Whiteness Appreciation thread
My gf is white
Not white.
if only your gf looked like that
mein neger
>tfw white people will be extinct soon
>Search White women on google
>4th recommendation
Something more humorous.
When I first met her she defended it and now that I've red pilled her she hates it and wants it gone. I don't have any tatts
Yeah anons u r rite America needs the proven leadership of Hillary Clinton this November! Let's get out the vote and show those cucks and say I'M WITH HER!
doing god's work
That tattoo is a shame. She ruined herself for some a leaf?
Letting herself be photographed half naked. Still a whore.
>started listening to that guy three days ago
>thinking this is some serious nationalist aesthetic
>see it on Sup Forums
Are we part of the collective?