Multiculturalism is beautiful. Pic related is a Korean BBQ taco, which they sell in the streets of Los Angeles...

Multiculturalism is beautiful. Pic related is a Korean BBQ taco, which they sell in the streets of Los Angeles. Another great example is the godly Anglo-Indian fusion dish Tikka Masala. And don't even get me started on happa girls, who are the most beautiful in the world.

>Korean BBQ taco

looks like shit

Is that kimchi on it? I just made it for the first time a few weeks ago.

I don't think Anglo-Indian arose from the kind of multiculturalism you're thinking of

All you need to make ethnic food is the recipe. There's no need to import non-Western and third world hordes into our countries just to eat their foodstuffs.

Where is the korean part tho?
Was it outsourced and made with unpaid animators?

what the fuck is a happa girl?

There is a high chance that some kind of food prepared better in certain zones.
Like going to Chicago for pizza

all mexican food is garbage tier here, never been to mexico though.

>Chicago for pizza
You are wrong

If my choices are tasty food or a safe future for my children, I think the choice is obvious

Yea dont you go to Jew York for pizza?

so beautiful

Is this true /pol ck/?
Did the people lied about chicago pizza?
Go near the border one day and go to a real restaurant by mexicans. I don't know if you'll like it, but for sure is better than tacobell or where you got your stuff.

>There is a high chance that some kind of food prepared better in certain zones.
lol at magic dirt theory as applied to food


It's probably better than tacos de tripa. Fellow Sup Forumsacks, the beaneroids from the South like to eat beef tripe in their tacos. Absolutely disgusting.

That's supply and demand though.

There's less demand for NY style pizza in Chicago. You can find lots of great NY style pizza places outside of NY.

I live in San Diego and we definitely have some of the best Mexican food in the country. But if there was as much demand for tacos and burritos in other parts of the country the quality would get better.

looks over priced and not filling

>eating 'go 'za




>I'm throwing away my children's land and future and freedoms and pride for trendy restaurants and cool clothes

they really did raise a bunch of children

multiculturalism =/= multiracialism

The foundation of culture is the society it originated in and the practices it inhibits. The laws, the traditions, the languages, not the fucking food.

Also, you don't need Italians living next-door to eat Spaghetti just like you don't need chinky changs living next-door to eat whatever the hell that shit is that you posted.

>a new way to eat your pets- now with diarrhoea

>appropriating two cultures
I can't even