I want a /normiepol/ board

This site needs a board for people with gfs and jobs to complain about blacks and Muslims without the /r9k/ and anime cancer that has plagued Sup Forums infecting every discussion.

Who agrees?

Start a board with the same code, buy a domain, see if they come.

That would imply the opinions of people you dispise are worth less than opinions of others, so I disagree with you.

Go to for Democrats then

I'm for this. I've been on Sup Forums for a long time and have a good reputation and I think this should happen.

There is a board for you somewhere else, called /leftypol/

>he wants the benefits of Sup Forums without the problems of Sup Forums.
Good luck with that.

>I want to discuss something on Sup Forums but not with the Sup Forums audience

maybe it's time for you to leave.

Finally a place to discuss my nigger moslem boss who fired me today so now I can't afford to feed my retard daughter but at least he wasn't a fucking subhuman mick

Fuck off normie.


I like you, friend.

>he wants a board that will coddle women while also hating niggers
/r9k/ is the reddest of pills, my man, you could've just said it's not for you.

/normiepol/ would be nice. I can't stand the hate/negativity on this board.

I think Islam breeds terrorism but I don't need to hear sandnigger this, sandnigger that all the time.

yes I think blacks are on average slightly dumber than whites. But I don't believe we should kill all blacks. Shit's ridiculous.

And don't even get me started on women. Sup Forums hates women so much, because they're all fucking virgins.

>i'm a faggot and here's why
no shit O'reilly

Why don't go to kikebook then ? it's normie paradise in that shit.

your opinions are right where they belong, friend

>with the trash

Honestly, I'm not being sarcastic here.. But you really are looking for reddit. Sup Forums as a whole has always been like this and Sup Forums is no different. You don't get to change our culture, you can fuck off if it doesn't suit you niggerfaggot.

Just go to reddit you fucking faggot

I support this idea.

As a woman I would like a place to talk about politics without being hassled for my gender.

how do you get a girlfriend

Brain is more important than the rest of the body combined. Seriously if that was my kind I'd just put it down and make a new one.

>wanting a chan board that lacks channers

It's called /r/thedonald. Plz go cuck.

I have to agree. I wouldn't mind having less pseudo normies around here.