Gays people are completely contradictory to evolution, so why do they exist?
Why are gays a thing?
Smart people have less kids than dumb people
My guess is 70% natural disposition and 30% environmental influence.
The liberal meme of "Born this way" exists for purely political purposes, not scientific. We don't yet know exactly why gay people are gay.
and iirc, there is a significant trend of early childhood sexual abuse among homosexuals.
External factors and events that happen in their lives especially childhood
fascinating discourse
Yeah those are K selected peoples. They have a shit ton of kids because they inherently and instinctual lyrics know there's a significantly higher chance that a good portion of them will be too dumb to survive, so to counter act it, they breed more offspring. Like a turtle. They lay a shit ton of eggs in hopes a few will survive. Most Humans are R selected which means we're smart enough to have only a few children and raise them until they're ready for life.
I hope I didn't switch K and R around with this explanation.
Only if you are the type of narrow minded dipshit to only look at the evolution of individuals rather than groups as a whole.
cause we have free will.
animals will try to fuck their same gender, does that make them gay? no because there's no free will there.
>so why do they exist?
They were (((willed))) into existence.
Yeah anons u r rite America needs the proven leadership of Hillary Clinton this November! Let's get out the vote and show those cucks and say I'M WITH HER
>Gays people are completely contradictory to evolution, so why do they exist?
Gay gene could be recessive in heterosexual hosts and be dominant in their children?
Homosexuality could also be linked to a non-genetic cause. It's already linked to lower levels of testosterone. The more male children a woman has, the lower their testosterone levels and the more likely they are to be faggots.
The same reason there are 2 headed sperm or ones with no tails.
In a large enough population you're going to find defects.
There's no grand design to normalize cleft palates or spina bifida, however.
because people are fuckin soft, and kids minds are very impressionable when they're young and some shit happens that makes them think its ok to be gay. also, sometimes it's a kink, that becomes a habit
Either that
Or this
Probably both.
TL;DR, parasites can cause animals to be attracted to feces to aid their own reproduction. A plausible explaination of why gays eat tha poopoo.
That picture sums up the alt right perfectly btw milo is a joo.
look up the mouse utopia experiment.
overpopulation leads to society collapsing and becoming abnormal
cult leader
that's some nice pseudoscience you got there
Enhance social bonds between same gender most likely
.>Gay gene
A number of genes causes behavior not just one magic gene.
Thats bi-sexual, gays do not find woman attractive in any regard and hate them, why is this so?
It happens at the same rate as color blindness in men, so I guess that if 1/20 people is a little different, the rest of his tribe can cover any gaps.
thats just a meme
most gay dudes will also fuck a woman in their life.
>all the studies from the 70s and 80s
Have you considered that fags have become more STD-conscious and accepting of safe sex practices over the last 30 years, just like the rest of us?
Because communists are pushing the homosexual propaganda and a good proportion of millennials are very impressionable and are easily manipulated/brainwashed to think a certain way.
We need another Hitler
Men defend countries, not effeminate faggots/cucks or "empowered" women.
>That pic
What the fuck
Sorry but imma B-N type nigga for BOSS NIGGA that mean imma fuck all to hoes and be the richest Kang in chicago. You feel?
Have you ever considered that the field of research is manipulated, silenced, distorted, and funded/de-funded according to the social agenda being pushed? Do you believe an honest but negative study on gays would be published now?
Not everything in evolution has to directly the individual itself, when living in a group with member of the same species.
Also something as complicated as attraction surely doesn't reduce to merely one or two genes, there is almost certainly a network of genes all with other correlations and links that play a role. And all of that is before you get to environmental causes.
Also historically lots of gay people have had kids because they lived in societies where being straight was expected.
2 reasons. biology or psychology(probably depends on each case, much like the sociopath/psychopath)
biology; male has excessive hormones of opposite gender in body/ has flawed genetic code
psychology;traumatic or stressful events in life pervert sexuality onto same sex, as different sex is seen as stressful, but the sense of libido is intact
Hi, gay here.
