Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think about Anders Breivik?
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think about Anders Breivik?
He's a bad guy and deserves the death penalty! As do all Nazis.
You stupid Jew! I'm Palestinian and I hate you. You are going to get destroyed when we push you big-nosed apes into the sea!
We passed upon the stair
We spoke of was and when
Although I wasn't there
He said I was his friend
Which came as some surprise
"Reply to this post or your mom will die her sleep tonight."
There is no power on earth that can destroy Israel!
I'm a proud Christian and I stand with Israel!
user, do you have a minute?
I'd like to speak with you about these posts in my office.
Shit bloke. Even if he did kill potential future cucks.
what good has ever come out of palestine?
It has no value, abondon palestine and embrace other, BETER culture
I want to fuck that ______
Every fucking day this thread
>same text
>same pic
What the fuck is wrong with you op?
Are you some sperg with an Anders fetish?
Or are you getting paid to slide threads here?
Or are you looking for future Breiviks?
Why do you do this every day?
I masturbate to how salty you get.
>what good has ever come out of palestine?
Anyone who kills commies is alright by me.
>inb4 muh children
I was just listening to this song
I hope you step on a lego
Good comeback fattie
Now that this was posted again, what do you think about uncreative shitposters?
Fuck off with this shitty thread everyday. Saged