Please use archive.is
soon :>
Do you even know what pedophilia means, dumb brainwashed cuck?
At least this one makes sense.
Pedophobia is really bad right now
It's a psychotic mental case who thinks children are fuckable and should be shot. But like gays no uprising will happen and eventually we'll be forced to tolerate their sick fetish
>user doesn't know he's now a target for the righteous purge
It means you beat off using a baby's anus as the sock around your cock to ejaculate into, sick fucks.
>article is two years old
>no archive.is, just a live link for merchant clicks
How bout you fucking kill yourself, OP fagggot?
Pedos can't choose their desires and are unlucky to have them. We would benefit from a society that allows them to be honest about their desire and helps them correct or control them, if only so they rape and murder less kids.
I got you brah.
Daily reminder to use archive.is for any article or website you want to ,ink on Sup Forums Never give the kikes clicks.
Wow, they are calling pedophilia a "disorder" and not a legitimate sexuality. What a bunch of bigots.
>Stop Pedo Shaming!
Just try reading that aloud for a second. Sounds disgusting, right? Sounds like something that shouldn't exist or be tolerated in any way, shape or form, right?
So why does the left insist on pushing it?
Why not just fucking kill them?
Most of the ones that don't act on their urges are suicidal.
It would cost less, almost fix the problem completely, no one, not even normies will bat an eye.
The left gotta be wiped.
Pedophilia is all about control. Children aren't even sexually developed so whats the point?
You realize pedophile =/= rapist/molestor right? I'm a pedo and I'm a law abiding citizen who's never harmed a kid and have no plans on ever doing so. I don't even look at CP, for fuck's sake I even drive the speed limit when I know I can get away with speeding. My paranoia arguably makes me a better citizen than most "normal" people.
Remember the left hated the church for having a pedophile problem, but when they and mudshits do it, it is suddenly oppression to want to stop sick bastards from harming kids
>2014: Gay rights won't lead to bestiality and pedophilia! T-that's just slippery slope fallacy!
Trump really is our last fucking chance.
The point is it's a fetish. If you don't understand the fetish you can't expect somebody to explain it to you. I can't understand why foot fetishism is a thing, and there isn't anything a footfag could do that would make me understand.
But that's scientifically correct.
The actual crime is child molestation. Pedophilia denotes the attraction of age 11 and under. It has an actual medical diagnosis.
Or are you a MUH FEELS faggot?
Let me guess, your only argument is to call me a pedo when i point out your use of language is incorrect?
>The article is fucking sick though, as it's obviously pushing pedo normality
I love pedophiles now
The article is from 2014.
>You realize pedophile =/= rapist/molestor right?
OK, but the problem comes when the pedophile goes and starts molesting children. Actions can be controlled.
>blaming this shit on queers
We don't want anything to do with this shit. Blame Muslims, if anything.
Just like the problem is when normal heterosexual males start molesting and raping adult women. Only with pedophiles any sort of interaction is classified as rape/molestation. And I'm not saying it isn't fair, I get why that's the situation and I don't think it'd be a good idea to change it. Point being that a pedophile isn't automatically a criminal. As you pointed out it's about control, but pedophiles are just as capable of self-control as other people. I don't see myself as any more a danger to kids than a normal man is a danger to women.
The problem comes when the pedophiles molests children and when they want the state to legalize child marriage and they want everyone to just accept it. Children, believe it or not, cannot consent.
Normal men have the option to pursue women in a way that is normal. You do not have that option with children, obviously. You are inherently dangerous to children because of the urges that you have and I think it would be for the best that you seek professional help.
>Pedophilia denotes the attraction of age 11 and under
Technically it's prepubescent children, it doesn't really have a hard age beyond the typical range for the onset of puberty.
Yes, perhaps you don't understand what I'm saying. Other pedophiles may have less self control than yourself, and having no societal support they may act on this in secret - and given the gravity of what it would mean to be exposed they may then kill the children. I'm suggesting that treating pedophiles with sympathy allows us to create a support structure in which that's less likely to happen.
the indy has been pushing islam is ok with gays for a few weeks now speaking of that lol
God, how do those people live with themselves? They can't possibly believe their own bullshit when they push nonsense like that.
Its not a fetish. It's completely natural, genetic and normal to love children. It's been happening since the dawn of man and animals under 18 yrs of age have sex all the time.
Anyone who dislikes pedos is just a secist intolerant bigot who belongs in prison.
If a child can consent to sex changes, it can consent to sex. Prove those cases aren't consentual engagements
I just said in that post I have no ambitions to change the laws in such a way and I agree with the logic behind them. For instance, I don't believe children can't consent to sex, but I believe it's better for everybody if they legally can't because of the vulnerability of children that makes them too easy for predators to exploit. I do think it's absurd though that we can allow children to decide on a sex change before puberty but not let them engage in sex. Seems like skipping quite a few steps imo.
I'm not so sure about that. I'm inclined to believe rapists have problems that mere sympathy can't fix. I think pedophile rapists would be rapists regardless of being pedophiles, or rather they're pedophiles by convenience because children make softer targets.
too obvious
That's but what pedo means you fags.
But it does sound kinda hot.
> OP fails to realize that hes by using the glorious 4chin hes basically surrounded by pedos
Why post whining about pedos on a site full of them and then continue whining like a feminist when you inevitably lose the argument?
Not even baiting. 100% serious. Adults having sex, and marrying children has been happening and is more widely accepted throughout history than homosexuality. The only people against pedos are bigots. It's completely natural
tfw i forgot i was on Sup Forums
but yeah, this is pretty fucking stupid not gonna lie
>all these degenerates and pedo defenders ITT
Hitler needs to come back, and just wipe out all these deranged subhuman filth from this accursed earth.