Homosexuality is a neurological disorder, likely caused by some sort of prenatal hormonal dysregulation - that is, early environmental factors - rather than genetic risk factors.
I hate to say it but I tried for years and years to repress my sexual desires. From the onset of puberty I found PIV sex unsettling and revolting yet continued to stay closeted as I drifted further to the political right.
I finally broke and can't deny my faggotry any longer, yet I have no interest in suddenly espousing social liberal ideals just because they would babby me and make me feel better about myself.
I'm mentally ill, effectively sub-human, that's just the harsh reality.
I wouldn't choose it and considering how far-right I have been for years before admitting it, I hardly think it's fair to say "born this way" is a meme.
You can come to that conclusion if you want to
I think there's plenty of evidence to show that fags have significantly ameliorated their sexual practices in the last 30 years. The decline in AIDS death should make that pretty clear.
>why do deformities exist if they are not voluntarily fit
>why isn't everything completely prefect
its probably the hormones perverting the gene expression and psychology
You're both right.
There is no way that, for instance, the data from the Bell and Weinberg study is still accurate, if it ever was.
But any kind of research that goes against the liberal narrative is quelled. There was some promising research on conversion therapy, but the man behind it was eventually pressured into revoking his claims:
>contradictory to evolution
I don't think you understand how evolution works, friend.
>There was some promising research on conversion therapy
You're not even being ironic, are you
Or maybe health care has gotten better over the years, eh?
You don't understand
Humans will fuck literally anything.
When old galley ships left shore for months at a time, men were isolated away from women for long periods of time. The result was widespread sodomy. These were men with wives and families back at port, but when women were not available they went for the next best thing
A similar thing happens in modern prisons. In most primitive societies, copulation with animals was widespread and quite normal. It still is in Africa and parts of the Middle East (go on Sup Forums, you'll see the videos). The Australian aboriginals raped their own children, gang raping was a constant. They would cut a male child's penis in half lengthwise and have sex with the split open frankfurter.
A male dog will have sex with a cat. Or a tree. Or your leg. Whatever it can to satisfy it's urge.
This is just the hypersexual nature of humans. The idea that people are "born gay" is patently ridiculous. How many people "discovered" they were gay in the middle of their lives when they realized it could be used to gain social status with their peers?
Furthermore the idea that gay people want monogamous relationships is absolutely retarded, it's pure projection by heterosexuals. 20% of gays have HIV, how did they get it if they're all monogamous?
I understand how improving health care would prevent AIDS deaths, but it wouldn't prevent people from catching it.
The only thing that can explain a decrease in diagnoses would be better knowledge and safe sex practices. Its common sense.
They're an evolutionary aberration.
Evolution doesn't control choices
You sound like a gay expert
How come the long list of abstract fetishes and paraphilias are often though to be caused by something in someone life, but homosexuality, the paraphilia that is much more tame in comparison (literally attraction to masculine persons) is always explained by some in-the-womb "born this way" bullshit?
Is it so hard to accept that these people are basically just perverts?
>just realizing that it's men that are the degenerate side of humanity
>realizing that all the shit talking against women is projection
Do you really want more humans on this earth? Go back to Sup Forums
Women were the ones that wanted unregulated sex and you call men the degenerates.
Fellow homo here. As I become and more conservative I've also come to terms more and more that I am inherently gay. I despise the LGBT movement and its intellectual bankruptcy, and the only way I'd ever consider a homosexual relationship is if it were someone who you would never be able to tell was homo unless asked, because virtually all homos are gaudy, narcissistic faggots, and that includes Milo. Even then I'm not sure if I should do anything like that on principled grounds. I try to follow stoicism to hone my appetites, but I also masturbate a lot. Probably a little broken.
a dozen posts from a fetish website represents 4% of the human population
Which population?
2% of whites are gay, 10% of Jews are. Depends who you're talking about
Unregulated sex? What do you mean?
