"Finally... after all these years... Game of thrones begins!"

>"Finally... after all these years... Game of thrones begins!"

The writing has gone to shit this season.

Other urls found in this thread:


>It's all going according to Bran


look at this dood

>dayum danairus, u fine as hell gurl
seriously D&D?

Was getting the dragon part of his masterplan?


>Now that the sun has set, I am truly...The Night King

>"Now I truly am The World of Warcraft Expansion Pack Wrath of the Lich King Featuring 12 New Epic Dungeons and Raids With Epic New Armor Sets"
How do they come up with this stuff?

>this season

The night king is Ned? Wtf?

GoT: S8 EP 8

>The white walkers have decimated all of Westeros.
>Kings landing is nothing but ash and ice
>All that stands is the iron throne
>The Night's King is seen walking to the throne
>He sits down
>"Now I truly have won this game of thrones"
>Fade to black

Created by David Benioff & D.B. Weiss.

what ever happened to her? i forgot she was still in the show


>Series 8, Episode 9.
>Jon Snow and Daenarys look over a smouldering Westeros.
>War has ravaged the land, only these two are left
>They start to sing a mournful song together.
>Tirion jumps out from behind a haybale
>"Wow what a song of Ice and Fire"
>Fade to black

Created by Davind Benioff and D.B Weiss.

She left for Volantis


>jon snow goes for a 1v1 with knoght kang
>deenaries is worried for jon snow
>then knoght kang removes face
>its aryah
>"laugh track"
>"screen fades to black"

I dunno. Didn't she say she needed to die next season in Westeros? Or was that someone else? I figure she'll revive somebody and kick the bucket. What else is she good for.

Night King sits on the throne. Turns out it's not iron but dragon glass. He cuts himself.

It was the thrones game all along.

The Night King is Bran Stark that came from the future, and you know it.

Also, Meera Reed is hotter than you guys think.

>Reveal one episode that she was old as fuck
>never refer or mention it again

>and who are you

> series ends with Night King winning
> he sits on the Iron Throne
> suddenly looks at the camera
> and who
> are you

GoT: Season 8 Episode 8

>Jon and Sam and walking away from the final battle victorious
>Sam is carrying Jon's bag, and says "What do you have in here, rocks?!?
>Jon says, "When I was Lord Commander we would lug 50lbs of ice up the wall"
>Sam says, "So what?"
>Jon says, "So what? So let's dance!"
>Jon rips a panel off of his bag, revealing a car stereo. He turns it on and cranks it up.
>Journey's, Anyway You Want It starts playing
>Everyone starts dancing
>Camera pulls back to reveal everyone who ever died is present and dancing
>Tyrion looks at the camera and says "Now that's what I call a song of ice and fire!"

>Fade to black

Created by Dabid Benioff and D.B Weiss.

>Game of Thrones isn't like other fantasy stories!
>everyone puts aside their differences to fight a big bad that is evil for the sake of being evil

At least other fantasy stories don't pretend to be something they aren't and brag about it just to pull out the rug when they can't think of anything better.

such a badass pic.


>the show having the budget for wights in KL

>The throne was dreaming all along

>After defeating the nk jon returns kings landing.
>Davos crowns jon aka Aegon Targaryen and says "now come the days of the king"
> And jons speech will be: "this day does not belong to one man but to all, let us together rebuild this world that we may share in the days of peace"
>The end.