Was it tv kino?

Was it tv kino?

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Yo real talk? This show any good? I'm going through kino withdraw now that Game of Kino is over.

good until season 4 or 5 i don't remember, don't bother with it after ragnar vanishes

Borg did nothing wrong. I actually dropped when he died, am i losing something?

There were a few kino moments in S3 and 4 but not much. I guess if you're a fan of Ragnar and
Ecgberht you should watch it.

Yes, kino

It was kino, really beautiful and had some good philosophical moments about what being a man is about.
Then Muslims and lesbians happened. The Jews got their hands on this great show.
It's worth getting through though, when Ragnar and Ecgberht meet for the last time? Absolute kino. Great story telling.


Agreed, it had some amazing moments. Watch until Ragnar dies, well worth it.

when the chinese girl shows up actually

Actually shed tears when i first saw that scene



It was around that time the show was already degrading but goddamn that scene had me shed a bitch tear.

This scene and Maximus' death in Gladiator are the only scenes that have ever given me goosebumps.

"A man can get jealous of his sons but his daughter can always be the light in his life."
That hits hard.


The ending of Warrior is the only movie that has made me straight up cry.

Absolute kino that went downhill after Ragnar's death



I was in such a deep state of denial during this whole sequence you have no idea

It's kino because has no niggas


Not worth watching after Ragnar's death. I'd recommend The Last Kingdom though.

Yes, Niggas can do two things. Produce average music youtube.com/watch?v=Dlh-dzB2U4Y and shoot things.

The Last Kingdom is better.

Seasons 1 through 3 are kino, in that order too. The rest are hot shit. Still better than GoT though.