I need input from Ruskis and Ukraine-bros on this. What is best for Ukraine? Why is Putin overstepping?
What is Vladimir Putin's endgame for Ukraine
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>Why is Putin overstepping?
He wants to make Ukraine and Russia 1.
The first step is to make the Russian economy like Ukraines.
>1 thread
>2 yids
Russia wants the pro-Russian eastern regions to either have more power in government or have more autonomy to govern their provinces as they wish, basically they want to prevent a situation where the gov. use their power to make all of the countries policies be directed against Russia and instead want Ukraines gov. to be divided so the pro-Russian factions can exert a check on the anti-Russian ones and ideally also get reelected to president someday.
>increase the amount of livable land in russia by 300X
>What is best for Ukraine?
Stop to act like an edgy teenager.
no such thing
Russia failed to get the entire Donbass but Ukraine failed to push the Russians out of Donbass.
The Best thing for Ukraine to do is forget about Crimea and get the Russians out of Eastern Ukraine.
Putin felt pressured however there was zero threat to the Russian population, culture or bases in Crimea. The whole Nazis coming to kill all the Russian speakers was propaganda bullshit. After Russia took Ukraine, the Ukrainians Rushed to the borders in the East. Russia made this reaction out in their media as "Punishing battalions"
>The whole Nazis coming to kill all the Russian speakers was propaganda bullshit
And it was one of the easiest propaganda pieces to push through, honestly. Turchinov and co. was feeling cheeky enough to start the whole outlawing-Russian-language thing shortly after takeover. Then they tried to backpedal on this when they realised what is coming, but it was too late.
>The Best thing for Ukraine to do is forget about Crimea
Regardless of everything else, they are going to have to do this, because Crimea is back in Russia's hands now, forever.
>and get the Russians out of Eastern Ukraine.
Good luck with that comrade!!
>Putin felt pressured however there was zero threat to the Russian population, culture or bases in Crimea.
When you type staggering lies like this, then you wonder why nobody ever believes you government shill?
when will the eternal khokhol be stopped?
Why is thereally a Sigma Chi flag in your picture?
A better question would be--- Why is there a pravy sector armband on the US Davis cup golf team official uniform?
It was not propaganda , i have seen pics of hohols army with nazi flag
Warm water port
It's always a warm water port with the Russians.
Has any "what's their endgame" thread not been shilling?
>Why is Putin overstepping?
how did Putin overstep?
>start the whole outlawing-Russian-language thing shortly after takeover.
I swear to god you are the niggers of europe and russian language is your trigger
>live in a different country but demand they tolerate your shit despite being an asshole
ukraine I maybe understand but shit is the same everywhere else where independent countries decide to stop coddling the russian minorities and their language preferences as if they can't fuck off back to russia in a day
he never had an endgame and still doesn't. he's an opportunist and a tactical genius but not a very good long term strategic thinker
after the incredible success of the Crimea operation he thought he could foment a popular uprising in east Ukraine, but it didn't work
the intelligence services overestimated the level of support and the proto-states they've created there are maintained with Russian troops, mercenaries, and volunteers from outside the region.
it's costing them a shitlod of money to run the place and they aren't getting anything out of it besides some domestic political dividends from nationalists who support it in Russia
Russian oligarchs oppose it though because it's bad for business, and even some subset of Russian nationalists oppose it as well either because they don't want Ukraine to be part of Russia or because they don't want to fight against slavs
now Putin is stuck between a rock and a hard place
if he moves forward to formally annex or take more of Ukraine, he won't get sanctions lifted, he will have less international support, and an escalated war to deal with while still in Syria
if he pulls back he will appear weak both domestically and internationally, Ukraine will become stronger and move toward NATO, and Russian people will feel like it was all a waste and start focusing on the economy etc.
doing nothing and keeping it as a frozen conflict is the best option right now from his perspective. he's hoping it will stay quiet enough to get sanctions lifted but hot enough to keep Ukraine off balance
The ironic part is that Russian government did literally everything in its power to prevent Ukraine from collapsing. Putin recognized Poroshenko's regime and actually had to literally force Novorussians to stop their offensive in july '14 because Ukrainian army got literally decimated (since most of Ukraine's army were poorly-trained conscripts, while most of Novorussian troops were volunteers with years of combat experience in various military conflicts), while singing agreement that gave Kiev pretty much free gas and other resources. Of course, the Western narrative was that Russian troops were literally participating in the conflict, but in reality it was mostly private contractors and military advisors who were training locals and some volunteer groups, as Russia was trying to "freeze" the conflict like they did with Pridnestrovje and South Osetia.
I doubt Russians will invade Ukraine now and Kiev sending its intelligence officers to blow shit up was clearly a provocation to force Russia to react and thus give Hillary more reasons to whine about "muh Putin invading sovereign states".
It is also important to understand that Ukraine itself was mostly a Soviet creation. Soviet ethnic policy was revolving around "crushing Russian chauvinism" by imposing a separate identity on ethnic Russians (Belarus and Ukraine) or handing over ethnic Russian regions to various "soviet republics" such as Kazakhstan.
The real reason behind most conflicts in post-Soviet countries is that borders of these countries are entirely artificial.
Current Russian government, despite its cookie pseudo-patriotism does still consist of that Soviet cosmopolitan elite, who is more vary and afraid of growing Russian nationalism, then its image in the Western media, where Vlad is some kind of Hileresque fuhrer who wants to conquer Baltics and Poland.
89787.99% of Ukrainians are russian speakers...
Putin has done literally nothing in Ukraine aside from the annexation of Crimea, which was backed by a democratic referendum. Russia is not some powerful expansionist state; they have an economy smaller than Australia and Italy. Russia is not supporting dissidents in Ukraine and has never considered any kind of military action. Gay thread
>What is best for Ukraine?
Who knows? Survival? They'll survive. Russia won't annex whole of Ukraine because that would mean paying their bills and fixing their shit. Ukraine will have to basically collapse internally before anymore land gets transferred to Russia. I don't think this will happen for a long time, if at all.
What/Who is Ukraine anyway? Maidan people are western Ukrainians who think different from south/east ukrainians but who are completely butt-hurt and insistent on maintaining Ukraine as it is. I don't understand where this obsession with their 25 year old borders comes from, but there you go.
>Why is Putin overstepping?
Military necessity. Crimea is very important for Russia's national security. It's why they were willing to pay Ukraine so much money to lease what was in fact a Russian port when the USSR broke-up and Crimea suddenly found itself part of 'Ukraine'. The rest of Ukraine can fuck-off basically. There's a question of the people in Ukraine and familial ties, but the land itself is not important to Russia and only important to the people living on it.