90s TV show

>90s TV show
>character lights up a cigarette
>gets lectured by everyone about the dangers of smoking
Was everyone this cucked back then?

No-one likes smokers. They smell like shit and working with them is a nightmare because they constantly need to take smoking breaks. If you're going to smoke, you may as well smoke weed instead of wasting money on cancer sticks.

Friends take it way too far
They all act like he's shooting up heroin

KEK, pretty sure smoking's not even allowed on a prime time network show these days, so who's more cucked?

so is smoking cigarettes the new alt right thing to do now or what

i smoke and id like to see this happen

You can't deny how cool it makes you look.

no, they're all working out and going straight edge because Trump said "no drugs, no alcohol, no cigarettes"

ours are the ones embracing fat-body acceptance and drug legalization

I'm a leftist and I vape.

yeah dude, smoking is cool dude

no it looks sad desu

only looks cool if the smoker was cool to begin with.

>it's another "chandler tryies to do a valium enema and the gang try and stop him" episode

as a smoker I'm sick of the "smoking looks cool" meme

it doesn't look like anything except a person, only they have a crutch in their hand

How the fuck do non smokers get through a work day? I think I'm just addicted to standing outside for a few minutes by myself every few hours desu.

I tell you what's really cool is violently coughing each and every morning for like ten minutes as you try and suck down your first cigarette of the day

Racists, pedophiles, and smokers are the three groups that society is allowed to hate without reservation and without feeling bad about it. You are allowed to shit on them to your hearts content, and everyone does. That's just how it is.

Cigarettes and coffee are the best breakfast a man can have.

REDPILL: they want to ban cigarettes because it makes you associate pleasure with having a white thing in your mouth, this is why vaping (sucking on a big black thing) is ok despite both fucking your lungs either way

Why is the first post always best post? It's like Sup Forums being always right.

Maybe for an out of shape potbelly man

Even after I switched to vaping I still lived for the short breaks at my shit cubicle job. And I would get annoyed when people tried talking to me even though I would wear headphones often with no music playing just to indicate I was not interested in socializing.

This. Wake up, drink coffee with cigs, take a good shit, get ready for the day.

It looks cool, but so does snorting coke off a hooker's tits.

And white people

>Racists, pedophiles, and smokers
The raycis meme has been debunked kiddo.

Now make this list:
>vegans, pedophiles, and smokers
and you're golden.

Oh hey there plebbit.

>smoke cigs everyday for a while
>get tired of it so quit
>start smoking cigars every once in a while and enjoy it
>try to smoke again recently and cant even finish one cig

They taste so fucking bad

Nah, makes you feel like shit desu.

But Coffee and cigarette after a good meal, now that's the real deal.

Okay I'm wracking my brain on this one but whats Reddit about coffee and cigarettes?

>Headphones on
>Shitpost while working
>Take extended coffee breaks because nobody gives a shit as long as you're smart about it

probably trying to be >le manly 50s man as a contrarian reaction to healthy foods and lifestyle

I'm European if that changes anything. Smoking isn't seen as macho here.

The same reason why your fedora in your wardrobe is reddit

I pretend smoke, like a pantomine. Been doing it since I was a kid.

Weed makes you lazy, put most pot heads smoke anyway, it brings back the high briefly. Anyway besides the bad smell a lot of smokers tend to work harder than and pick up the slack of lazy co-workers

Isn't it long established that vaping is the fedora method?

so the difference to current day being that no one has smoked on screen in decades, especially a mainstream character who's supposed to be good and funny

Have you ever worked at an office where everyone/majority of people smokes weed during smoke breaks?
I have and I assure you that we didn't get much work done and owner eventually reformed the whole thing and fired most personnel.
Marijuana isn't a substance for working, maybe for something creative, not the usual everyday average work.

Followed up with steak and whisky for lunch. Just try to keep it all out of your beard.

Because you're a 90s born queer trying to act cool

>Marijuana isn't a substance for working, maybe for something creative, not the usual everyday average work.
Cocaine on the other hand...

this. also they litter their cigarette butts everywhere. fuck smokers. it was worse in the 90s cause they did it inside restaurants and shit. smoking anything that doesn't get you high is retarded anyway

or sugar free energy drinks, damn, I miss smoking

\\\\\Adam Curtis mentioned something about this, that nobody likes smokers in modern society.

good luck being able to afford enough coke for a whole days worth
even wall street brokers run out of cash

>coffee and cigarettes are fedora now

Yeah, stimulants are great, if we're talking about some stressful work which requires a lot of performance many people do stimulants, be it amphetamines or cocaine, usually depends on paycheck. Those who don't use those still use the worst stimulant there is - caffeine.

Yea, lets not smoke something that improves cognitive performance and helps protect you from Alzheimers but lets smoke something that makes you useless for a few hours and is dangerous behind a car or other machinery

>Yea, lets not smoke something that improves cognitive performance and helps protect you from Alzheimers
Not only that, but smoking tobacco with your weed stops the short term memory problems associated with it.


I wasn't suggesting that smokers should smoke weed during their breaks. I was suggesting that they should solely smoke for recreational purposes, sort of like how people drink alcohol. If you need to constantly supply yourself with drugs to get through a work day then you cannot call yourself a functional human being.