>A child
>Implying theyre mature and smart enough to make their own decisions
I don't have any desire to harm children and I'm perfectly capable of controlling myself. I'm no danger to them just because I can't have sex with them. What you're doing is projecting your own anxieties onto me, where you imagine that if you were in a situation where you couldn't legally have sex with women you'd turn to rape. That says more about you than it does about me.
>implying these aren't cross posters from Sup Forums and are likely also shills.
>Completely Normal
How many other degenerate things went like this?
This slope sure is slick!
Because bible humping goodie twoshoe fags like you made looking at a picture a worse and longer sentence than plowing a tight loli. So why not just plow the loli and get 5-10 instead of beating off to pictures and getting 40 plus?
It's fags like you who have made a none issue that's as old as time and natural a crime .
And in the end you fucks will lose and no fag politician or frog God will stop it.
Gays got theirs, we'll get ares. Just you wait.
well they're obviously suffering from some kind of disorder, just like homosexuals and transgenders etc. i don't think anyone would just decide to be a pedo
I'd wonder how long it would take for lefties to consider bashing on pedos to be intolerant or w/e, but I guess this is already the case
Remember it's a fallacy goy!
Pedophilia was not and never will be a crime. In fact until relatively recently it wasn't even illegal to have sex with children.
Every race other than whites still actively engage in open sexual relations with children, even in modern times. How is it not natural?
>Men with pedophilia are three times more likely to be left-handed
>waaah not enough people are posting in my thread
>It must be a vast conspiracy by the powers that be to censor my valuable information!
This is what posters on Sup Forums actually believe.
What the fuck is left after necrophilia is legal? What else could they possibly want?
>had an ex who was left handed
>she always told me how boyish I look.
really, faggots?
>i don't think anyone would just decide to be a pedo
That's a pretty good point. I'm pretty sure I would choose not to be one if I could. Would make me a lot less anxious for sure. I don't have it as rough as guys who are exclusively pedo-sexual though, since my age range varies quite a bit. A nice way to put is that I'm generally attracted to women/girls under the age of 25, with the lower end of that range being in the single digits.
Oh sweet child, I have seen things you cannot even imagine.
>tfw you are left-handed
>there are people who think tranny is fine and all kinds of sexuality is acceptable but somehow pedophilia, a very common attraction, is a mental illness
Whelp, im left handed and never diddled a kid. What's wrong with me anons? How do I fix my bigotry towards being a pedo?
>oh sweet child
>tfw libtards will give rights to child molesters yet ban 2D loli
Feels bad man.
It's always the Jews. Getting real tired of your shit Jews
I kinda knew this would happen. First homosexuality. Then transgenderism. Now pedophilia. Next on the list will be the manufactured human-animal agenda.
>females become fertile anywhere from 9 years onward (*7-years-olds known to have carried full term)
>male testes produces sperm well before the age of 12 years
>historically, sex with "children" (e.g., >12-years-olds) and males is not only commonplace, but was the norm -- see, famously: Muhammad-Aisha
>female fertility declines dramatically after their mid 20's, resulting in all manner of complication for the potential foetus (Down's Syndrome, autism, monogoloidal offshoots...
If evolution says fucking by "children" is A-OK, how is it that we arrogate otherwise?
Might write a chrome extension one day that automatically uploads links to achieve sites so dumb cunt OPs can stop giving Jews money
Why would anyone care if some dude likes fucking animals? I would stick my dick in mare pussy too honestly.
You have to go back
>I have a mental disorder because I think 9-year-old girls are sexy
>But men who think they're women are perfectly normal
You're in my turf kiddo
Hitler used to make little girls poop on his face
At least thats what I heard
males mostly think with their dicks, so your predilection for bestiality is unsurprising and not without myriad historical precedent
if sex did not have a stigma attached to it that religions usurpation has infected it with, we would teach our kids to fuck (with each other -- not with adults) and males (in particular) could use their BRAINS as their primary guiding faculty... not their penile glands
could make for a better world... dunno
It's pretty simple,
If you can vividly imagine or can happily view fucking children and then get off to it you are cognitively capable of rationalizing it physically. The same applies to rape etc. All pedos should seek immediate help you are mentally ill.
you are not helping anybody with your shit posting
It's a little late to be taking this path, Japan.
Why are lefties so determined to defend kiddy diddlers?
Why not fuck with adults? It would give men more motivation to have little girls if they could enjoy each other.
coincidence detected
I don't shitpost kid
>get help
>help me Doctor I want sex with young girls and it doesn't stop at the politically correct age like I'm a robot
K you are obviously sick better cut off your balls.
>tfw you show your best friend cute little girls and he admits he's a Pedo too
The people like that jap are in a constant state of self denial.
Every guy is a pedo. They just have their faggy moral conscience in the way of admitting it.
It's 2016!
For sure
I'll never understand why pedos are not publicly hanged and/or quartered
Not everyone is a feminist cuck like you
great argument
Feminism has nothing to do with being a pedo. Both should be hanged, but pedos should also be tortured in the most inhumane ways we can imagine.
Imagine how cool it would be to have coat hangers made out of bronze casts of pedo intestines (made by pouring bronze in their orifices).
Pedo rapist you mean, but just liking little girls doesnt mean you should be punished, beisdes I bet an animal fucker like you doesnt want to be tortured for liking animals because liking HUMAN children is still more sane than animals.
You jews are the ones fueling, funding and fighting for this. You should be beside yourself with joy.
edgy retard
Just happened to me.
Around, my mid 20s, just lost all attraction to anything female under the age of about 15.
Thank god for japan.
>calls me animal fucker
>comes from a nigger country
Hello my new friend. This is not reddit. People are edgy here