guilty pleasure tv shows
Guilty pleasure tv shows
i see only pleasure here
>Egyptian mummy episode
>that spinning chair when Gun sees the camera footage
the gayest person I ever met loved this show. so now I only associate this show with flaming homosexuals.
>guilty pleasure
only faggots say this. enjoy what you enjoy without qualifying it, loser.
that being said, psych is a good show.
The forced diversity makes it a bit cuck for me but I still like it
>guilty pleasure
you're kidding right?
Sup Forums is a guilty pleasure. Psych is something you watch with your parents and enjoy together.
God, imagine this kind of existence where you literally can't enjoy things with black people in them without feeling like a cuck. Is it more pathetic or tragic?
>forced diverstiy
nigger what
Dulé Hill makes the show
Imagine having your mind so rotted by Sup Forums memes that every black actor is ""forced diversity""
It can't be as gay as watching Project Runway, which I do unironically.
Sort you life out, gayboy.
I have watched like every episode of this trashy show and I fucking love it. Sad thing is for modern History channel standards it's more historical than 90% of their shows at this point.
Is such a thing even possible?
same here and yeah almost all other shows on their channel are trash
People don't have the balls to admit they like something on a fucking weeaboo board without qualifying it for fear of autistic neckbeards calling them Reddit.
Yeah I love this. Something about retarded /x/fags acting like scholars is just so enthralling.
wow man I remember back in the very early 2000s History Channel had all kinds of cool shit like Modern Marvels, Histories Mysteries and Wild West Tech with David Carradine. Then I remember everything being about WW2 and then after that I remember everything being about reality tv and aliens.
Ancient Aliens was best thing this channel had to offer. Although some theories were absurd. From some point of view they make sense.
Sooner or later (few throused years from now) we will start exploring planets. If we find out any other live forms and interact with them, developing them, we become 'ancient aliens' for their possible succesors.
Ok, enough this, i go back to /x/, sorry everyone.
Mr. Robot
Ohhh I thought he meant like guilty pleasure in the real world. But even here I thought everybody pretty much liked Psyche
There's a marathon of AA on His channel right now. It's marathonning every Friday apparently. It's top tier comfy watching.
how and why? are you an insecure cuck? I don't get it.
yeah every friday is alien alien day but i have watched all the episodes soo many times since i have all the seasons DLed
this one is decent as far as procedural shows go, but LA one is bad and tries way too much
It's an intriguing show with comedy and serious tones throughout.
What the fuck does diversity have to do with it?
Just fucking enjoy it.
I must be the only guy that liked that show
>forced diversity
Fucking moron
everyone on the show except the dad, is too stupid to realize the protragonists' gimmick. Except that one episode where they went to a school for smart kids.
Fuck off back to wherever you came from faggot.
no u
a guilty pleasure is something like Jeremy Kyle
I love watching these absolute low level scum and their plights
broad city
got too cringey after Meloni left.
So black guys aren't even allowed to be sidekicks now? I guess you blame feminism for female love interests too.
I'm trying
Why the pineapples in every episode?
You're either false flagging or genuinely retarded. Gus is not forced diversity. The show premiered in 2006, well before the current year insanity
>"for my new show I had turk and JD as the leads in mind"
>"can't do that our budget is too low but I know just the guys"
it's so bad but i want to marry regina
Gus and Shawn have excellent chemistry, fuck off
Next time, try actually thinking before you hit submit.
Why do you all assume he is talking about the Nigger and not the Spic? He could be a nigger.
if you're talking about the current seasons you really need to kill yourself
Don't be stupid
This is goos bait user. Well done
I don't have or want any tattoos, either.
That's also the one where they get spooked by something in the woods and run in a panic to their car, then gus takes a nine-point turn to turn the car around before they can speed away.
He's right you know I was talking about the filthy mexican
That's so true it hurts
Unless you are a working fashion designer the only purpose of that show is for you to suck cock
I-it's fun.
bait kino
I thought I was the only one!