What are some Sup Forums-approved cities?

Pls no small towns or suburban municipalities

Tel Aviv


Not a popular opinion on Sup Forums but I think L.A and San Fran are great cities

This is now a skyline thread

Starting out with GOAT

Imalone, wisconsin

Fort Worth TX


is that Boise OP? I liked it.

>Sup Forums approved cities

lol fuck man, does such a thing exist?
Probably Kowloon City, Budapest and Rome 2000 years ago

This is relevant to me. I will be moving with the wife in the next 6 months to pretty much anywhere I want.

What does Sup Forums recommend?

US only plz.

Currently in Dallas, not bad. I like it.

Of course you do, Paco. Los Angeles is the second largest Mexican city in the world, as LA has more Mexicans than the second largest city in Mexico, which is Guadalajara with 1.5 million people.

really makes u think

LA smells like piss though and there's bums everywhere.

pinche los beanos

>implying LA and San Fran arent festering cesspools of hipster degeneracy and modern """"""art""""""

You talking about the county? Because downtown is full of homeless niggers.

Wichita and Oklahoma City

>Beaners like sanctuary cities

Oh wow this is exciting

Butthurt Texans

this, actually a based city, so much better than Jerusalem

Why would they be butthurt? They're not the ones that lost it in the first place

Gilbert, Arizona. Home of the white LDS goddesses.

>Zion bank

>No small towns
>Picture of five traffic signals in "skyline" picture.

The fuck?

Boise is not the best, but it's alright.

And fuck off, we're full. Don't have the problems with women that you freaks have; we don't need any imported problems.

Gilbert is a de-facto suburb, not a city.

tokyo. crowded, but no crime.

Nampa Resident,

I concur with "fuck off, we're full"

Constantinople and Jerusalem.

LA, if you can find your community and don't mind the sprawl. LA is very dense, even despite its size, so if you can find a little part of town that you like, you're good.

Boulder is where'd I'd live if I was retired.