"War on smoking"

Can someone redpill me on the tabacco industry? I jut saw the commercial for prop 56 which would impose an extra 2 dollar tax on cigarettes. I also live in commiefornia where Jerry brown decided smoking is for 21 and up now. and the ads are just god awful (pic related)

why is our government so hell bent on destroying tobacco?

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Cigarettes are for faggots
Cigars are where it's at

some thing tho. more tax

Go find and read the Jacob Sullum books For Your Own Good and Saying Yes. Knowledge comes from books, not random anonymous strangers, and these are exactly the books you need.

most of the anti-tobacco groups and think-tanks are actually run by tobacco companies where they can control the anti-tobacco people to make them as ineffective as possible. In a sense, Tobacco companies fight themselves so that they don't have to fight their actual enemies as much. The anti-tobacco lobbyists are probably also shills for the tobacco companies to make you think shit's getting done against them when really they're making more money than god off of dumb teenagers who think smoking makes them look cool and sad old people who can't quit.

And you wouldn't do the same if you were in their shoes?

$2 tax? kek. Our government continually raises the taxes every year. The next 4 years will be 12.5 percent to get a pack costing $40 bucks.

Gov should promote smoking so more people did and they can actually keep social security going.

smoking and vaping is for degenerates but taxing cigarettes is criminal too

It's not necessarily evil, just really, really Machiavellian.

I'm telling the truth, not telling you what to think.

My dad has been smoking all his life and when the taxes came guess what happened? He kept going, it's almost like they used health as excuse to tax an entire demographic.

I'm more interested in selling tobacco products to other countries rather there here.

>why is our government so hellbent on destroying tobacco

Because healthcare is fucking expensive for easily avoided chronic problems that smoking is well understood as a risk factor of

Not really a hard thing to figure out

I don't really give a fuck about smokers' rights. You're free to do anything as long as it doesn't fuck with other people, but smoking in public does affect others -- it fucking reeks, it's irritating to the eyes/nose, and it causes cancer. Everyone who smokes is a goddamn degenerate.

But I also wish libfags would stop all this stupid shit where they raise taxes on cigarettes, all these backhanded moves to make smoking more of a pain in the ass. Just ban it in public and let people do whatever the fuck they want in private.

As a respiratory therapist student let me just say thank you.

Big tobacco is already on that game, slowly abandoning the west in favor of countries with a virgin population to hook

By the way the only reason they're trying to tax cigarettes AND vape products, is because California ran out of the Master settlement agreement yearly payments, these morons took out loans to spend on other shit.

Little did they know that tobacco sales would drop.

Now they're grasping at straws, don't believe they give a shit about public health.

It isn't, they know that people WILL continue buying tobacco no matter how expensive they make it, and they're trying to use that to prop up their horrible mismanagement of their states' budgets.

>libfags against smoking

You ever been to a liberal dominated area? Everyone fucking smokes there, unless they are environmentalists or health nuts. Can't say the same about conservative places

Why is there no war on fast-food again?

So why cancer rates were so much lower when people were free to smoke in pubs, restaurants and public in general?

If you regulate the hell out of the cigarette industry but don't outright ban it what you are actually doing is making the cigarette companies money by allowing the ones who can deal with the regulations corner the market.

The most polluted city in the world blames cigarettes for all its problems.

> when will they put stickers on cars

Because healthy at all sizes you sizeist bigot!!

So why are there dozens of brands? The ones making the money off it are the govt.

Health taxes have always been borderline illegal if not outright illegal. Fuck the government telling people how to live. It doesn't work anyway.

The real reason they tax this shit is because White people use it while Rajlites and niggers don't. Just another excuse to tax the White man and put in place the foundation for Sharia law.

They'll kill you.
What? Did you think there was something else to them?

Because they lived much shorter lives. We've doubled lifespans in a century with medicine and sanitation.

There used to be more.
and there will be fewer.
and one day there just might be one.

Why aren't guns banned then?

thats another thing

>muh cigs kill people

more people die of obesity each year and there no excuse like "addiction" but we get shit like "Fat acceptance"

kill me senpai

All those brands are actually three companies.


Is there anything stopping people from growing and rolling their own tobacco like stoners do with their weed?

Even so the government collects 10x the profit a tobacco company makes yearly here.

I had a friend who used to do that. he never got in trouble but then how would the cops ever find out ?

Is it even illegal to grow tobacco?

The real question is "Will liberals ever stop going for the dick?"

Seriously, do they think our manhood is that fragile?

