad from "Stranger Things"
>his wife prodding his back, demands samples
>Tell him the same hing I told his offspring, and his wife, then explain how a lime works
>wife begins shrieking for a manager
>tells my manager I said her children were undeserving of samples, they should take their business elsewhere, and that I called her a bitch
>Customer I was helping speaks in my defense
>manager still took the customers side
In the end she got a free dozen donuts plus the samples and I was threatened with being written up and having to take a customer service course, which was immediately dropped when I said they'd pay for it or I'd get it in taxes. I have alot more retail experience, been working since I was fifteen (now twenty) if anyone wants more stories
I am a fucking lunatic in my late 30s.
My wife never worked a hard job; she went straight to college, never having worked a job, and became a teacher and has been a teacher ever since.
She's so fucking happy all the time...
I'm a paranoid psycho that is always looking over his shoulder and carries a fucking gun
>be working at a toy store
>It's raining out
>Niglett rushes into the store
>"What? No. I'm not giving you a bag to put over your head. You'll suffocate."
>Niglett's mother walks in
>"I'm sorry ma'am but I'm not letting your child shove a bag over her head and have her suffocate in our store"
>continue to argue with them over how fucking stupid they sound
>Eventually give them a bag to make them go the fuck away
>Niglett puts the bag on
>She start screaming "I CANT SEE SHIT" and "I CANT BREATH"
>her mom makes a weird makeshift hat and smacks her for not putting it on right
Said girl also came back the next day
>"Uh... whatever you want to put on it. If you put $5 on it, it's $5. If you put $500 on it, it's $500."
>screams to her mother about how we lie to people
>she genuinely thought gift cards were free money we gave people as a gift
I worked at a Papa Murphys Pizza for a while before going back to school and they accept EBT since it's unbaked pizza.
I think maybe once a week some nig nog would blame our systems because their card said "insufficient funds"
It prints how much money you have left on it, and they would have none, lol.
>Worked at Walmart
>Muslim maintenance guy tries to tell me what to do all the time so I mess with him
>I spill something on the floor
>Page him over to clean it up
>He comes over and starts yelling how its not his job to clean up after me
>Calls my supervisor over the phone we have hanging up
>She says its not his job to clean its yours now clean it
>Hes cussing and fuming at me under his breath
>Get an idea
>Run to the restroom and shit on the floor
>Page him over to clean it up
>He gets there fucking pissed
>Calls my supervisor again
>Says hes trying to get me to clean shit off the floor
>She asks to put me on the phone because she is confused
>I used the restroom and there was shit on the floor
>She asks to put him back on
>Tells him to clean the shit
>He is bright red fucking fuming
>I stand there laughing as he cleans it
>Cleans it without gloves
>Gets my shit on his hands
>Nearly die laughing
Best day at the place.
>that moment when a customer is a cunt
>tfw your manager is with you
>tfw manager takes your side
>tfw customer threatens to tell the manager
>mfw manager just tells them to fuck off
>tfw I finally have a manager that smiles and does look to fire me
I feel like an abused puppy waiting to get kicked
I feel your pain, bro
>work at bulk store
>generally sell to other businesses or people having parties/school events
>every now and again get ghetto trash bringing their entire family in and let them run through the store
>asking if they can buy half of a box of candy
>kids running around playing
>all they buy in the end is one liter of soda
nah you guys really are kikes, or at least my bookstore is. here's my college bookstore jewry went
>i bought a physics lab book, that's made by the department because ((())))
>don't give it too much thought cheap as shit like $20
>Ordered online and the book's $30 bucks now.
>these niggers are really charging me 10 bucks for shipping
>mfw i live like 15 minutes away from the school
>mfw i literally cannot find it anywhere else because it's a department book so you HAVE to go here
college bookstore kikery knows no bounds
That last old woman knows what's up.
Why don't you not be a lazy cunt and pick it up yourself then if you live so close?
You realize shipping to you involves somebody to box it up and a ups man to bring it to your fatass.
actually this lady was white but it was clear she had mental problems. Some guy i guess that knew her said that she was banned in all the stores except for this one
>manager at food joint
>post sign talking about the week
>put some stupid goal on there for next week
>end note with "I know we can do it guys!"
>one of my anonymous employees crosses off "guys" and writes "people"
You forgot fatties.
im reading user, go ahead
that still doesn't justify $10 shipping tag on waiting 10-12 business days.
The owner of the company I work for has told people to fuck off and never come back because they're rude idiots.
>ywn tell someone to get the fuck out of you place while wearing a pink vneck and vans
>cross that off and write "shitlords"
forgot my face
Had a bogan yelling at me because Mcdonalds drive through wasn't built to accommodate his truck.
Full on screaming.
I got my first warning because I made it "worse" by laughing at him.
>tfw you forget your face
Yeah it does. You're a poor shopper and can't accept that fact.
