I think Sup Forums will love this

I think Sup Forums will love this
>have an old friend I used to race motocross with
>we grew away from each other
>he went off and made something of himself
>works at some kind of phosphate mine, most likely in an office, making crazy money
>got a 10/10 chick to say she would marry him
>bought this bitch a house, a car, everything she could possibly want
>spoils her
>see her post a meme the other day with a picture of flowers saying "it only costs $10 to keep me happy!" and she tagged him
>like buying her everything he already has wasn't enough
>then just now she posted this


kys faggot

I feel you man. Women are like this. Not ALL of them, but most women are. Biologically they are programmed to look for the best possible male to mate with, and they will upgrade whenever it is convenient to do so. Males on the other hand will try and pump their seed on as many women as possible.


>not all of them

It's really sad that saying this common knowledge is a bigger taboo than saying niggers are dumb



Yeah. I agree. Society used to keep this behavior in check by discouraging cheating/changing partners, but now since society has turned into this mess where everything should be acceptable, things are going to shit pretty fucking fast

No they dont. Thats a fucking lie.

I've seen housewives of wealthy people fucking scrubs. I've also seen them hooking up with gym rats who worked at the health food store making 12 an hour.

Women just like getting fucked. You look good and they can get away with it then they will fuck.

They only look for some idiot who will provide for them after they have been fucked plenty.

The leaf is right. Take your blog and shove it right up your ass

I ask why she enjoys being chattel

No homo but the guy is a catch, like I said he has a great job, hobbies, whatever you would think a chick wants in a relationship
And if even he can't keep a chick content I am absolutely doomed
I have one night stands and 1-3 year relationships, but the thought of keeping someone content enough not to fuck the pool boy the rest of my life sounds EXHAUSTING
Is the best way to be a DiCaprio and replace your girlfriend every couple years like car tires?

Typical unrealistic sponge of a leeching female

It has nothing to do with a blog...
This place is big on family values so I wanted to show you what you are in for when you finally get the girl of your dreams.


Dont matter.

Some new hot flavor could come her way say she is beautiful when she hasnt heard it from her man in 12 hours and be swept off her feet.

Like I said I have seen women of very wealthy men fuck no bodies.

My moms ex husband made 200k a year and she was fucking a young weed dealer on the side because he was good looking.

Thats the reality of things.


Thanks for the bump but what the fuck is this...


This user knows what's up

Telling your boring personal stories online has everything to do with a blog.


Mr. internet police over here
Go fuck a moose

>Yeah. I agree. Society used to keep this behavior in check by discouraging cheating/changing partners, but now since society has turned into this mess where everything should be acceptable, things are going to shit pretty fucking fast

We used to have the ability to shame people for behaviors that wrecked families and thus wrecked society.

This is my ex summed up perfectly.

Just worthless - "Let's hire a maid. That's why you have a job."

Why are divorces so expensive? Because they're worth it.

Weird how when a guy becomes a beta cuck provider the women walks all over him.

Just stick it in her ass to assert dominance every now and then and get her some damn flowers. Jesus it's not rocket science

just make him post that