How do other countries think of us? Are we peacekeepers, a strong country, and a free nation? Do we lead the world in liberalism?
Foreign perceptions of Canada
if you kill the enemy they win
A nation which was always moderately prosperous and never developed or fought for its own ideology unique.
Not a bad place to live, but in simple geopolitical terms you're just the spoiled hipster white girl nation of the world.
It doesn't matter what they think of us. We need to decide who we want to be.
seems pretty gay
I'm here on vacation from Sweden and I would call you cucks
irrelevant. just kinda there you know
>implying anyone these things are positive attributes
You are our hat and live above us. You also have a shitty government. Other than that that is about it.
Everyone outside of this autistic right board loves Canada
In fact it's the most loved country in the entire world
City people are shitty liberals
Rural folk are honest people, would compare them to the UP folk here in Michigan
Your politicians are like your city folk, tenfold.
But overall, i like you guys. You take all our radically liberal people, and freeze them. So thank you.
I love Canada. I'm planning to move there if Trump wins.
>swede calling someone a cuck
Source of Svt40s for americans
Doesn't take an outsider to know and see that we're cucks, especially with our joke of a PM.
It certainly won't be that way as long as our immigration policies remain so fucking liberal that were letting everyone in. Look at the nordic countries and how well immigration is working out for them thanks to their naïveté.
And SKS.
We have fought for solid ideals, but that was a hundred years ago. Canada then, Canada now. What the fuck happened?
t. aut right weenie
You were greatly over shadowed by us.
I like my VZ52s...but could use another ten soviet long sticks to bury.
Pretty much more laid back, really nice but less awesome Americans
Your PM is the biggest clown in the entire world , though
Is this dish loved worldwide?
100 years ago it was Britain which rallied the commonwealth to fight, Canada and say the Raj fought bravely but I don't think it was a choice without pressure and manipulation.
I maintain what I said, Canada's a slightly malformed photocopy of English ideals but has never really developed itself a cultural or ideological soul. It's just a moderately prosperous and ok place which bridges British and Yankee culture.
>completle inane bullshit from muhamed
>lil chinese twink agree
And that is how the Canadians who were continuously used as meat grinder during WWII are commemorated today friends.
This is what we prefer.
I've tried it at a local place and it's good, nothing to fly to Canada for though.
I prefer carne asada fries.
It's like if you bought a house and then your dad made you take your autist brother in and rent the attic to him, and then he didnt do anything but smoke weed and cry over pictures of starving African babies for 150 years. But then all of a sudden he starts letting sand niggers and regular niggers come live in the fucking attic and it's super not cool but your dad and his old faggy friends tell you you're a racist and you don't wanna hit your autistic brother so you tolerate his bullshit for the moment.
Damn that's a fine morsel you've got there.
is this really the end of all things?
has mass muslim population boom and migration really begun to mad max the entire Earth? All society breaks down, constant war and violence and all?
we were so close to exploring the stars.
>>completle inane bullshit from muhamed
Mate, I'm sorry but what part of that was bullshit?
Most of the world always has regarded Canada as being a prosperous place?
It also seems a fair observation that Canada having only just establishing true autonomy hasn't really separated itself very much from the spirit or ideology of the U.K.
So what part is insane and which part is bullshit?
They hate us 'cause the ain't us.