Shipping costs us anywhere from $5-7 in postage alone depending on the weight of your book, we have to pay the people that pack up your order, plus materials (box, packing shit, shipping labels).
How fucking lazy are you that you are unable to stop by the bookstore on campus where you will already be anyway for classes.
I hate you, lazy cunt. Waaah why won't they do all this shit for me for free?
>be working in restaurant
>new hire asks what is difference between a lemon and lime
>I can't even wrap my brain around question
>TFW when stumped
I once stood behind two rednecks in a McDonalds (when I ate that), who complained, in total seriousness, to the manager about poor service, and gratefully received about five bucks of food as compensation.
$10 dollars though, bullshit. Although im walking in on thursday because that's my day off from work and i can get the book without the middleman
btw got anymore stories
>open pic
>read 'the Jew Crook'
fuck you pol
Were you stumped because you didn't know either?
Why? It isn't a difficult question.
I pirated all my textbooks.
>$200 for a geophysics pamphlet
Fuck that.
>working at grocery store
>express lane
>some middle aged guy comes with a bunch of processed pies (not bakery pies, but like little debby-tier/McDonalds tier pies)
>also a bottle of shampoo
>"don't put da shampoo wit da pies
>accidently put in the shampoo with the pies
>he points it out, i apologize, take it out
>literally just keeps repeating "dumbass you're a fucking dumbass" over and over again
>gets his money, just kind of drops/tosses it in my direction
>nonstop keeps saying "you're a fucking dumbass"
>tell him "fuck you"
>oh shit, did I just say that? what now?
>"you heard me"
>he runs and gets the manager
>"user, did you really just tell that guy to fuck off?"
>tell him I'll talk to him about it later
>later comes, say yeah I did
>get a fist bump
>night manager comes in
>get another fist bump
>literally nothing happens
Not for your lazy faggot ass.
I hope you get hit by a car on the way.
ill be taking the train
Fucking niggers
>Cashier at Disneyworld
>Here comes Mr. (((Shekelberg))) wearing a yarmulke with that Jewy hair
>Wants to buy $20 worth of toys
>Tries to haggle and ask for a discount
>Say no & explain our policy
>Gets mad and butches while a line is forming
>Caves and give him 10% discount
>He pays and hands me his black amex card
some of the courses now have online homework where you HAVE to pay for the book in order to access the homework
Hope you get stabbed and raped by a pack of feral niggers.
Used to work at this 7/11 in high school, my boss was an alcoholic and everyone did whatever they wanted, he even caught me smoking weed a couple times and didn't care or was too much of a bitch to fire me, anyway this heroin addict started coming in and fighting with me every night so I found his Facebook and found out he had a normal life before he started doing drugs so the next night he came in I brought up his ex girlfriend and told him to kill himself a whole bunch, he got super angry and tried to fight me but was too fucked up, I almost cried laughing when I caught the people outside my school correcting the billboard saying how many heroin overdoses there has been in my county
The best ones are the morbidly obese people loudly panting from across the room
"How long does it take to make some fucken burgers!?"
BITCH! You ordered three quarter pounders and a sundae, be grateful you're still alive!
>working valet for a hotel in a retirement town
>pull cadillac up to the front
>see some old cunt with luggage so I pop the trunk
>get out and walk around to the back, lift open the trunk all the way
>she grabs the luggage and puts it in herself before I even had time to offer assistance
>great, less work for me
>"you know, if my husband were here, he would beat you"
>"didn't your mother ever teach you manners"
>should have just called security then and there
>i had only been working there for a few months so I didn't really know
The funny thing is, some old cunts get fucking furious if you offer assistance. many want to be self-sufficient
niggers aren't up before noon
Worked retail at a bicycle store for a couple years
>Chinese will ask you every question under the sun and try to get a discount on everything, but often buy some expensive bike to show off
>Indians do the same but never end up buying anything, just wasting your time
>Not a lot of black people in my area, but there was one black kid who would always come in alone, with some prerehearsed sob story about how he needs a tube but doesn't have the money
>Japanese have incredible patience and pay whatever is necessary to have their bikes in tip top shape
>Lesbians are either chill outdoorsy types or raging manhating bulldykes that accuse discrimination if not everything goes their way
>White guys are pretty stingy. They live in the rich part of town, drive the nicest cars, but buy the cheapest, low quality bikes for their kids, and don't understand why you won't won't take a trade in on a Target/Walmart tricycle
>White women were usually the worst. Not all of them, but a lot were. Total power trips. They talk down to you with the most demeaning and passive aggressive tone. I've seen this at other places too when I wasn't working, I feel like white women get a complete thrill out of treating retail workers like garbage
also, working in a casino taught me to hate the chinese
fuck em
It's okay user, you were just trying to be nice.
Fucking liberals I swear.
>BITCH! You ordered three quarter pounders and a sundae, be grateful you're still alive!
