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Where are they going?
Hopefully the shit hole Seattle.
Lead is pretty warm, right?
They're all going to be given welfare and housing. Meanwhile we have homeless veterans and starving citizens everywhere.
It should be evident to most by now that this isn't a humanitarian effort.
Hopefully California and New York, let them enrich some liberals who are stupid enough to be around them.
*Obama welcomes....
Are they saving pictures of assad? I thought USA hated assad.
Honestly pol, there's so much shit going on every where, how do De redpill, I can't fucking deal with all this shit any more.
Only commie hellholes and Arizona are taking refugees.
Why are they raising pics of Assad?
If they love him so much why didn't they stay and fight for Assad?
>how do De redpill
You dont. Once you take the redpill, there is no going back.
Those are just Syrians, we take in100k+ a year, more than half Sunnis. It's bullshit. Just blow my shit up senpai.
This literally puts me into depression. Why is the world crumbling :( I'm losing everyone.
This shit is consuming me man, Jews and refugees and white genocide and globalism and subversive cultures and degeneracy and leftist agendas and the fucking holocaust man......wtf is going on, I fucking addled.
So I'm fucked in California aren't I?
It's better to know than to be a fool in their system. Imagine being an ignorant young parent still under their subversion. You're unwittingly raising your kid to be their slaves. In fact, most of the raising will be done by THEM through social media, the shows they watch, the games they play, etc.
I don't have a life any more mate, I don't go out, I don't play video, I don't watch movies, I don't play my guitar, every time I read about some shit here it points to some article somewhere, I read that and there's something sinister going on and I keep following all these puppet strings and it's just a fucking mess. Ignorance was bliss. I am confused all the time and filled with hate and anger.
>be me
>last semester of senior year
>sitting in calc
>teacher says something about a new girl
>says she's gonna sit next to me
>next week
>find a shitskin girl right next to me when I walk in
>big tits.jpeg
>bell rings
>girl introduces herself to the class
>a fucking sophomore from Tunisia
>next few weeks she's struggling because of going from pre-algebra to calc
>shitty english too
>starts talking to me more and more
>laughs at my jokes
>I remember tfw no gf
>decide to take her to see star wars since I haven't seen it yet at the time
>after movie
>parking lot is pretty empty, my car is all the way on the other side
>one thing leads to another
>take her home
>next day I walk into class
>she looks at me worried
>user, as soon as I got home my father checked between my legs and saw some sticky stuff on the hair
>i made an excuse but i'm not sure he believed me
>be more careful next time
Next day
>comes to school with a bruise on her face
>doesn't talk to me anymore
>never see her again after the weekend
I heard they are a lot of fun. New Years Eve is supposed to be real rush with them around.
>It's better to know than to be a fool in their system.
Is it though? Does Sup Forums ever talk about Agenda 21?
What why?
What a story Mark.
>Several states have not taken any. Those include Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Mississippi, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming.
Weird that the whitest (and one of the blue-est) states in the Union wouldn't jump at the chance to resettle these 'poor innocent minorities.'
let the raping begin
>we have a number of Muslims that I've seemingly never noticed before in my town in FL it's like they came within a year or so. Saw some articles lately about them having a mosque and everything (pretty strange towns pretty rich and white)
Isn't that Bernie's state?
And yet not a single case heard of a refugee raping a woman of bombing something here yet
Sup Forums is always wrong
I know that feel. I live in Arkansas and my school suddenly has two actual hijab'd midget muslim girls. We're not supposed to have syrian refugees, so I think they might be part of Barry's regularly scheduled programming.
It needs to end.
Wow, look at those women and children.
lol hope bro dean and his crew are coming to give them a warm welcome.
The butthurt is going to be MASSIVE.
if you havent seen this guy:
>my father checked between my legs
>10K Syrin refugees enter US
I wonder how many of the 10K have been slaughtered so far?
i don't understand why we're even doing this. we don't put tigers in aquariums. we don't put whales in the desert. so why the fuck aren't we putting these fucking Islamic sleeper cells in an environment that they would be comfortable with. like Nevada. specifically where they test nukes. or Mexico even. those faggots keep sneaking over here. that means they are creating a vacancy over there.
none because the US is cucked. the only time whites kill brown people is when they are attacked first. and then the nigs burn down the town and try and kill more whites and cops.
They won't do that, it doesn't fit the purpose of bringing them. Their purpose is to out-breed white people in time.
People don't realize that Hillary is going to send refugees to traditionally Red states in an effort to win in 2020. She'll send them to Texas, Arizona, NC, SC, GA, Iowa, Ohio etc. She has those states locked up, not even Reagan 2.0 can beat her.
Fucking why?
To cement it being a blue state.
Because voting time is coming up.
Gotta prepare Pennsylvania and Florida to be good goys this election.
>yfw they are all orthodox christians and druze
What about gangs? Gangs will slaughter some refugees.
And you called us Britainistan.