Still men are the ones trying to fuck dogs and trees and shit.
ER visits involving pulling something out of somebody ass are almost exclusively men.
lol I addressed some of what you said in this comment
Some other points about me.
1) I have always had a fear of STDs, moreso than most people.
2) I don't like shit, I honestly don't get why people think we're scat fetishists. It even bothers me that douching only gives the illusion of cleanliness (even though it is at least a big plus)
3) I'm not sexually promiscuous at all. I've had less sex than the vast majority of people. I'm 24 and have had sex exactly once. A HUGE factor in this is my aforementioned fear of STDs and mistrust of other gay guys because of shit like . Another part of me feels I would simply regret hooking up on principle and values
4) If it wasn't being born this way because of prenatal hormonal dysregulation, I'll concede that having an emotionally distant biological father, being primarily raised by a single mother and other female caregivers, and having a stint of living with a physically (but not sexually) abusive stepfather MAY have been factors.
5) I'd rather people just wrote me off as a lost cause not worth reparative/aversion therapy because at this point, after so many years of repression, I'm exhausted and don't think I could survive it.
6) I'm exclusively a bottom, it confuses me why there could be guys out there who would rather stick it in the stink than the pink, until I remember that the whole package of "woman" that comes with the front door isn't that appealing either. Thank fuck gay tops exist anyway.
7) Stoicism is cool, masturbation made things worse for me, self-castrating with anti-androgens really helped.
8) I swear I'm not a tranny. That's tongue-in-cheek but no, seriously, actually buying into that delusion is going way too deep.
Sexual liberation AKA OH MY GOD I WANNA SWALLOW SEMEN ALL THE TIME the movement.
I know a gay dude who says damn look at her when a sexy lady walks by.
He still fucks dude but hes got a good eye for ladies too. Also an awesome wing man. He goes in and breaks the ice and says I'm gay but my friend user over there he might be interested after hitting on them a little bit. He gets me in every time.
Women wanting to just have normal sex more freely = men sticking their dicks in literally everything
Because God created them.
10% of males of almost every animal species are homosexual
>this guy
>why do diseases and mental disorders exist
Homosexuality is not a thing that should exist; they are disorders, son.
>wanting to be a wild animal is normal
>this is what women actually think
Because nature is trying to find a solution to overpopulation, atomic bombs didnt take off as planned.
Because our society values effeminacy and gives special treatment to certain groups.
Because every gay couple creates two more opportunities for a straight man.
God hates fags, too bad he doesnt exist.
>Because nature is trying to find a solution to overpopulation
oh come off it lmao, how can anyone seriously believe that shit
>Because every gay couple creates two more opportunities for a straight man.
this on the other hand is an entirely valid argument.
yeah i've been saying this all along.
Calhoun experiments were degenerate because they were all trapped in a small space with no productive work to be done as all food and water was provided.
because being gay isn't in genes
it's social.
Every modern medicine or piece of technology is contradictory to our evolution, so fucking what?
you're fucking retarded
Yes that was the point, it provided a model for our current society.
Well, we've existed for all of human history, so I dunno, you tell me
Our society still has farmers and millions of jobs, though, maybe you mean its a model for a post-scarcity society where all societal needs except procreation are handled by robots?
Millions of people work but upper middle class liberals live in concrete fantasy zones where they have never lifted a finger for anything in their life. Why do you think homosexuality is so prominent in metropolitan liberal cities and the majority of modern homosexuals are young urban males raised primarily by women?
The experiment was projecting a forecast. It will only become more prominent as automation comes into play.
Chemical imbalances in the brain.
Calhoun experiments had nothing to do with homosexuality, it documented an increases level of stress and violence.
I should say consensual homosexuality because what happened in the Calhoun experiment was some rats just started raping everything they could.
Might have been due to an emasculite nurturing, and other factors. I don't do degenerate stuff, but still the attraction is there