>also they litter their cigarette butts everywhere.
Nice generalization. I and no one else I know litter our butts

coffee is fine, cigarettes are trash

Twin peaks return?

>Nice generalization.
Based on cigarette butts being literally the most littered single item.

>If you need to constantly supply yourself with drugs to get through a work day then you cannot call yourself a functional human being.
Most people just use sugar. If you have to snack at your desk, same problem.

Hmmm..... How very authoritarian and neuronormative of you!

>helps protect you from Alzheimers
Because you die before you can develop it.


Lmao this guy. First of all nicotine does get you "high" subtly, second most people don't share your immature view of smoking and how it should alter your perception dramatically, the ritual of smoking can be very relaxing and pleasant in itself, don't need to use weed or crack or salvia for that. What even the fuck is that argument? It's like "drinking anything that doesn't get you high is retarded". Kids these days can't fucking enjoy anything unless it's aggressively assaults all their fucking receptors.

A lot of workplaces don't allow snacks at your desk. And if you can't go a couple of hours without eating something then you're a fat fuck.

Smokers stink of shit. That's my only problem with them.

Smokers a shit

How old are you?
You have no fucking idea how much people use drugs everyday, how many different reasons they have for that, how many various additives there are in the food you consume and water you drink.
Most of your favourite pieces of music and cinema were made by dysfunctional human beings.
Most of the pieces of software you use to read this words (and you use thousands) while sitting somewhere on the other side of the globe were written by dysfunctional human beings.
Most of companies you walk past everyday were funded and are managed by dysfunctional human beings.
You're the only one who's well and functional, it seems. Ever thought about changing your definitions?

>a lot of workplaces don't allow snacks at your desk
Like retail and telemarketing? Or were you talking about lab technicians?


Dude I'm on your side but this is pretty cringe

All Smokers should kill themselves
I say that as someone about to light up a cigarette

Well they are you retard

I had to live with smokers for a few years and every time they couldn't clean up after themselves. The landlord had a strict no-smoking policy within the house so thankfully they always smoked in the garden. But they used to just leave the kitchen table covered in bits of rolling tobacco and they littered the garden with cigarette butts. Also every time I've been given a lift by a smoker, their car has been disgusting too. I've lived and worked in 3 different cities and the smokers I've worked with have all acted the same. I hate to generalise, but every smoker I've met has been filthy.

I mean take a gun and blow their brains out
Everyone is killing themselves just by living anyway

Both. I've found that a lot of offices have designated eating areas and don't like employees to eat at their desk. And usually drinks are only allowed if they have a lid on them.

My office doesn't care, then again not every office can trust their employers not to spill shit on the computer or eat some messy and smelly meal at their desk

Hide behind your magic cap all you want, fedora-guy, one day I'll get you.
Can't help but fucking write a long cringey wall of text when I see some guy spewing bullshit about functional human beings in some authoritarian tone. This is one of the very few things that get on my nerves. Woah you guys should do that, don't smoke, only for those purposes, only when I say so. Dreaming of building perfect society where everything works as you want. All without leaving your basement. This naive self-righteous bullshit just fires me up. With that fucking tone, as if everything you say makes perfect fucking sense already. Oh fuck off. I'm mad.

You clearly can't read, I said a "constant supply". And you're being incredibly pedantic about the use of the word "drug", obviously I'm referring to psychoactive drugs and not just any additives. People don't need to eat every hour, it should be the same with smoking.

Turbo faggot

You might have autism lad.

Smokers ought to be denied treatment at hospitals.

Don't be a homophobic Nazi

Same with transexuals. You chose to mutilate your body, now suffer the consequences.

every pot head degenerate i know also smokes regular cigarettes obviously. no self control.

cigarettes are fucking disgusting, nothing else to it

I wouldn't say they should be denied treatment but self-inflicted health issues (assuming they don't require immediate treatment) should have a lower priority. Obese people and gay people who contract HIV should fall in the same category.

Vaping is the pussiest shit someone could do. It's for the tards, user. For idiot children.

fucking THIS. There are few things that can compare to a cup of coffee and a cigarette. I sit in my garden with my dogs for like an hour and have at least two cigs. It's the perfect way to start a day.

Cool, buddy. You're very tough and edgy and I'm afraid of you.


Why is this board full of libtard faggots?


>addiction to gambling is considered bad
>addiction to alcohol is considered bad
>addiction to heroin is considered bad
>addiction to cocaine is considered bad
>addiction to nicotine is considered okay

All the best workers at my job are the smokers. Not exaggerating, the absolutely worthless people have never touched a cigarette.

>getting through an entire episode of the leftovers without craving a smoke.

Fine, but no more taxes on cigarettes then.

I live in LA where apparently everyone wants to tell you how awful smoking is. Yet, I can't light one up in public without at least 3 people asking to bum.

Smoking is a repulsive habit, glad it's dying.

You're fucking retarded. Cigs make you more productive. Weed makes you want to open up Youtube to watch le funny Vine compilations instead of working.

Who was in the wrong here?

>smoking will cease to exist in your lifetime
feels good man

this desu

It really doesn't make you more productive in my experience
a couple of days after you stopped smoking you actually feel a rush of energy