Any one else ADHD here? I absorb so much information that I can only recall the generalities of an event...

Any one else ADHD here? I absorb so much information that I can only recall the generalities of an event, but can rarely recall the specifics.

I can read a dozen books in a few days, and give you a generalized summary, but the specifics and details are not easy at all to describe.

How can I discipline my brain to remember the specific details of an observation?

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Meditation helps. Not memeing.


Bump. I 100% know what you mean. I'm the exact same way.

>take 10 - 20 minutes
>sit down
>eyes closed or partially open

Fairly straightforward. After that time passes, granted you actually stick with it, you'll feel less overwhelmed.

Focus is a skill. Train it. Find a topic and immerse yourself in it.

>meditation mean taking a 20 minute nap

easy enough, will give it a shot.

I think he meant medication . That's my advice.

I think I'm fucked up. I can't remember anything. I can (sometimes) remember stuff that happened 5 years ago, but not what my sister told me to order at Chikfila.. I think it got worse when I started going on Sup Forums. I'm discussing with my doctor medication.

Expand your schemas.

Learn to associate thoughts with as many other thoughts as possible.

Learn to recall dreams in as vivid detail as possible.

Write down keywords or pictures from a dream immediately after waking up. Look back at it later and watch how easily you recall more of the dream.

Rinse and repeat until you don't need to write then down. You're effectively causing more connections in your brain by practicing remembering.

In terms of medicine, stop drinking and smoking weed. Adderall and modafinil can help.

wtf is that sentence

*I'm discussing medication with my doctor

checked, but not quite. you do have to be conscious for this.

some like background sounds (nature, white noise, etc). there's many different varieties of meditating one can do.

I am, college was really hard to pay attention.still got a 4.0 though.

Its more than a nap its making your mind void of thought, which is not an easy task. You wont get much from it in the beginning but it gets easier.

Now I feel like even more shit, im a hard worker but i just cant focus on any one thing at a time.

Same here. If I'm having a conversation with someone, they have to repeat their sentence multiple times for me to actually get it

>I absorb
That's not what you're doing.. kek

>How can I discipline my brain to remember the specific details of an observation?

You are what you are. Learn to love yourself and make the most with what you've got.

It's more like you are reading something and it brings up a thought that you ponder, while your eyes keep reading.

You lose your place.

Sounds like youre so selfish as fuck you cant stay out of your own thoughts long enough to hold a conversation.

Are you calling me a dummy?

Because that is not the case at all.

I'm the same. I use Evernote for fucking everything. I have to have two monitors at work. Zero short term memory. Couldn't tell you what I had for lunch today.

Have you considered a water filter to rid yourself of fluoride? Creatine also helps.


Complacency breeds mediocrity.

Greatness can be achieved by anyone.

OP, don't stop bettering yourself for the sake of ease.

Otherwise you turn into a commie.

>stop drinking and smoking weed
>do the prescription cocaine instead

yeah right

I didn't say it was healthy, but thousands of college kids can't be wrong.

It works for memory retention.

It's kind of why they prescribe it for people with adhd.

Except it isn't exclusively conversations. I carry around a fingernail clipper because I always have to have something in my hands. Imagine something being on the tip of your tounge, but having the feeling almost 24/7

pic related

I've used a water filter for about 6 months now.

use the Feynman method

try to explain it to someone in the simplest way possible with all the details. if you cannot explain it well then go back and learn what you were unable to explain. ask yourself questions about it and try to explain the answer

Don't, use the benefits of your condition to your advantage, rather than losing your advantage in your attempt to control the disadvantages. I'm ADHD too, and while it does make my grades suffer, I've found that by embracing it I've become a smarter individual.

Is ADHD even real?

This happens to me a little bit, it's like I'm focused on generalities, and I forget the details of a book that just finished yesterday.
But I know that the information is stored in some part of my subconscious waiting to be called by some external factor when it's needed, I don't even bother, maybe I should though, I've got an exam next week.


this is good.

never have.

>Is ADHD even real?

For anyone curious about ADHD I'd recommend this playlist

I don't have ADHD but I do have executive function and working memory problems and this doctor, Russell Barkley, is about the only person I found that can accurately describe what the symptoms are like or what they feel like. He really knows his stuff and he's put a lot of effort in getting information out via taped lectures.

Smoke cigarettes.

The philosophical value alone will remind you to slow the fuck down and enjoy the painful existence.


It's all there, I remember everything when I reread it.

For some reason my brain treats most things as unimportant and discards them.

I think his doctors name is medication.

Doesn't sound like ADHD, more like just an average memory desu senpai.
It's why studying is a thing.

I have ADD and OCD
But I'm a professional photographer so it actually helps my job quite a bit

Taking this thread over from retarded OP. This is now general self improvement thread and how to become white(gentlemanly and smart). To start, you should try exercising to help get your blood flowing. Anyone else feel free to add more advice to becoming less shitty.


You are a cuck, bro.

Spouting the same shit everyone learns in 2nd grade.

If exercising made you smart (I do exercise), the NFL would be rocket scientists.

The effects are minimal but there still indeed there, its not like exercise could do something drastic like change your skin color.
>Only comes after other ideas
>has no real imput
>has no real friends

right, but I do exercise and I know what you meant.

I just get tired of /fit/ interjecting on things that aren't relevant. Then you will get the MGTOW saying /no fap/, like every man on the planet didn't already know that instinctually.

>I stated that I exercise, several times

fuck off.

I didn't imply you didn't, user. I simply inserted some actual information into your back-and-forth with the other user.