>this triggers Sup Forums
This triggers Sup Forums
They seem to be missing a big one and adding in several of their own creation
"Rights" do not actually exist. The only things which exist are privileges afford by the state.
I don't even know where to fucking start.
>Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief
>Under traditional Islamic law (according to Abdurrahmanil-Djaziri's Kitabul-fiqh alal-madhahibil-'arbaa i.e Apostasy in Islam according to the Four Schools of Islamic Law (Vol. 5, pp. 422-440) First English Edition (Villach): 1997) an apostate may be given up to three days while in incarceration to repent and accept Islam again and if not the apostate is to be killed without any reservations.
wow really makes you think...
There are no human rights.
I don't see guns on that list.
>everyone has the right to a nationality
>except whites you fucking alt-right racists
>"no one can interfere with your reputation, family, home or correspondence"
>social media witch hunts that get people fired from their jobs and harassed at their homes.
It's not even the terms so much as the hypocrisy surrounding their implementation.
>the world is a magical dreamland where no one ever gets hurt or triggered
None of those are rights, they're just wishful thinking.
>right to travel anywhere you want
NO. You have the right to travel. If the nation you are travelling to doesn't want you there, then you cannot go there. Your right to travel is like your right to own a gun: If you are accepted by the place you're going to, you can go there, and if you pay for your own gun, then you can own it.
You DO NOT have the right to travel wherever you want, because then any person could enter a foreign country and never leave, all while that country does not approve of them being there.
Get your fucking rights right, you degenerate.
Trigger us?
That right there says we can break off and form our own nation whenever we want.
This. Borders exist for a reason.
Yeah anons u r rite America needs the proven leadership of Hillary Clinton this November! Let's get out the vote and show those cucks and say I'M WITH HER
>Forgetting the most important one, the right to keep and bear arms
get a load of this statist
Ahahahaha... It's 2016, have fun being on the wrong side of history with your racist human rights bullshit.
Rights are a social concept which regulates how governments treat the society in which they preside over.
>"Every adult has the right to a job"
Literally Soviet-tier.
utopian thinking
>Education is a right
>A service performed by people is your right
There is so much wrong about this
>wrongly imprisoned
Who gets to decide this?
The ones doing the imprisoning?
That's full of shit
>travel whereever
What is a flight risk?
>intellectual property
This is some real bullshit
>all adults
>shows two men
Can we nuke whoever made this from space?
Just start
I promise to read all of it, user
Yeah I'm sure in 1948 everyone agreed fags should be able to raise a family.
>no one has the right to hold you in slavery
>no one has the right to torture you
>everyone is innocent until proven guilty
>you have the right to privacy
>you have the right to own property
All of these things either include or are secured by guns, and yet these fuckstains are the only ones ever looking to remove guns from the People.
>you have the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law
what the fuck does that even mean?
>you have the right to seek asylum in another country if you are being persecuted in your own country
So that includes being persecuted for crimes I've commited? Or just when they're doing things against what the first few points make (that guns would help me secure).
>you are entitled to
fuck off. Also - cultural help from my government? So the government should be in charge of "''''helping"'''' me be more cultured?
Take a look at the fucking American Indian. See how great a job the US government did for them? Yeah, I didn't fucking think so.
Zenpencils is really fascinating to read.
He's definitely the kinda of guy that likes to hear himself talk.
Yet the people who say that stuff support and promote genocide of europeans, so for all the flowery feel good nonsense they claim to represent they don't truly believe those things.
There's literally nothing wrong about human rights
Do people seriously thing stuff like education is a right instead of something nice that you get because people are paying their taxes?
Do people seriously think jobs are a right?
If I'm convicted of stealing money from my workplace 50 times do they seriously think people should be forced to hire me?
Only so far as you recognize that they are a social construct, like equality.
Unless you willingly sell yourself into slavery.
>Protection of the law
Yup. But when you're breaking the law, then you face the consequences, too.
>Seek legal help.
Yup. You sure have the right to seek help. That doesn't guarantee help.
>Force you to leave your country.
Agreed. That has nothing to do with illegal immigrants, though.
>Innocent until PROVEN guilty.
Beyond a reasonable doubt.
>Travel wherever you want.
Nope. You need the hosting country's permission unless you are a citizen.
>Seek asylum
Sure. Seeking isn't guaranteeing the right to asylum.
The fuck does this even mean?
>Right to marriage and a family
Not really. If you can't find someone who wants to marry you, you don't get the govt to supply you with a spouse/family.
>Right to own property
No. This supposes that if you can not afford property, the government will supply it.
Nope. Up to your individual countries.
>Social security and govt money.
My sides.
>Right to a job
>Right to liesure
Unless you give up that right.
>Adequate living
It's not a right if you impose on the freedoms of others.
I also like how they failed to mention fundamental human rights like the right to free speech and the right to defend yourself because those trigger liberals.
Rights are by definition a social construct, duh.
>white people invent democracy
>white people force democracy on the rest of the world
how is this not oppression?
Kek you're retarded