Which one of you was this?
Which one of you was this?
is she retarded? or just a wheelchair slut?
she looks to be high on drugs you get from dental work or something. she can barely talk
its not a meme. they all want bbc
kill me
Doped up from trip to dentist. That is funny though
>first drug experenice besides booze
>starts regurgitating cultural subversion.
Fuck when I had that drug back when I took off wisdom teeth I started saying shit about fucking my mestizo maid because she was mestizo and that was always a hidden secret of mine.
Why do dentists release patients that are clearly still under the influence of anesthesia? Is this a common practice in dentistry?
This is really bad, they should remain in the dental office until they actually come off the effects of the anesthesia.
You can wait there but most people don't.
after seeing this i think im going to wait because i cannot risk saying any fucking thing about the jews to my jewish family.
WTF is this shit. Is she slow or something?
shes clearly with her family to take care of her so they can release her
I don't think it's a good idea for the family to be posting this on the internet so she has to live with this her entire life of singe motherhood.
yeah i dont get that at all, maybe her sister or a friend posted it or sent it to a friend, but holy shit, cripple girl should fucking make it her life goal to walk just so she can fucking kill that backstabbing cunt
It doesn't make you that fucked up, trust me, this girls mom is just a piece of shit who probably jokes about the BBC all day
Lmao you cucks are so naive
You'll marry a girl like this and never know it till it's too late
Some of us do know that
I opted to not go under anesthesia for this reason. It wasnt painful but it was a shitload of pressure on my jaw. I didnt start calling people nigger in public or start talking about jewish people being lizardmen though so I call it a win.
I'm importing from Europe you fucking faggot
>stealth Sup Forums user on drugs
She's on anesthesia for dental work. It's this drug they put you on so it won't be painful. Kinda like vodka.
nice slide thread shlomo
and do what, tie her down?
you can get sued for anything, you have to tiptoe around this country and just let the retards do their thing or you get sued.