Did you love or hate Stranger Things?
Stranger Things
Loved it.
Enjoyed it. (so slightly gay I guess)
Hated it
I liked the show, but I loved the soundtrack
Pretty sure there is only one song on the soundtrack
Decent show, but fucking idiot critics and fake 80s kids ran with it as if it were the greatest thing to ever exist.
you type like an 11 year old kid
it was alright, didn't really care that much for it
i only watched the first 2 episodes, it never really kept my attention. cool aesthetic and i loved the soundtrack, but it was just mish-mash plots and story points from old 70s/80s/90s movies and shows
also no one would fucking shut up about it and all i saw were stranger things facebook memes for 3 months straight
It was entertaining enough to make me want to watch season 2.
I loved Steve
apart from trying too hard at some minor stuff I really enjoyed it. the kids were just great.
plus winona ryders character seemed more down to earth than her in real life.
Is it too late now to say that I liked it? By now everyone is supposed to hate it, right?
>The Chad lost
Season 2 is gonna be shit.
Why was Jonathan chasing after the spooky skellington when there was a 10/10 milf available for him? Is he gay?
Hated it because of all the hype. If not for the hype, I would have just thought it was a mediocre 5/10. Much like Ozark.
>normies ruined it for me
I've never seen somebody so blatant about their autism.
>sag af
still would suckle them tennies sag an all
It's alright, I think it's overhyped and that will be its downfall though. Look what happened to Twin Peaks in its second season and again now in its third.
Dropped it after the first few episodes. It just felt very mediocre
I loved it.
It appealed to me because it had just the right amount of spookiness and mystery to make for a cozy watch. But even ignoring that, I just thought it was well crafted.
6/10, cumberbatch has an ugly face
>I've never seen somebody so blatant about their autism.
First day on Sup Forums?
Stick around, it gets worse. Much much worse.
I liked it overall. The kids all did pretty good jobs and didn't annoy me the whole time.
Nancy's story never has any real resolution or impact on the rest of the stories, but I can't complain too hard about skellingfu getting screen time.
Really apprehensive about season 2 though.