If she wins the election and she takes away our freedom, we have the constitutional right to revolt.
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Even if we don't we should revolt. She is a treasonous megalomaniac.
lol what constitution
the one the chimp made ineffective?
I see the power of meme magic is on my side.
not only our right, but our duty
It's a double edged blade, if the leaders don't follow the rules, nobody should
And she has the right to BTFO you right wing retards
the american youth will be programmed to think the constitution is outdated and made by old white men long ago who kept slaves
its time for a (((new))) one to be drafted banning guns like europe lol
sad times.
to revolt you have to have people
people are playing games and too busy trying to make ends meet to be bothered with revolting
Kek is blessing the shit out of this thread
We must work our meme magic to its fullest, and Americans I fully expect you to get out there and cause some fucking chaos if Hillary rigs the election.
You've never read the constitution, I'm guessing.
I certainly won't judge negatively who takes up arms.
FBI/NSA/CIA pls go. Nobody here wants to discuss violent uprisings plans with you
if they use the drone, we win
This, only unemployed people have time to revolt.
Trips say it.
If clinton wins
If anyone is willing to pay for my flights I'm willing to chain myself to a fence outside the white house and self immolate
>the american youth will be programmed to think the constitution is outdated and made by old white men long ago who kept slaves
I had to take a mandatory English class in college with some beaner faggot professor. He had to punctuate every mention of the founding fathers with some bullshit like "A noble quote... but somewhat weakened when you consider that he held many slaves" or "Benjamin Franklin was a brilliant man... or perhaps not- he didn't plan to set his slaves free after he died."
Sorry for blogging but that statement really resonated with me. I've seen this kind of indoctrination first hand.
Internet will be shut down. PRONTO.
Backbones will be reckts ASAP
lmao as if any of you will actually do it
my life is shitty, desu..
The best solution..is the one that results with human civility taking place and the lights on.
That does not leave room for MUSLIMS.
Muslims need to go (as in straight X..X mode) They are the worst EVER...EVERRRRR
what are you going to do after you revolt and win?
hard to overthrow a government in a rascal scooter
>le government will bomb its own people and destroy its own cities may may
Kill yourself. Those drones are for bombing sand niggers, not American citizens.
I agree 100%. It is out dated. Basic updates would be useful.
The founding fathers created systems for constitutional amendments. But its much to difficult, and I wouldn't trust any politician of either party to be part of a constitutional convention.
shoulda told that spic that he was a cunt...what a fucking piece of shit!
I'm sick of filthy anti-American right wingers constantly fantasizing about killing American soldiers.
10/10 would join in
id wear a redcoat also for the keks
how much of a retard are you to think they'd nuke their own resources?
you aint societally ready to hand in your guns
south america is savage and you have savage negros and hispanics in your nation
till your society is fixed and south america is tamed the guns should and must stay for the safety of all americans.
i do
There will be an instantaneous insurrection. The government knows this. That's why they've prepared for it.
They really just want to see how far they can push it.
>75% of the military is projected to join the rebels
We wont be killing real soldiers.
>he actually believes the government wouldnt use drones to kill citizens
jesus fucking christ
i cant wait for this election to end already this cringey reddit shit has to end
>If she wins the election
>implying no fait accompli the moment drumpf stole the whigs' nomination
Yes, and the government has the constitutional right to run you over with tanks, what's your point? There is not going to be a revolt.
No you don't
use of arms against the govt gives you a chance
sure you cant beat them outright but you can bleed em slowly
gurilla warfare is the one thing american military hates...its why afghanistan is called the graveyard of empires and its the reason you got btfo in vietnam
If she even lives to win the election. She will most likely die from her medical problems.
>There is not going to be a revolt.
Says who?
When you kill citiziens, you kill your workfare. You kill the guys that make your supplies, it is like choking yourself to death. Also that would make other nations get in and citiziens rebel. That means military boicot. No citiziens, no ammo
>if the military mutinies, they win
I wish you faggots would. Give us an excuse to wipe you pathetic shits out from existence.
It will end like in Turkey. Milions of drones will stop you in the name of "democracy".
>Internet will be shut down. PRONTO.
big deal.. its the HAM radios that will be used during the happening
>we have the constitutional right to revolt
How about the not-a-faggotutional right to revolt? Or do you not qualify for that one?
