>when you're a nazi frog and hillary tries to demonize you but you just chillin on your lily pad
When you're a nazi frog and hillary tries to demonize you but you just chillin on your lily pad
Tell me about it. I ironically write about how I want to gas the kikes on an anonymous image board and people are stupid enough to think I'm serious.
We need Sup Forumss tag line all over Sup Forums. 'all stories are a work of fiction and only a fool would believe them'
But don't get me wrong. I would have nothing against all the jewish and muslims dropping dead tomorrow
stop fucking shitting around with hillary shes obviously the best candidate
this srsly
fucking this
first post best post
Kek only wants for his followers to be comfy
strya, pls....
What so everyone with a different POV than you must be samefagging
Grow up
Hillary needs to kiss the frog so we can have prince albert on our dongs.
Mmm. Yes the delicious taste of... Degenerate politics.
Posting racist frog will not help your argumet you alt right fuck
Fuck same fags.
Check the ids...
Lets have a LOTGH dump
I'm just a little nazi frog
this is some meta level shitposting straya
Must be a new shill. Hope the shill factory is unionized or your job may be in danger....
This is serious business hillary can save the worlf from fascism and your accussing these people of samefagging when there clearly different posts
Cant believe I am doing this.
You see the thing labeled ID? Its the same person this is not opinion this is fact.
Thats a randomly assigned set up letters like the post number you idiot
Stop buying into conspiracy shit of go back to /x/
>replying unironically to an emufucker
No user your the idiot
This is actually a slide thread. He is bumping it to force other threads off the board. Sage, report and move along.