That woman constantly brings her daughter around to "just look" but never fucking buys anything, appears like fucking clockwork the second we advertise anything even remotely free, and just annoys the fuck out of me and my coworkers. The worst part is that we can't ban her from the store because the manager thinks people will assume we're racist.
>I've seen this at other places too when I wasn't working, I feel like white women get a complete thrill out of treating retail workers like garbage
most women do this, in fact all middle aged women who never had a job do this
holy fuck, i shit you not some one tried to pay me with an ebt card once, AT A FUCKING MOVIE THEATER
REEEEEEEEE. Story of my life.
>$400 in codes every semester to have access to the homework for all my classes.
Anyone else notice how blacks really really love crab legs?
The steroetypes of fried chicken and koolaid are true, but it's also crab legs included.
Are social service work stories welcome?
Try finding unattended ladders scattered around because coworkers are either lazy or stupid.
>I found 21 of those fucking things in 5 days and been on the case of the management for 2 years to do something about it. 9 in one day alone.
>I sometimes find children climbing them, have to get them off of it before I drag it back to the backroom.
>The day a customer gets injured because of that shit is when I resign
People really think EBT is just free money, it really bothers me because no vegetables are being brought just junk and shit. They should really restrict that shit to just strictly the essentials and then see the chimpout
Any work stories my dude
Affirmitive Action was a mistake.
I am a white straight male in poverty and I have to deal with this fucking nigger staring at my $900 used Cadillac while he smokes outside the apartments at night.
Makes sense, but I also encountered this with 20-30something year old women that I assume were transplants for the tech industry
>Use to be an EMT for a private IFT company before I became got into an RN program.
>One day, leaving hospital on a high floor after finishing transferring a pt.
>Along the way, partner and I ran into volunteers that had leftover fresh cookies that they offered us.
>Step into elevator with some Health Care Practitioners (HCPs) and fat bitch (pic related) that looked like a hospital receptionist/HR/etc..
>Second elevators close and got off-guard, belligerent fat bitch goes: "Why are you eating a cookie while on the job? You are suppose to be professionals. I can't believe you think that's a good idea."
>*Rolls her eyes*
>"Excuse me? Miss-"
>Small Asian doctor: "Maybe it's because they do a job that has actual value in the real world and they actually deserve a little break once in a while? Don't get mad because they can't be replaced by a computer program my frail Grandma can use."
>Fat bitch glares at him the whole ride but doesn't say shit because she knows her place compared to him.
>Best cookie ever.
>Krispy Kreme
>busy like always
>seriously the amount of people who want donuts late at night is astonishing
>Hear child howling for like five minutes
>I'm talking banshee shrieks
>Mexican guy comes up to the register
>Demands to see manager
>demands a refund for his coffee that his child spilled on herself
>all of my wat
>complains that he left his child (girl no older than 4) alone with the coffee at the table
>she spilled the hot coffee and burned herself
>refused to take his child to the hospital until he got a refund
>guy literally argued for ten minutes while this literal girl wailed in pain next to him
>manager gave him the refund instead of calling the cops
I can't even fathom how people can be so shitty
gambling addicts are the worst, I've seen an older woman who was obviously on social assistance and extremely malnourished looking spend like 60 dollars on lottery tickets
I wish canada had some kind of food stamp system instead of just writing them a cheque
>Be me
>Be 20 yo
>Working in the back-store as a student job.
Assistant manager wanted my D for Xmas. She was twelve years older than me (win), but she was smoking (denied).
No horror stories. Gap consumers are beta.
That's because crab legs are pretty damn tasty.
Too many stories to even know where to begin, retail is a nightmare, and if you happen to deal with a 98% far-left customer base daily, it makes one want to an hero every morning.
Did he shart in the mart?
People like that should not even have kids if their priority is that of wanting a refund above your own offspring's well being.
>Working at Panera Bread day 1
>Dinning room duty
>End of the night, time to settle up
>Trainer is looking like he's holding back a good kek
>Chucks a pair of gloves at me
>Tells me I have to clean out the tampon boxes
>"Lol wtf there's such thing as a tampon box?"
>Walk in
>There's literally metal containers for tampons in each stall of the women's restroom
>Reeks like cunt blood
>And something else
>Open one that smells particularly rank
>There's a fucking dirty diaper in there that hotboxed for like 10 hours
>Whole restroom smells like cancer
>Try to flee
>Trainer blocks up the door
>He's laughing hysterically as I frantically try to receive untainted oxygen
>Et tu, Trainer-senpai?
One from my trainer
>Be Trainer-senpai
>Working register
>Chick with some dude start ordering
>Guy looks like he's completely out of it
>Sudden guy whips out the D
>Starts pissing all over the register and trying to hit him with his piss stream
Gradually turn them right wing, start slowly dropping info about what is going on. Make them question everything they ever knew. Once they do, they will either commit suicide, or start spreading the knowledge of the path you set them on.
Why do the bro-tier asians are almost always such fucking based bantlords?