Good luck distinguishing me from any other random citizen. Mathis is the same reason the insurgency was so effective in Iraq. A drone can't tell who is a citizen and who is a person delivering a bomb, or concealing a pistol
You're trying too hard. Must be a New Zealand immigrant trying to integrate
If she wins in a legitimate election you don't have the right to revolt
We've already found you.
>>he actually believes the government wouldnt use drones to kill citizens
they'll be able to blow up about 5000 houses... then out of ammo
A month ago I was a noguns. Now I have 2 guns and am buying parts for my first AR. I think lots of other noguns are doing the same. I still have a lot to buy for them to make them tactically viable, and other supplies too.
This election is different. If Hillary wins, the Supreme court will be far leftist until the end of time, globalists will have free reign over the country, and the replacement of the population will accelerate. We need to be ready to defend our country and our people from these monsters.
They do because people control them. But they didnt gave a shit and shoot citiziens anyway. They called babies funny sized terrorists
As usual, leafs add zero to the conversation. Enjoy being cucked by Trudy.
that's what Egypt said too
nigger detected
>5000 houses
We are not destroying chabolas like in iran here
it laughable that you believe all secessionist look a certain way, many of us have government jobs with access to important people , information, and equipment...... Or maybe we don't goyim
his tshirt is pretty good, i want it.
we have the right, right now. government doesn't grant rights.
a nigger uprising will result in uk and half the commonwealth coming over to help the army to stamp you flat
we are good at it as history has shown.
OP youre revolting
I want a Hillary blowjob
Imagine what kind of ability she has
clearly better than Trump
Every time they kill a citizen who may not have been involved they create more insurgent supporters, it would defeat their interest. How can you win a war with no public support
>those .jpg artifacts
>l secessionist look a certain way, many of us
Literally a proud, treasanous America hater.
You right wingers disgust me.
I know pic related triggers you.
wasnt obama supposed to take away your freedom?
No right to revolt is provided in the Constitution. The right to revolt is outlined in the Declaration of Independence along with a list of relevant justifications.
The Constitution does provide us with a Fifth Amendment, such that we can petition our state legislatures to amend the Constitution and bring the Federal government under control. Should the Constitution be amended legitimately and the Federal government ignore it, only then is it a moral imperative to revolt.
If they kill us we win
s/Fifth Amendment/Article Five/
Silly thing to mistype.
lol you're delusional af. It's sad that this cesspool containment board is just constantly reinforcing your stupidity.
>Literally a proud, treasanous America hater.
being loyal to the constitution is treasonous? I'd think those politicians trying to destroy it are the traitors. Victors write the history anyway.
> a fucking leaf having any opinion based in substance on American issues. I'm sorry you choose to live vicariously through us.
Meh. Her stated policy is to deprive us of our rights, she is totally corrupt and belongs in prison. If she wins why wait?
>wasnt obama supposed to take away your freedom?
He tried and failed. Hillary would have it much easier with the supreme court appointment.
Advocating secession is treason.
I can't wait till Hillary obliterates you fuckers.
Go take over a wildlife refuge in Oregon. Watch what happens.
>No right to revolt is provided in the Constitution.
Constitution doesn't give any rights. It protects rights we already have.
By being obama, bombing them again and gagging the media to shut up and not say anything about drone bombing
>Go take over a wildlife refuge in Oregon. Watch what happens.
Bundy ranch?
but I love America and I don't want to fight my countrymen nomatter how much of a cocksucker they are.
Why lord KEK why!
this board influences the real world..brexit and even the american elections m8
you will be oppressed mark my words
The difference is that that happened overseas. When its happen ending to people you know, it's hard for the government to hide it.
Perhaps it's different in your country but here, many soldiers and police officers hold a high degree of scepticism and mistrust of our government and elected officials
I think I'll just cause 20 million dollars worth of property damage a day until the state government collapses.
>she takes away our freedom
lol oh wow those delusions of grandeur. pathetic.
Correct, which is why the OP is incorrect to say the Constitution gives us the right to revolt.
You are a faggot.
I wish a nigga would. The government would cease to exist.
>Ben Garrison drew a pepe
Things have really come full circle. I know it's a meme but this really does make me think.
>anti-American right wingers
Nice try.
[Citation needed]