I just found out my mother's mother's maiden name is Ackerman. She died before I was born. She is from New York State. What are the odds she was jewish?
Mother's Mother's Maiden Name is Ackerman
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> Died before you were born.
None I'd say, you don't exist.
I meant my grandmother on my mother's side.
High lol
Ask ur grandpa lol
I just discovered my dead mother's maiden name was Shekelstein what are you gonna do for me 6 bagels for $1.50 might as well be another shoah
It's a German name for one thing. And a cool computer science function too.
t. mathematician and computer scientist.
You're probably not.
Ackermann is an old german word for a farmer who owns at least one oxgang of land.
Acker = field
Mann = man (duh)
Ah okay. So she was likely just German than.
youre a jew most likely
Incredibly high. You are probably part Chosen. But since you obviously can understand that Jews are a problem and that being part Jewish clearly frightens you, then I would surmise to say that you didn't receive any Jewy genes that make you do Kike schemes. Just don't ever tell anybody and you'll be fine. After all, even Hitler had mischlings in his service.
I guess most of my ancestors were German then.
gift = poison (duh)
kopf = head (duh)
bein = leg (duh)
frau = woman (duh)
messer = knife (duh)
But online it looks like it could be anglo-saxon, dutch, german, OR jewish. Also I've never heard of anyone in my family being a practicing Jew.
the jews in your family probably lived in remote dark dank jew caves for fear of being discovered by the normal people
He said her name was Ackerman with one n.
There are some names which are pretty much always Jewish, they're names ending in "blatt" or "stein" (but not just "Stein" itself).
Then there are names where it depends on the prefix like "berg" or "man/mann".
Basically if it is anything valuable ("Gold", "Silber", "Edel") it's Jewish while more menial job descriptions (like "Acker" for an agricultural position) most likely aren't.
>Basically if it is anything valuable ("Gold", "Silber", "Edel") it's Jewish while more menial job descriptions (like "Acker" for an agricultural position) most likely aren't.
That's actually pretty funny xD
Platinumberg Diamondstein
Why do Germans niggle of wee shit like this? Ackerman is not Ackermann, it's missing an n.
Holy shitwater, do you know how stupid that sounds? Stein means stone, nothing big there either. We might even in America change a Stein to a Stone, it fucking happens! Missing an N, are you serious? Do you even English spelling know fucked up is it?
By Grandmother came from the Sudetenland just prior to WWII after her uncle was forced into the Nazi army.
She's very good with money. Entire family is smart and cunning.
Good thing she's German enough to roast a hog every day. She doesn't bode well for my vegan leftist hipster london trash brother.
I-I'm so sorry to hear. Stay strong user ;-;
Germans are good with money
If her name was Ackerman he already knows Mann means man making translating it somewhat redundant.Of course it's the same name.
The fuck are you talking about?
>Then there are names where it depends on the prefix like "berg" or "man/mann".
90% of them are jewish here.
So many Swedish surnames ends with -berg, nothing jewish about it here at least. Berg means mountain.
Rosenberg, Stenberg, Granberg, Lundberg. Not jewish.
Sure, in English we have iceberg, nobody knows it means ice mountain though. Cool secret. Sorry for pun.
After rereading what I wrote I come off as a brutish ass so just forget what I wrote.
>nobody knows it means ice mountain though
>tfw grandma's maiden name was Meddings
>she was from jewyork
remember to stay strong. I'm so sorry. Although if she game from anywhere "upstate" you got nothing to fear. only sister fucking hicks live there.
>ID ends with z