>Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forums will defend this
that many black folk probably died in the last ten minutes in Chicago
Yeah because of inequality and lack of opportunity. But you already knew that.
i unironically don't get this picture
I'm black and I have never been shot by a cop...
Also I wear a bow tie so people think I'm funny.
>tfw media too busy obsessing over Trump to have a story on every dead nigger
If nothing else, that is always a positive of having a Republican in office.
Throughout europe asia and south america niggers commit more crime than anyone else, but tell me more about the lack of opportunity black americans have.
>24 ghetto coons killed by cops compared to hundreds that get killed by eachother
Anyone know some nigger kinos? I like blood in blood out but that's mexicans
>trying to justify murdering and robbing people
kys you stupid fucking nigger. hope you get shot today by one of your own people.