So as non-whites, what do we think of multiculturalism?
The elites are trying to make a slave race, and rule over US.
Multiculturalism is fine if it takes a bit from ALL cultures, and doesn't force out all of one particular culture.
Multiculturalism is very pretty and all when it's about college students partying around the world, but very ugly when a man gets arrested for mutilating his daughter's genitals, just as is common in his culture, and an elected congressman defends him. All because the man, the congressman and his entire electorate come from the same country.
It stinks and I don't like it.
It's cool if it's cultures close to ours, but i don't want no muslims or some africans
Middle Eastern, African, mainland Chinese and Puerto Rican cultures suck and ruin every community they infiltrate.
homogenous are always better.
It's shit.
And so is race-mixing for whites
t.random brown guy
I love multiculturalism. I'm multiracial myself. I live in Los Angeles, and I love how you could have "chilaquiles" for breakfast in Boyle Heights (Mexican neighborhood), sushi for lunch in Little Tokyo, and then some Korean BBQ and kimchi for dinner at Koreatown.
Why Puerto Rican especifically? Reggaeton?
That's called segregation.
I don't really care about races or cultures. I only care about religion. If you aren't Christian. I get worried.
It's shit
>t. white
Went to california and also saw Puerto Rican parade in another instance, I can see why people don't like them. I suppose Hatians would be lower than them.
i hate niggers
All races are allright, as long as they respect eachother's cultures and we all band together to bully the Bolivians every once in a while.
But it works! The people in Los Angeles are generally chill. We even see fusion cuisine such as Korean BBQ tacos. It's kind of similar to your situation in which you guys created Tikka Masala. How can such godly food like Tikka Masala not prove that multiculturalism is awesome?
Multiculturalism is fine if you let it happen naturally, and don't actively try to enforce it. Trucking in busloads of third worlders is not okay.
>not culturally close to muslims
I must say leaf, Toronto is a lovely place that embodies multiculturalism. I visited last month. I remember just people watching in the Harbourfront Centre and being amazed by the tapestry of cultures.