Homosexuality: Behavior or Genetics?
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Behavior determined by genetics.
My extremely liberal professor said behaviors and sexuality cannot be genetic.
Genetics, pretty obviously
If it was behaviour I would choose to be gay
Not quite.
It could be induced.
But there is social aspects involved in faggotry.
Hence how you can have gay men who hate flamers/just try to live their lives.
the social aspects are overrated.
product of life circumstance.
If you were raised to be feminine as a male you will probably develop some type of sexual perversion. Homosexuality is not a genetic trait.
it mostly has to do with hormone exposure while still in the womb. Higher or lower exposures to testosterone and estrogen produce neurological differences in the fetus which can affect what features a person is attracted to. This does not imply that a homosexual person has a hormonal imbalance but that they carry the effects of erroneous exposure. Genes can also be a factor but that's much more rare
Nature, nurture, and environment.
Genetics, parenting, and culture.
Not that fags really matter, they only have a say because we end up looking so unreasonable for persecuting their butt shenanigans.
We should be talking about our ideals instead of projecting our failures onto others. If they don't meet our ideals then it is their problem, don't make it ours.
It's not genetics, you can stop being a homo anytime you want just don't bring a guy to bed, is it that hard to not have butt sex?
It's hard to have butt sex :^)
It's sick degenerate and a sin
Behaviour and society. I tried it out since it was widespread and popular. Sucked a dick or two and didn't like it, now straight again. Just glad I got out before the aids got me
Is it not both?
Decreased testosterone levels due to diets and latency of children in birthlines,
And that it is against conservative values and the status quo, while also being "against an injustice," making it something trendy to follow?
all of the gay fags i know hate pride.
Yes it's hard as fuck :)
If psychopathy is genetic then does that mean that serial murder is okay and shouldn't be illegal?
No. Just because a behavior is genetic that doesn't mean that society has to stand idly by and watch as a tiny 1% minority wreaks havoc and destroys lives and communities. Queers are a danger to public health, safety, morals, and morale. Just for being responsible for the HIV epidemic they should be shut out of society, if not the world.
Faggots belong in prison or body bags.
The hypersexual nature of male homosexuals is really my biggest gripe with them. And the hysteric reaction to pointing out that STD's aren't badges of honor, and despite being relatively treatable many of them have severe consequences for reproduction and health in general.
It's a mad world.
THIS! Finally glad to see another Canadian say this, homos are a danger to society, if there was a group of men with machine guns and a homo the homo would be the most dangerous one because he can kill 1,000 people without them even knowing there is a danger in the room with them.
Genetic components as well as environmental influences (including nutrition, drugs, familial/social interaction) during early childhood development
It isn't a choice. Blood just happens to flow to my dick when I see some tight boipucci.