Am I the only one who used to watch Lucky Luke and Asterix cartoons as a kid? This stuff is gold

am I the only one who used to watch Lucky Luke and Asterix cartoons as a kid? This stuff is gold

Other urls found in this thread:

>watched Lucky Luke and Asterix
>not read


I had some collections of both comics, btw this is Sup Forums

Don't care. You should have mentioned read.

What else you read? Also, state your favourites

Who /autistically wore mom jeans to look like Lucky Luke/ here?

Reading? man that shits gay.

dunno m8 I had some volumes featuring many different stories, haven't read those in a decade or so. I just happened to rewatch this movie yesterday. Basically no one knows about Lucky Luke in my country

Anyone have thoughts about Don Rosa's Scrooge?

I had some PC demo game where the horse talked 4-leafed clovers and then you'd get into a shootout or something. Fuck that was a fun game.

Jesse James easily.
Did they made more movies than Daisy Town and his greatest trick? I remember one with a mine but iirc that was his greatest trick.

Only ever watched Asterix not read. Britain is the best. It stands out by atmosphere alone but in other aspects it is best too like the rugby game. Though for me as a kid it was kinda dark.

Also there's a real life adaptation with Terence Hill as Lucky Luke that I really liked but it's more Terence Hill-ish than Lucky Luke-ish