That picture could be taken anywhere, most likely a stock photo. It's probably not even refugees, just Syrians living in Syria.
Still us.
>in a country with 330 millions of people
Wow it's fucking nothing
When licking her pussy for inspection reasons Mr. Gupta found out that there is something wrong.
Living in MS pays off for once? Hot damn.
>because they supposedly pose a security risk
Nice unbiased journalism you got there. I'm sure a bunch of mudshitters from a war-torn hellhole with virtually no background history or documentation are totally safe to harbor.
Fuck me they are ALL men of military age
Go back and fight your own wars you Syrian pedophiles
I just realized
>over 2/3rds of the states said no to rapefugees
>obongo puts them in those states exactly aside from a few
>20 million illegals and their anchor babies
I have read that they are mostly going to states that vote conservative. It is a ploy to shift the voting demographics towards the democrats.
Every time Obongo takes in more refugees and puts them in my state I have a insanely greater chance of being robbed, my sisters being raped and killed, my whole family being killed.
They do this when the American people are against it, scumbag politicians.
calm down Todd
That would be a relief, but then they might vote conservative and im sure thats not what Obama wants.
human shield around the south side?
I know you're telling yourself that so you can sleep better, but we all know they're going to Wichita and Boise and Amarillo
I wonder what would happen if the Syrian refugees settled in a mostly Mexican neighborhood.
That explains why I see more and more every week in pennsylvania..... the non philhole area
so... we have to make a truce with the nigger & spic gangs. only as one can we kill off all the Syrians. we may need the help from the Asian Dawn too. they have computers and shit.
Which county?
EIGHT HUNDRED KAY Or is it ten million now?
im betting we literally took the best ones because USA USA USA
I doubt they'll be shoved into Democrat precincts. Most likely they'll be put into *required* affordable housing areas within white republican suburbs.
>hurrrrrr europe gets a million we all dont pay attention
> all of a sudden us gets 10000 not even one percent of the population op the faggot bursts into laughter
fuck off
Isn't it vile? To sacrifice the safety of even one american civilian for complete foreigners as an elected politician... Shit just don't make sense.
As an american, 1 american life should be more important than the other 7 billion non americans combined. (Of course that isn't a blank check for retardation, but you know what I mean.)
1. the United States has the strictest refugee program in the entire western world
2. is probably right
3. Germany accepted what, 800,000? compare that to 10,000
you probably wont ever see one of these refugees in your life
According to the article...
>But admissions spiked dramatically starting in May, after the US beefed up staffing at key processing locations in Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt, accelerating the security vetting and interview process for applicants.
>While meeting the target is likely to be touted as a major achievement for the administration, not everyone is happy about the accomplishment.
>State Department officials have stood by the rigor of their vetting process, however, insisting refugees are the most thoroughly screened group of travelers to the US.
To be honest, this sounds a lot like Brain Drain 2: Electric Boogaloo. I bet the majority of them are medical personnel or in higher education.
>failing your daily vagina inspection
So basically you guys are complaining over the amount Italy got in a single day.
All hell will break lose in the US of A because of 10,000 Muslims scattered across the country.
>this isn't a humanitarian effort
No, it's pure spite. Labour did the same thing in Britain, just to rub it in the faces of the Tories.
>thousands of homeless veterans who have already proven their loyalty and sacrificed for their country
>lololol let's give homes to a bunch of fucking muslim subhumans who hate America
This shit makes my blood boil.
nasty fucking Dems. they won't allow em in their own neck of the woods. and they think that we'll just sit on our thumbs while these rapists & child molesters run out streets.
Yep. Now vets like my dad suddenly have a 20% copay to help obongo ship in muddies.
It's over lads. I can't wait to go eat at a yc's and get blown up
its not europe, you can't just randomly rape someone.
if you try selling drugs you probably will get fucked up too
were you personally effected by these?
They can threaten all they want. Those threats are literally completely empty.
i'm a vet. i probably have another 30 years on the force unless i get gunned down by a Marcus with a stolen gun. every day it breaks my heart seeing homeless American veterans or PTSD stricken vets at VA. if we can't figure out how to help our own, then we shouldn't try and make matters worse.
The picture is unrelated, because CNN sucks
No, but I am personally threatened when Obama throws refugees into my state knowing they are prone to violence, rape, and killings.
When Clinton is president you will finally understand what it means to have real open borders like we do.
Be open minded and progressive.
Come on Germany.
You used to be cool
Hey man you got it coming. We all likely do
>They do this when the American people are against it, scumbag politicians.
What exactly is their plan?
10,000 is nothing. And yet, pisses off so many people.
What is the strategy and purpose? Is this just the first drop in a flood?
I hear people saying the need more working-age people because of our demographic crisis. But there are no real jobs to give them. The ones they do get will make them net-negative on taxes.
I just does not make sense from any angle besides bleeding-heart liberal incompetence
We get called cucks everytime because of it, because we dont kill them.
Lets see how the Burgers wo ran their mouth here how that would never happen in the US will deal with them.