What about Altria they are a huge client at my job

Uh No. The govt doesn't care about your health and the health care lobby wants you sick so they can make money off of you.

The most intelligent response in the thread

Pre war tactic, another one is wage increases. Notice the wage increases? Check out pre world war news to find drug wars and wage increases.

Vaping is my way out of smoking.

I'd assume you atleast need a permit or something but my friend just went for it


You need a permit to grow it for personal use and additional licensing + tax obligations to sell.

Our Gov is catching onto vaping and starting to tax it just as hard as cigs. Pretty much destroys the "muh health" argument the gov uses to justify it.

of all the things that need to be outlawed, cigarettes should be numbers 1 - 20

any attempts at raising costs is a dishonest way to get more tax revenue while pretending to care about the citizens you'll be spending tax money to take care of after they get lung cancer

The Nazis banned smoking in the 30's

It took the Jewed west 50 years to catch up because the tobacco industry had to make their money

Mostly the tobacco curing process, it takes time and it's a pain in the ass. you can't just dry the leaves out and smoke it.


They're not though.
Fda over taxes em unfortunately

>cures cancer

every time

Why wouldn't it be legal with that much revenue?

You think the govt cares about the people or something?

>those labels on the cigarette

wow, that propaganda is pretty intense. Especially considering the most dangerous thing about both of those things is the act of smoking itself.

Turns out inhaling hot smoke, no matter what the source, is not good for your lungs! Who would have guessed.

I wanna smoke again and I feel like going to the shops now to buy a pack but supposedly it makes your dick shrink and I wanna get /fit/ as well.

But I wanna smoke now so bad



It's an easy kill, compared to targeting the sky-high obesity epidemic which is caused by a myriad of additives in a wide range of foods, not just sugar.

That's the Big Tobacco lobbying.
They alsqo make shitty vaping devices and advertise the shit out of them so people who try it say "wtf i hate vaping now" and keep smoking their cigarettes.

They put strain on healthcare because a bunch of faggots like putting sticks in their mouths and inhaling cancer. Cigarettes and tobacco should be destroyed.

im not arguing against weed i just think we should be able to put whatever the fuck we want into our lungs without a bunch of politicians getting triggered


Actually maybe they're redpilled.


Smoking is for retards and faggots. It does all sorts of shit to fuck you up, has no positives, and is addictive.

>did so in tests on mice and rats
>no evidence of a similar effect in humans

You probably didn't expect me to actually read the article

I think it is just the government realizing they are losing tax revenue from smokers switching to vaping. Funny thing is I know a lot of people that switched to vaping because tax on cigarettes were becoming outrageous.

Big Tobacco has enough on their plate dealing with the anti-smoking movement in general, not to mention they can shift their business model to provide the nicotine for vaping quite easily.

The main thing influencing these tax increases are the government wanting more money.

>this is the level democracy must stoop to

why destroy an industry thats pumping money into an economy that desperately needs it. if people wanna kill themselves with cigs its their own business and problem

This is pretty interesting


I imagine this is a troll image, but my state (for example) makes $100,000,000 every year on cigarettes and other Tobacco products. It has only gone down because less people are smoking.

Gay people are disgusting. I've never met a gay person that wasn't a horrible person.

It actually does have anti-cancer properties, but calling it a cure is a very long stretch. Instead it is more accurate to say it slows the spread of certain cancers as well as providing physical and mental relief to the patient as they go through more intense treatments.

The way it slows cancer spread is not really understood and possibly exaggerated, but it does help in some way. "Curing" cancer is not true, though.

Rly makes u think

He's got a point you know, but the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement and the "The Truth Campaign" also provide a bunch of jobs for people. You can't stop self-determination.

sorry Marlboro-stein, wrong again


>cures cancer
Bro, it still puts tar in your lungs so you're still gonna get lung or throat cancer. And vaping, though lower in tar, still damages your airways and makes you vulnerable to adult onset asthma, which while more manageable than bronchitis and emphysema, still kinda sux.

Altria is Phillip Morris.

>most tests in the past were done on rats and mice as doing so on humans was "unethical"
>better disregard all medical advancements made doing so

Cigs are population control and tax on the stupid

Tommy Chong and Bob Marley got cancer, though.

I don't know who to trust anymore. There have been studies done showing that smoking increases intelligence and testosterone, surely if anything you would be more likely to breed as a smoker.


>Can someone redpill me on the tabacco industry?

Yeah don't smoke.

but I wanna go to the shop now and buy a pack i'm dying for one